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deanena tierney Jan 2012
May my soul be the one to settle you,
When there is no peace to be found.
And my hands be the ones to lift you up,
When you've fallen to the ground.
May my lips be the ones to whisper,
All the words that you so need to hear,
And my shoulder be the one you cry on,
When you lose something very dear.
May my ears be the ones that listen to,
All the things you are longing to say,
And my knees be the ones at the altar,
When you can't find the strength to pray.
May my eyes lead you out of the darkness,
When you've become unable to see,
Please allow me to do all of this for you,
Because you've done all of this for me.
deanena tierney Jan 2012
Words of love that have long since past,
As the breathless state just could not last,
Just as a pardon, by the sinner, is forgot,
Or as a winner's waste of a lifetime's lot,
Just as seasons do come and seasons do go,
And the truth disturbs all we used to know,
Just as an instant can blemish many years,
Or simple joy is replaced by mixed up tears,
Just as a lie makes the worst foe of a friend,
All things do hurry to their own end.
deanena tierney Jan 2012
Always hold just a little back,
To keep yourself a part.
So if nothing is returned,
You do not lack a heart.
Always hold just a little back,
To keep and to conserve,
So if a withdrawal is made,
You've something in reserve.
Always hold just a little back,
To keep a "peace" of mind.
So that when the rest is lost,
You've one less "piece" to find.
Jan 2012 · 561
These visits with my ghosts
deanena tierney Jan 2012
Well.. all the ghosts returned today,
Knocking more intensely than before,
And for some senseless reason,
I opened wide the door.
And in they came, quite in a rush,
Bombarding me, as one.
And all the protests I contrived,
Were easier thought than done.
And so they kept on rambling,
Even while I poured them tea,
And I'm still trying to figure out,
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why did I let them in again?
And then help them to unpack?
I made them leave last night, but knew
This morning they'd be back.
And while they chatter on and on,
To my self's own blame recall,
I invited them in so graciously,
And received them one and all.
They seem so content to tarry here,
So much that they may reside,
And they do make quite good company,
For my scared and doubting pride.
So should I treat them nonchalant?
Or should I be the cordial host?
I don't know whether to love or hate,
These visits with my ghosts.
Jan 2012 · 502
Would it dare to dance?
deanena tierney Jan 2012
To a life that's been unlived,
For many, many years,
It takes so very little effort,
To stem the useless tears.
Accepting that the minimum,
Is enough to just get by,
That most attempts to smile,
Will end with only sigh.
But if offered just an instant,
One single sparkling chance,
To Live, oh yes to truly live,
Would it dare to dance?
Jan 2012 · 648
Any One of These
deanena tierney Jan 2012
I have found strength in foreign places,
And inconceivable peace in strife,
Beauty in so many common faces,
And respect for death within my life.
Found honor in holding a dying hand,
And found clarity through a shroud,
Seen the valiance of the weak,
And the humbling of the proud.
Amazed myself on occasion or two,
And learned how to let go,
Discovered the real value of shame,
And watched the stunted grow.
I have seen miracles happen,
And felt the purest form of pain,
Treasured the unworthy;
Danced naked in the rain.
I've felt God's spirit within me,
Defined virtue on my own,
Found solace in acceptance,
And discredited what was known.
The sum of all the trivial moments,
Which never seem to cease,
Won't ever be as treasured as,
Any one of these.
Dec 2011 · 462
In Memory of Emily
deanena tierney Dec 2011
I believe that I shall dress in white,
And make solitude my friend.
Shut the doors and bar them tight,
Myself be it's own end.
For my eyes have seen enough,
Of  a world for me.. forbidden.
If there be diamonds in the rough,
They've been too well hidden.
Though little I've been witness to,
Oh, what power! Oh, what might!
To make so much of oh so few,
And dress me up in white!
Dec 2011 · 536
Death Blow
deanena tierney Dec 2011
The gun was pointed long ago,
And pointed right at me.
So close... that the barrel,
Was all that I could see.
And then accustom took it's hold,
So I carried on the same.
But then it shifted awful slight,
And found a better aim.
Holding just such a disposition,
( I discern better than some,)
That there was no mistaking,
What was about to come.
And so I had to choose an option,
Though they all were poor,
I must have chose the worst because,
I never saw the door.
And I'll never know who pulled it,
Were you? or I? to blame?
The cocking of that trigger?
I heard it say my name.
Dec 2011 · 682
For a Moment I Had Love
deanena tierney Dec 2011
I packed a little box today.
The one of you and I.
And with every item that I placed.
I could not help but cry.
The box was full of memories,
Of all the times we shared.
Times before I had to question,
Whether you even cared.
Some pictures of the two of us,
Somes poems wrote long ago,
Some movie stubs and jewelry,
Are all thats left to show....
That for a moment I had loved,
And that I was loved by you,
But if forever has now ended,
Then there's nothing left to do...
But pack our little box away,
To store momentos of our years,
I held it close up to my heart,
Then sealed it with my tears.
Dec 2011 · 486
What I "Do" Know
deanena tierney Dec 2011
I have often wondered the purpose,
Of the people which I've met.
Why there are some I can barely remember,
And some I can't forget.
Perhaps it's God himself at work,
By way of these, to plant a seed,
A seed that will grow strong enough,
To meet another's need.
No matter how short the span we had,
No matter how small my part,
Could it be I held a purpose for,
The occasion of your heart?
Were you meant to be my teacher,
Of the lesson so well-taught,
When you seek the truth and find it,
It won't ever be forgot.
And who am I to question,
Just why things have to be,
Or what lies in another's soul,
That stops it being free?
But I will share what I do know,
Whether we rise or fall,
We can be sure that *time and chance,
Will happen to us all.
* Ecclesiastes 9:11
Dec 2011 · 1.8k
Cleaning out the Fridge
deanena tierney Dec 2011
My dreams?...Well, they expired years ago.
Dreams have a shelf life too, you know.
Like milk, they can spoil within a day.
Leaving no choice but to throw them away.
Dec 2011 · 402
without it
deanena tierney Dec 2011
Deafen my ears, so the words won't ring,
And numb my heart, so the pain won't sting,
Dull my mind, so I'll envision not,
Days of a love that's now forgot.
Blind my eyes so that I won't see,
The indifference when you look at me,
Stiffen my back to carry to my pride,
So you'll never know the pain inside,
And upon my face, please fix a smile,
So that I will appear okay a while,
Awaken me, keep the dreams at bay,
Seal my lips so that they won't say,
"Your love was where all hope was bred,
And without it, all my hope is dead."
Dec 2011 · 453
The Hardest Part
deanena tierney Dec 2011
Your nothing's always good enough,
But my all just won't suffice.
Once you were a gift to me,
Now I'm your sacrifice.
Yet still I keep on loving you,
Despite inflicted pain,
Believing that maybe my every loss,
Might be your only gain.
That I might be the hoist you need,
At one time or another,
I'd stop my heart so yours could beat,
The instinct of a mother.
But I have recently come to learn,
You must scale your own wall,
And I must stand off to the side,
And just watch you as you fall.
And that's so very hard for me,
But it's the only way you'll grow,
You are going the wrong way again,
But I must let you go.
Dec 2011 · 752
where it leads I'll go
deanena tierney Dec 2011
When all the paths have narrowed, so slight they can't be seen,
And even when turning back around, I can't see where I've been,
And I'm only in the moment, the ticking of each hand,
No past recalled; no future thought, only just where I now stand,
That's when I feel the closest, to the maker of it all,
When I'm reminded how great he is, and that I'm so very small,
And that one day.... there will be no more tears,
That one day.... there will be no pain,
No more darkness, and no more death,
No evil and no rain.
Just because he chose to love me, even when I deserved no love,
And made me fresh and new again, with his spirit from above.
A spirit that now lives in me, and where it leads I'll go,
For the path that is invisible now, the Maker's sure to show.
Dec 2011 · 696
I think I see your face
deanena tierney Dec 2011
You are in every shadow,
And every dim lit place.
And in every dusk filled crevice,
I think I see your face.
You are in every sunbeam,
And shine too bright to see.
But whenever I feel warm,
It's 'cos you are with me.
You're in every single smile,
That my lips ever make.
And in every single thought,
And in every chance I take.
You are every single beat,
In my ever-hopeful heart,
And the only source of comfort,
When my whole world falls apart.
May our whispers be uplifted,
To the angels on the wind.
So by GOD's grace we can be,
Together, my dear friend.
I have now done just what I said,
Done what I said I'd do.
And now I'll just wait impatiently,
For you to do it too!!!!
Dec 2011 · 5.2k
In My Head
deanena tierney Dec 2011
Once again this morning
You awoke inside my head.
And instead of welcoming you,
I ushered you out instead.
But by noon you had returned,
And again you said, "Good day!"
But I had so very much to do,
I, in haste, sent you away!
By eventide again you came,
"Good evening," was your greet.
And as I finally had the time,
I eagerly took a seat.
And so we talked just you and I,
Of imaginary hours,
That we'd one day spend together,
Under trees, amongst the flowers.
And write each others words,
Two souls, in truth be one,
But then before I knew it,
The day? Well... it was done.
So once again I said goodbye,
And laid down in empty bed,
Hoping dreams would hide that you,
Were only in my head.
deanena tierney Nov 2011
Ask of truth an anecdote....
For your sickened tongue is numb,
Unless you swallow fast enough,
You'll remain forever dumb.
Let loose the hon-es-ty you fail,
To hide behind those eyes,
Before I go completely deaf,
From all your silent lies.
deanena tierney Nov 2011
Life would hold no consequence,
If not for certain death,
For granted we'd take the hours and days ,
If endless be our breath.
deanena tierney Nov 2011
Truth needs not be embellished,
Nor decorated, nor placed in ornate field,
For it is beauty of itself,
Whether hidden or revealed.
It promises no virtue,
It promises no glee,
But by it's very nature,
It is just as it should be.
While flattery leads to common,
And pretense takes it's care ,
Truth becomes more valuable ,
Because it is more rare.
I'd deafen my ears forever,
To a hundred praises heard ,
For just a minute hint of truth,
In a simple honest word.
Truth needs not be embellished,
Nor decorated, nor placed in ornate field,
For it is beauty of itself,
Whether hidden or revealed.
deanena tierney Nov 2011
One day, I'll find the perfect place,
On a hill with lonesome tree.
And if not but behind closed eyes,
You will be there with me.
You will write of our beauty,
With your old quill pen,
Beauty behind our dull eyes,
Of days that should've been.
Of a love that we both carried,
Yet somehow could not touch,
For fear that we would break it,
Perhaps we loved too much.
Your pen will assuage the pain,
And erase mistakes away,
On a hill with lonesome tree,
I'll one day go to stay.
Nov 2011 · 1.8k
3 Story Houses
deanena tierney Nov 2011
Spare me from suburbia.
I hate the chatter.
And the cookie cutter houses.
And people worrying about what shade of Estee Lauder they need to look 20 years younger.
The bigger the SUV ...the better.
Yeah that's my saying too.
Oh yes it's Doggy Spa day! yippee.
Freakin morons.
Put your Gucci shades back on quick before you get to the underpass and see the man who fought for your freedom so that you can enjoy your Sushi on the right side of town, begging for anything you can spare.
But thats right you have nothing to give, do you.
I mean you couldn't possibly dip into the college fund for little Jessica, who by the way is snorting blow as we speak, in the projects across the tracks, while you think she is attending the high school pep rally, as all good cheerleaders do.
And you might want to slow down just a little bit, because if you reach your hubby's highrise office even just one minute ahead of schedule, Candy won't have time to push her skirt back down, wipe her mouth, and re apply her reading glasses, before you enter...and that would be a bit uncomfortable , don't you think?
Maybe you just better turn around altogether and head back to suburbia baby!
There's a reason you are called a stay-at-home mom.
It's the safest place for me.
Reality causes varicose veins and then you would need emergency laser surgery to correct it, which would interefere with your PTA meeting this afternoon.
deanena tierney Nov 2011
I hear no more the heavy silence,
Of an empty room,
Nor stare into the utter blackness,
Of a long sealed tomb.
Nor feel the ****** of icy rain,
In a winters midst.
Not since the very moment,
That I was first kissed.
By waves of simple melody,
From lips that spoke so true.
And by sunbeams that were yielded,
From eyes of deepest blue,
And by love's wind that aided,
The hope to lift the mist,
To reveal the very moment,
That I was first kissed.
Oct 2011 · 623
The Immoral Symphony
deanena tierney Oct 2011
The latest ***** ballad,
Is learned but in a day,
So natural is the melody,
That leads a soul astray.
The ensemble, progresses,
A crescendo’s on the way,
Each man’s key is identical,
As if all were “born to play.”
And yet I still take note of,
A tune, less oft’; more true,
As rare as its own innocence,
And performed by very few.
A beat now out of rhythm,
A chord struck out in vain,
Spare my heart’s ear..that listens,
Fearing it won’t hear again.
Oct 2011 · 568
Tick Tock
deanena tierney Oct 2011
I have not known a loveliness,
As yet within my years,
That outlasted its’ predestined day,
Not predisposed to tears.
And I have not known a beauty,
That did not reach it’s prime,
Greatness always turns to ugliness,
If just but given time.
Back and forth, to and fro,
The pendulum swings always,
Good and bad, light and dark,
They each but have their days.
Oct 2011 · 877
Book Store
deanena tierney Oct 2011
Straight back chairs and tiny round tables,
Nearby Homer and Aesop's fables,
Stoic posture and wire-rimmed glasses,
All gather together after classes.
Oct 2011 · 567
The Cleansing of the Fall
deanena tierney Oct 2011
A new scent, yet familiar,
Arrives with October air.
Diluting the final fragrance,
Of spring's intial flair.

A welcome usher,....wind;
Accustom to depart;
Blows the stagnant perfume,
That summer did impart.

Breath with much less effort,
The soul inspires yet,
To a pure and vacant aroma,
Lest heaven we forget.
Sep 2011 · 536
deanena tierney Sep 2011
Dreams that seep through crevices,
As we drop them at our feet,
Just as when all hope departs,
The heart slows down it beat.

Lame and injured...soul and mind,
Enjoy no quickened breath,
Abandoned dreams and hopelessness,
Bring but an early death.
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Exposition?, well it always comes,
At the worst time...that is sure.
And no matter what - the dust will settle.
You've heard this all before.
Just how will your own delusions
Be exposed to you in the end?
Will the sky come falling down,
Or will the devil himself ascend.
It is promised, one day soon,
Like thief in dead of night,
To enter in, strike hard and fast,
And bring the wrongs to light.
And left there without any truth,
And no faith with which to bear,
The weight of your regrets and lies,
To fall dead from your despair.
And so to each - his own delusion!
Believe just what you will!
But I have found believing,
Just makes the soul quite ill.
Jul 2011 · 415
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Well it's certainly been an interesting day.
Oh! so many words that I could say!
Explicatives said with zest.
The four letter ones are the best!
Jul 2011 · 782
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Press your fiber through my soul,
As thread to needle be,
Know that that there is more besides,
Just what the eye can see.

Arm yourself, quite rightly,
As thimble is to thumb.
Save repeated pinpricks,
Make thy mender numb.
Jul 2011 · 639
deanena tierney Jul 2011
A puzzle with just one missing piece, though incomplete can still be fine.
And a sky with one less star tonight, makes brighter those that shine.
Just one or two unripened grapes, surely won't spoil the wine.
So, why is it, that "one drop shy," can't fill this soul of mine?
Jul 2011 · 634
Make Haste Thy Soul
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Oh! Northward wind, born in thy womb,
Lo! Thy soul be wrought and fixed,
Encased within my captors tomb,
Of head and foot betwixt.

Diffusing as vapor through the pores,
When the keeper dulls her eyes,
Soaring to hover over yonder shores,
Reduced, yet swollen it so flies.

Nightly northward, where passion lives,
Where hope of itself be found,
Ah! The glimpse of freedom that it gives,
Less the state of which I'm bound.

Until the morn comes yet again,
And the watchful eye doth wake,
Unaware where thy soul has been,
Or of a yearn no bond can break.

Oh! What strength of thy desire,
Will set thy shackles free?
And if no earthly pow'r transpire,
Soul ..make haste...eternity!
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Where will thy spirit settle,
For it has known...
Beauty in the reeds,
Peace upon the shore,
Sanctity of an empty horizon.
Yet returns to the helm restless every time.
Unsatisfied yet unweary.
Unanchored yet still tied.
Riding whims waves,
At its own mercy.
Seeking a harbor to find one,
and yet another...
Only to turn its sail away,
And return to the helm once again.
Will the current ever breach the captain's will?
Jul 2011 · 730
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Stunned as one who has lost focus,
By spinning with closed eyes,
Until the brain leeches skull,
And reality only sighs.
Groping for the ground,
Perplexed and weak and worn,
Between the place of right and wrong,
Of lies and truth be torn.
Jul 2011 · 578
"Internal Dialogue"
deanena tierney Jul 2011
A phrase once given me,
By a friend of poetry,
When I asked ....if he too,
Talked in his head just like I do.
He made me feel much better because,
He replied, "Yeah. Sure. Everyone does."
And so I deemed myself not so insane.
For the "internal dialogue" spoke in my brain.
Jul 2011 · 622
deanena tierney Jul 2011
The smoking vessel,
Could not hide,
Its billowing fumes,
Nor hold inside,
The poisonous air,
Once reason died,
And mingled with,
Extinguished pride.
Jul 2011 · 580
Seasons Change 2
deanena tierney Jul 2011
The happiest season of my life.
Was the one when I met you.
When a few shared simple words,
Made the whole world new.

When we would talk for hours,
And pull all the details out,
Of how both of our lives were going,
And of what they were without.

I could feel your thoughts on me,
While mine were visiting you,
But so subtly everything did change,
As seasons always do.

Can we wait this out a little longer,
Hold our breath with fingers crossed?
For our season is sure to return again,
And bring back what we lost.
Jul 2011 · 598
Ever Present
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Ever present, though never here.
You are the one I hold most dear.

Perhaps the absence is the bait,
That snares my soul unto this state.

Of hopefulness, that's never sated,
For a love that's long awaited.

But if it called upon my door,
I dare not answer..this is sure.

For fear of what might be exposed,
'Tis best to leave my door full closed.

For while your eyes can't fix my face,
I am my own self, (my own disgrace,)

Hope lives on, while apart from near,
You are the one I hold most dear.
Jul 2011 · 613
Take a Quick Glance
deanena tierney Jul 2011
We are granted little glimpses of heaven,
All throughout our life.
Noticed less in joyful times,
But more so during strife.

The outstretched hands of the sun,
Reaching through the trees,
Enduring the heat, insufferable,
But then - a transient breeze.

An infant staring across a room,
Who seems to seek your heart.
A friends who helps glue the pieces back,
When everything falls apart.

A hug from an unexpected source,
That diffuses all your pain,
The twinkling of the wild grass,
After a summer's rain.

A smile from an uncertain stranger,
That identifies your need,
Knowing your prayer is answered,
The very instant that you plead.

A lazy day without any rush,
When all the chores are done,
Laughter born of your very soul,
Just when life has lost all fun.

The privilege to hold a dying hand,
The relief of a second chance,
Are just a few little glimpses of heaven,
All that we must glance.
Jul 2011 · 1.2k
The Perfect Passing
deanena tierney Jul 2011
Nothing can or ever will outshine it,
No novel account, or theatre display,
Not even these words to do justice,
To your perfect passing day.

The stage was set, the actors there,
The director in full control,
Not a single thing was missing,
And each one knew their role.

The backward breathing clock,
Counted down as time stood still,
Alarming at the ticking hands,
Then stopped-by Gods own will.

All hands clasped; all prayers said,
And answered before thy call,
You peacefully slipped away from us,
And mortality took the fall.

The holy spirit - he lingered.
And massaged our hearts in hand.
To ease the pain of a perfect passing,
That was too perfect to understand.
Upon the death of my father, March 23rd, 2011.
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
For the echoes I have heard.
deanena tierney Mar 2011
On choosing the right perspective,
Of those that were mine alone,
Your heart became irrelevant,
Mine mirrored what I'd shown.
I fostered hope without a home,
And acceptance replaced doubt.
Then I bore myself a revelation,
One of life and of life without.
And whether you were fairydust,
Or of a constellation unknown,
At the end it never mattered,
I still reaped what I had sown.
"Thank you" is just not in order,
In fact, it'd be quite absurd,
To offer you any gratitude,
For the echoes I have heard.
Mar 2011 · 660
Be Unworldly
deanena tierney Mar 2011
Oh! to have wasted so many long years,
Bargaining pleasure for pain,
Finding ill solace from evil-made tears,
With nothing to shield the rain.
Begging the world for a peace I so needed,
Only to find it a lie.
Failing to follow; the good book unheeded,
Year after year went by.
Why struggle did I? to accept the truth,
That patiently waited for me,
That Faith, alone, (belief before proof),
Would easily set me free.
Mar 2011 · 505
Our Love Is Surely Dead
deanena tierney Mar 2011
When the pale moon recedes; no sun to take it's place,
And darkness hides all tears, now frozen on thy face,
And no cries can be uttered, they only echo in the head,
When all joy turns to sorrow, and hope right into dread,
And light not even remaineth, not even within the soul,
And the wind makes no chime; the bells no longer toll,
When ghosts no longer taunt me, with words I should've said,
Tis' the day I'll admit, my dear, our love is surely dead.
deanena tierney Mar 2011
1.   Chew 3 pieces of Grape Hubba Bubba at the same time.

2.   Wash your car in the rain in your bathing suit.

3.   Walk in and out of a store over and over again just to be greeted  
       repetitively. (this works best at Racetrak and Cici's Pizza)

4.   Wear comfortable clothes.

5.   Stop caring what you look like.

6.   Sing loudly in your car without any music (even at redlights), with your
      windows rolled down.

7.   Swing, for heaven's sake, swing at the playground.

8.   Be nice to everyone, even the snotty retail girl.

9.   Go to a church where every Sunday the hairs stand up on your arms
      because you feel the presence of GOD.

10.  Visit an old cemetery and just sit for a while.

11.  Say "I love you" at the end of every phone call, especially to the bill

12.  Play a video game with your kids, just so they can laugh at how bad you

13.  Go without underwear one day.

14.  Read Pope and the Bible.

15.  Once a month eat whatever you want and however much of it you want.

16.  Work out.

17.  Snuggle with the warm body of someone who loves you.

18.  Let a dog lick your face. (it's really not that bad)

19.  Call a random number just to say "hi" to the person who answers.

20.  Be yourself so others can know who you truly are.
Feb 2011 · 510
So goes and so goes Fate.
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Neglect in past has offered to pain,
A Subtlety of a kind,
A numbness to even death itself,
That is hard to find.
So your departure was just in time,
To subdue me for one more great.
This pressure is mine and I will bear it,
So goes and so goes Fate.
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
My turn to say Goodbye.
deanena tierney Feb 2011
You don't seem to understand,
But you seem to hear.
You try to whisper something,
But the words aren't very clear.
Soon you will not talk at all.
They say that time is near.
That we've shared our final look,
Is my biggest fear.

I finally had to leave your room,
It hurt too much to stay.
I just can't sit there helpless,
Not knowing what to say.
Wondering if you even know,
That I am there anyway.
More use am I in the chapel,
At least there I can pray.

I can"t act strong anymore,
Be the only tearless eye,
So to comfort all the others,
Not allow myself to cry.
I've pent it up for many days,
Now I'm scared to even try.
But I think that it is my turn now,
My turn to say Goodbye.
Feb 2011 · 518
no one will hear me
deanena tierney Feb 2011
I go now to the darkened room.
Where no one can hear me.
Where I can sob, and weep and moan.
And no one can hear me.
Where there is no shame at all,
Because no one can hear me.
Where my heart cries out for help,
And no one will hear me.
Feb 2011 · 439
Lady In Waiting
deanena tierney Feb 2011
I still feel..... you.
You are still here.
Absence, even prolonged, doesn't remove you.
You have become visceral.
Attached to the inner parts of me.
The vital parts of me.
I still see..... you.
In my peripheral.
Throughout different moments of the day.
When I see something I also want you to see.
And on my inward eye every time I shut my eyes.
You are my vision.
I still hear..... you.
I hear that voice.
When I read, your voice narrates all the words.
I can even hear you smile.
It's as clear as if you were next to me.
It whispers everything I need to hear.
I still dream..... you.
We do it together.
Sharing a narrow path in a wide world.
Believing destiny and faith will guide us right.
To our imagined paradise.
Beneath a tree.
Where our pens, passion, and souls converge.
Where everything will be made clear.

deanena tierney Feb 2011
Why worry?
Trouble leaves more in it's wake.
Why grieve?
For death just will another make.
Why rage?
Justice will never be fully paid.
Why fear?
Just a lie your own mind made.
Why surrender?
Tomorrow requires it again.
Why cry?
There's more where those have been.
Why gasp?
To expect is no surprise.
Why ponder?
It only conditions eyes.
Why regret?
It's all but left in tatters.
Why love?
Because it's all that matters.
Feb 2011 · 724
If My Heart Should Break
deanena tierney Feb 2011
I will love in full surrender,
And in nakedness be clad,
Expose the all, of all of me,
And in doing so, be glad.
Comprise it all together,
Wholly give and wholly take,
And have not even one regret,
If my heart should break.
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