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Mar 2013 · 413
I was wrong
deanena tierney Mar 2013
In all of her absence you held me,
With arms that were so strong,
I believed you had forgotten her,
It'd been so very long,
But it only took one phone call,
To prove that I was wrong.
With eagerness did you reply,
And her thrill returned again,
And just as quickly I disappeared,
As if we'd never been.
To turn this broken soul away,
From a fight I'll never win.
Mar 2013 · 512
deanena tierney Mar 2013
Well, I got the news today.
In a few short months you'll go away.
And no more will I see your face.
Nor my presence will thee grace.
No more crooked grins to see,
No more laughter will there be.
Amd all the memories that we share,
Will soon occupy an empty chair.
And all that's left to do is cry,
And hoarsely whisper my goodbye.
deanena tierney Mar 2013
I imagine I walk a lonely street at night.
In the heart of a ancient city.
With close little houses and candles burning.
I believe that someone watches me from a tiny little window
Drapes pulled back.
Wondering who I am, what I'm doing out here, where I am going in the snow.
Ah but alas it's just a coat rack.
No one really cares.
I haven't been noticed at all.
And if they had..
Well they would only be jealous that I was out and they were in.
Mar 2013 · 419
Be careful what you ask for
deanena tierney Mar 2013
I prayed the angels would speak to me,
Even just a whisper in a dream,
To enlighten me with wisdom; truth,
As things are rarely as they seem.
And oh how amazing after one single prayer
I would receive just what I pled,
But oh how painful it was to hear,
The words the angels said.
deanena tierney Jan 2013
You've no idea what these hands will do
Once you fall fast asleep.
In the dark they'll slowly feel around,
For with your soul to keep.
Until you fade into another realm,
Breaths become quite deep,
Then with (only dreamed of) precision,
Around your throat they'll creep,
These nails will find their throbbing foe,
Then your blood will start to seep.
For you've sown nothing but a nightmare, baby!
And that's exactly what you'll reap!
Dec 2012 · 718
Marco Polo
deanena tierney Dec 2012
You say that you know my scent so well,
Even blinded, that you could discern.
How strange that fragrance is familiar,
To a heart that you'd rather not learn.
Never noticed all the vivid scars,
Which have all been placed within your view.
Nor seen me wince in your careless hands,
When you try to touch them like you do.
And who am I to ask my owner,
(Who even blind, would know me by scent,)
"Sir, do you know where I am right now?"
"Or even how long ago I went?"
Dec 2012 · 505
Much Too Late
deanena tierney Dec 2012
Oh! What a long storm has travailed here,
With only a short lull or two.
That rainbow which we presume is near?
Is a thunder's span length from view.
Who called the clouds and who rose the mist?
Did memory beckon again?
Green grass that once surely did exist,
Has since died between now and then.
The trees are so very tired now,
And their limbs can hold no more weight,
And for them and I and you, I fear,
That the rainbow is much too late.
deanena tierney Dec 2012
This world will surely continue on,
One day without me in it.
For it's been said of GOD himself,
Our lives are but a minute.
But we all leave an impression,
That lasts longer than today,
Whether in a grandiose manner,
Or in a very simple way.
Let my memory be a reminder that,
We're only here for a short while.
And I pray the legacy of "me,"
Be one that starts a smile.
Dec 2012 · 846
deanena tierney Dec 2012
Enjoy the blessings we are given,
And take for granted none,
Share all of who we really are,
With each and everyone.
Dec 2012 · 417
The only person broken here
deanena tierney Dec 2012
Do not believe you've broken me.
No pity needed here.
I can't even recall how long it's been,
Since I have shed a tear.
I will get up and move about,
Carry on with this life.
I've no need to be a beggar,
A forgiver or a wife.
I'm just as beautiful as ever,
No eyes be needed here.
And I'll be moving forward,
Forward with no fear.
But learn a lesson if you will,
That is so very true,
The only person broken here,
Sadly, dear, is you.
Dec 2012 · 380
At least as of today
deanena tierney Dec 2012
I do not feel a thing, my dear,
No, I do not feel a thing.
I notice not the looming clouds,
Nor the rain which they will bring.
I gave it all up...yes!, gave it all up,
Gave everything away.
But I've yet to miss a single thing,
At least as of today.
I do not laugh, I do not smile,
But, yet, I do not cry.
Nor do I feel the loneliness,
Upon the word "goodbye."
For I have learned one lone truth,
Of which I have no doubt.
That there is nothing in this life,
Which I can't live without.
Nov 2012 · 615
deanena tierney Nov 2012
I do not need these walls to live!
Not even my old swing.
In fact if truth be told, my friends,
I do not need a thing.
For my Father, he is with me.
With every breath I draw in.
And I can hear him whispering,
"You must begin..........again."
And I know there is a lesson here,
That somehow I will grow.
That I've been holding on too tight
To things I should let go.
And take a deep liberating breath,
Faithful and worry- free.
Trusting the Shepherd will lead me,
Exactly where I need to be.
Nov 2012 · 411
Freedom's only cost
deanena tierney Nov 2012
There isn't a thing a soul can lose
And not beat as before.
A sacrifice to death or love,
Yet still it beats the more.
The learned of this, are those who know,
Freedom's only cost,
Is to place no value on anything,
Which one day will be lost.
Nov 2012 · 2.4k
deanena tierney Nov 2012
I do not like the world around me,
The filth and ***** places,
The lying selfish faces,
The weakness satan preys on,
All beauty now is all gone,
And like the world, I now smell,
Of the tomb in which we dwell,
With no will to perservere,
Nor rememberance of a tear,
Walking 'round about in throng,
Singing all the same sad song,
Of all we've lost or never had,
And of the good that turned to bad.
Until this becomes our norm again.
Forgetting better days have been.
I do not like the world around me,
The filth and ***** places,
The lying selfish faces,
The weakness satan preys on,
All beauty now is all gone,
And like the world, I now smell,
Of the tomb in which we dwell,
With no will to perservere,
Nor rememberance of a tear,
Walking 'round about in throng,
Singing all the same sad song,
Of all we've lost or never had,
And of the good that turned to bad.
Until this becomes our norm again.
Forgetting better days have been.
I do not like the world around me,
The filth and ***** places,
The lying selfish faces,
The weakness satan preys on,
All beauty now is all gone,
And like the world, I now smell,
Of the tomb in which we dwell,
With no will to perservere,
Nor rememberance of a tear,
Walking 'round about in throng,
Singing all the same sad song,
Of all we've lost or never had,
And of the good that turned to bad.
Until this becomes our norm again.
Forgetting better days have been.  You get the picture......
Nov 2012 · 495
you and you and you and you
deanena tierney Nov 2012
Whose number one will I ever be?
I'm always number two or three.
But I share my number one,
With everybody, everyone!
But recently I've come to see,
That my number one is me.
And you and you and you and you,
Are now priority number two.
Nov 2012 · 478
deanena tierney Nov 2012
I want to leave .
I just want to rise and leave .
Grab my keys and a coat and leave .
Leave behind everything and everyone I should never carry on my back all the time.
They never carried me.
And my ******* back hurts   all the time now.
It hurts to rise.
So they all have me where they want me .
Immobile, unsatisfied, and mute.
Spare this silly screen which no one I know will see.
But one day they will glance in this corner
And I won't be here anymore.
And maybe I'll post on here where I am.
But no one I know will see it.
And that makes me smile.
deanena tierney Nov 2012
My last breath was a punishment
Might my next just never be.
For I am so very very tired,
Of waiting so patiently.
For the better days to come,
The storm to pass on by,
And I can conjure ne'r a smile,
And barely yet a sigh.
A weak hand here and there has tried,
To hold but can't sustain,
Unending days of misery,
Relentless years of pain.
This demon has pursued me,
To it I'm but a slave.
That has mastered from the womb,
And will unto my grave.
Nov 2012 · 515
My face is lit by neon
deanena tierney Nov 2012
My face is lit by neon,
And yours by the sunlight,
You embrace the daytime,
While I stay out all night.
Though you hate the wrongs I do,
Your love can't make them right.
My face is lit by neon,
And yours by the sunlight.
Oct 2012 · 538
Not even on this swing.
deanena tierney Oct 2012
I sit again cross-legged now,
Swaying to and fro.
On my swing, alone as always,
The safest place I know.

Where peace has always found me,
On the wings of wind's soft touch,
For a time I thought that it was free,
But in truth, it cost so much.

The leaves, they fall around me,
Flowers bloom to die again,
I hear the sounds of living somewhere,
But my swing is where I've been.

A few hands did try to shake me,
But I rocked so out of fear,
Of where leaving just might take me,
So I chose to just stay here.

But the boards, they are now creaking,
From the weight of courage lost.
Yes, I used to think my peace was free,
But I know now what it cost.

It cost me the love and cost me the joy,
Hope strived so hard to bring.
And no peace can be found in that,
Not even on this swing.
deanena tierney Sep 2012
Sometimes just for nostalgia,
I re-read the poems of the past.
You wrote with such conviction,
And a hope which did not last.
But just to see those words again,
Makes my world again so clear.
Filled with courage, without doubt,
The days of yesteryear.
When all the "black and white" of it,
The search for a perfect tree,
"Trouble" in all it's glory,
Meant everything to me.
And though I no longer speak it,
And all hope is gone it seems,
Believe me, not one day goes by,
When you aren't in my dreams.
Sep 2012 · 862
you can't ever turn back
deanena tierney Sep 2012
You have been warned. Don't touch that ***!
You will get burned...It's very hot!
If you sign for have to pay!
Without sign it anyway.
In advance a deadline has been set.
Time's memory is such, it won't forget.
Grace and mercy by God is renowned,
But by mortal judge it will not be found.
In equal ration, we all may choose,
Which rules we follow or abuse.
So pity's pardon I now disown.
As you will likewise when you are grown.
Doors will now lock and windows close,
And perhaps you'll regret the path you chose.
And maybe you'll go left, or maybe right,
Deny the darkness, embrace the light.
Only you can decide which way to go,
But you can't ever turn back, is all I know.
Sep 2012 · 598
deanena tierney Sep 2012
I love to turn my back to the wind,
And let my hair blow about my face.
Stand real "I'm not budging."
Then give a flinching, desperate chase.
Say what's on my mind sometimes,
Better yet - exert control.
Show intriguing bits and pieces,
But teasingly hide the whole.
I love to wink across a room,
And quickly exit when they pursue.
Whisper false promises in a passion,
With no intention to follow through.
Yet there was a single real encounter,
That will define me to the end.
The moment I looked in a mirror,
And called myself a friend.
Sep 2012 · 440
deanena tierney Sep 2012
From birth we ceaselessly toil,
To fill our empty hole,
With discover,
We've an undeveloped soul.
That there is no "piece" for finding,
'Tis hindsight once it's grown;
That it profits from no other,
None other than it's own.
deanena tierney Aug 2012
I have sought truth with the diligence of a missing set of keys.
Never to find it. At least not in its whole state.
Its never altogether. Its always scattered in bits and pieces and the wind blows one or another in from time to time when I leave the door open.
And then I collect them...and try to solve the riddles written on them before they will even make any sense and then try to assemble them know ..see if I have all the pieces yet. But I never do. And I find it so ironic that this search for truth entails deciphering lies more often than not and even more ironic that a majority of them are my own which I must have.tossed into the wind ages ago and forgotten about.
Aug 2012 · 806
deanena tierney Aug 2012
Here is what I mean, my friend.
Clear your mind and sit a spell.
For I've found a revelation's end,
That to you I'd love to tell.

I need to ask you something. Yes! I must.
You know, I'm very good with those.
You'll answer honestly I trust,
To these questions I now pose.

Who knows you as yourself does know?
Does anyone solely rely on you?
Your answer will be "no-one, no."'s true.

If tomorrow came and I were gone,
And here's just what I meant.
The world would turn and carry on,
That's "insignificant."
deanena tierney Aug 2012
Who is this who lies in my bed,
That I don't even know?
Who's so messed up within his head,
With nowhere else to go?

Feeding me breakfast poisoned with dreams,
And singing me hope to sleep?
Who then lies awake concocting schemes,
For with my soul to keep?

A master and a villain he be,
Behind an angel's eyes.
Yet he's the is not me,
I see through his disguise.

You see perception blessed me thrice,
And now I am full aware.
Fool me once, fool me twice,
But again? You best beware!

For I can also lace the truth,
To cut you down to size;
Use your deceit as my reproof,
And justify the lies.

But use my pillow - I'll play the role,
And take my portion double.
Before I snip your twisted soul,
"My's no trouble."
Aug 2012 · 453
For Elizabeth
deanena tierney Aug 2012
What are you seeking , o beautiful one,
Down the alleys of that street?
Are smiles sold when the day is done,
Are there friends you hope to meet?

Do you feel danger as you walk along,
Or the shackles on your feet?
Does Satan sing a more alluring song,
When you contemplate retreat?

I beg you dear, please take just one more glance,
To the stars up in the sky.
That our maker placed and made to dance,
As truth for you and I.

So let your own shadow be your own guide,
Now that the night is nigh'.
And know that there is no real place to hide,
From his ever-watchful eye.

Never once have you ever walked alone,
Not even in chosen hell,
He knows every feeling you've never shown,
And he knows what time will tell.

You can feel that he is pursuing you,
Even while you run so fast,
And the only thing he wants you to do,
Is accept a love that lasts.
Taking prayers for my prodigal daughter...thank you.
Aug 2012 · 981
deanena tierney Aug 2012
You see by the candle,
But don't get burned,
That's all because....
I hold it.

And that thing that seems,
To do as you bid,
That's only because....
I scold it.

That breeze that comes,
When you just so need it,
It comes because....
I blow it.

And the love that you feel,
That you deserve,
You only find because ....
I show it.

And that welcome bed,
Where you always lie,
Is there because....
I make it.

And the pain you flail,
So deliberately,
Hurts only as long as...
I take it!
Aug 2012 · 517
Even Fools Know This
deanena tierney Aug 2012
You look to what's in front of you,
I look to what's behind,
And I discover twice as much,
Of what you hope to find.

For what will be has already been,
Everything is repeated.
And before you even lose the game,
You've already been cheated.

You can read every new bestseller,
Knock on every new neighbor's door,
Just keep wishing for your happy ending,
But that too has been done before.

So take a right instead of a left,
Choose to smile and not frown.
But even the village idiots know,
That what goes up must come down.

Is this too harsh for you, my friend?
I've saved the best for last.
There's no future that awaits you,
That isn't in your past.
Jul 2012 · 554
The Story of My Life
deanena tierney Jul 2012
I have filled the empty pages,
In the chapters of "My Life,"
With so much needless worry,
And so much needless strife.
Not trusting the true author,
My maker and my friend,
To whisper all the words to me,
From beginning to "The End."

Instead I chose every syllable,
All the characters, and the plot.
Til my pen went dry and I heard,
"There's something you forgot!"
"You failed to mention I was there,
Every second, yet you didn't know,
And this story "you've" been writing?
I actually wrote it long ago."
deanena tierney Jul 2012
Oh! With what diligent effort,
Did you once seek a love?
And found it almost perfect,
What you had the offer of?
And then with careless disregard,
Inspection and with creed,
Give up that almost perfect love,
That you felt you did not need?
Then while it vaguely wandered,
Did you call out a time or two?
Wishing that now perfect love,
Would come right back to you?
Love, it seeks a welcome home,
It doesn't beat a darkened door,
And it will choose a foreigner,
Over one it's loved before.
But it teaches a certain lesson,
While the season's timely close,
That almost perfect love becomes,
More perfect as it goes..............
Jul 2012 · 1.3k
It is here where....
deanena tierney Jul 2012
It is here where full folly and neglect,
born of a passionate quest for gain,
unraveled itself with mistied knots,
and toiling so, so did toil in vain.
Beginning with void, proceeded with care,
til time unleashed his urgency bold,
and ******'s self - imposed descent,
ended with a void that was tenfold.
And hence a masked soul now does wander alone,
no longer searching the fairies' famed path,
nor leaping up for what some still call joy,
nor bothered by what some still call wrath.
Expectant anon of nothing,
but the passage of another day,
even minded and completely numb,
with nothing that it must do or say.
'Cept spare for it's own self inspection,
and temperance of it's own dry eye,
resolution built deep in a stone foundation,
with a permit,(perhaps), for only a sigh.....
when the stars have been stolen by the moon,
and departed altogether; the dimmest of nights,
for this is when memory comes to visit,
and the stoic and romantic fight their fights.
Until the sun grants the firmest victory,
to the mind, over heart; ...control,
and then rising without the need of courage,
To place the mask back on it's soul.
Jun 2012 · 983
The arms that hold me now
deanena tierney Jun 2012
I feel the arms that hold me now,
But they do not touch with care.
They do not know my heart like you,
Or the hurt that lingers there.
They do not know my damaged pride,
They'll never know my fears.
They will never come to love me,
Or wipe away my tears.
But if I squeeze my eyes shut tight,
My heart almost thinks it true,
That the arms that hold me now,
Belong, my love to you........
Jun 2012 · 622
The arms that hold me now
deanena tierney Jun 2012
I feel the arms that hold me now,
But they do not touch with care.
They don't know my heart like you,
Or the hurt that lingers there.
They do not know my damaged pride,
They'll never know my fears.
They will never come to love me,
Or wipe away my tears.
But if I squeeze my eyes shut tight,
My heart almost thinks it true,
That the arms that hold me now,
Belong, my love to you........
Jun 2012 · 563
I am all and none of this
deanena tierney Jun 2012
I am not perfect.
I am not blameless.
I am not selfless.
I am not sinless.
I am not pure.
I am not strong.
I am not okay.
I am not ashamed.
I am not defeated.

I am not like any other.

I am blessed.
I am forgiven.
I am saved.
I am worthy.
I am loved.
I am special.
I am beautiful.
I am never alone.
I am a child of GOD.

I am just like you.
May 2012 · 666
A Collection of Nothings
deanena tierney May 2012
I like wildflowers. Just not the ones you picked for me.
And placed in that vase on the table.
They died within 4 hours and left the water cloudy
and putrid smelling.

I like playing games. I'm actually very good at them.
I'm very competitive, you know.
And smart...did you know that?
Smart and intuitive.

I like freedom, too. I'ts like the first breath of air,
After coming up from the shallow end.
It makes me new somehow,
New and alive, very alive.

I don't like promises. I don't make them.
And neither should you.
They just make liars out of otherwise,
Honest people.
deanena tierney Apr 2012
I do not need a thing right now.
I know that when I usually call,
It's after I made some huge mistake,
Or suffered some sort of fall.
But tonight I'm in need of nothing,
Nothing, my friend, it's true.
Your company is my greatest joy,
And my heart misses you.
But the line appears so busy,
And yes I understand,
And I hope your life is going,
Exactly as you planned.
I just want you to know that,
Every second of every day,
You are the biggest part of me,
I just felt the need to say.
But not so that you'll think of me,
So you'll know how special you are,
And that if you ever need me friend,
I will never be very far.
deanena tierney Apr 2012
Banners and balloons were flying,
The mood was bright and gay.
No one knew what was occurring,
Less than a block away.
The band was marching all in tune,
The drums were all in beat,
No one knew what was occurring,
Just down another street.
Cotton candy and toys being sold,
The sky wouldn't dare to rain,
No one knew what was occurring,
Just down another lane.
But I knew what was occurring,
While the town was on parade,
I walked into the valley of death,
And laid down in the shade.
And saw the banners and the balloons flying...
And heard the band just pass me by,
I felt the percussion of all the drums,
And not a cloud was in the sky.
They knew not of me, not of my pain,
Yet I knew of their fun,
I'm not the only one who died today,
No I"m not the only one.
Apr 2012 · 558
Until I knew a great love
deanena tierney Apr 2012
Until I knew a great love,
I did not know there was a difference,
A difference of degrees,
Proportioned to the layers,
Of the soul.
This great love,
I know it rightly.
It isn't dependent on time,
Nor effort,
Nor even presence.
It is just a great love.
It wasn't born or grown,
Only found and recognized.
For the great love which it is.
Now and the love it always will be.
A great love.
With no need for less or for more.
For certainly my heart
could not bear either.
It is perfect just as it is.
It is a great love.
Apr 2012 · 417
was it you?
deanena tierney Apr 2012
Tell me was it I that changed, my friend,
Or rather was it you?
Perhaps 'twas for time's own amusement,
To show what he could do.
The distance between yesterday,
And where we are right now,
Seems much less longer that it was,
But much more sad somehow.
Mar 2012 · 822
Conform to Me
deanena tierney Mar 2012
If my heart could purge every mistake,
Made for nothing but pretense sake,
Just where would I be now?

{Well it can' I just don't know
How befitting! that hope should go}

If my mind could still and never sway,
So many times throughout every day,
Would I still err somehow?

{Well it won't and I'm sure I will
I'm not the type meant to be still}

If my hands would only long to hold,
The two same hands until I grew old,
Would I wish to savor?

{But they don't and I don't think so
And just why I may never know}

And so I will choose to conform to me
I'll be kind and flippant, and also free
And do myself that favor.
Feb 2012 · 564
Why do I call you "friend?"
deanena tierney Feb 2012
Why do I call you "friend?"
When I'm sure it's love I feel?
And why do I always pretend,
That real just isn't real?
Why do I allot you such a tiny part,
When only you can make me whole?
Why do I seem to withhold my heart,
And in secret surrender my soul?
Why do I always ask for proof,
To the certainties which I know?
Why do I always doubt the truth,
And in disbelief just let it go?
Feb 2012 · 722
Escaping the truth
deanena tierney Feb 2012
The now silent cell phone,
And the muted tv,
The every day longing,
For the one I can't see.
The look to the night sky,
The feel of the wind,
The wasting of past time,
That nothing can mend.
My bed full of dreams,
My heart bounds within,
A journal completed,
Of days way back when,
We would hold hands,
And laugh on the beach,
Just writing together,
With no need for speech,
And the sun warmed,
Our eyes that we closed,
And forever was all,
Even time dare propose.
No cigarettes needed,
No liquor would do,
To escape from the truth,
That I never had you.
Feb 2012 · 2.5k
the death of cessation
deanena tierney Feb 2012
the first sunbeam of a fortnight
brushes fleeting on thy face
transforming all the hopelessness
to a fresher state of grace
and for a fortnight of it's own
hoards pleasure with no pain
until grace without enough regard
dies to hopelessness again
deanena tierney Feb 2012
Where is the love that bears my name?
And whose name is on my heart, writ?
Which memory can't remember,
But the heart just won't forget.
'Tis my own soul which reminds me
of it, as if it were already known,
With constant, ceaseless searching,
For the love which bears my own.
deanena tierney Feb 2012
The music started softly,
As if every note designed,
To un-tang-le the twisted web,
Embedded in my mind.
'Til my heart,.. alone, remained,
A single strand,...and the song,
Bursting forth with every key,
While the tempo urged it on.
A sweet mel-o-dy,... to clear a path,
From your eyes to mine;... a glance.
Rhythm matching outstretched hand,
As our souls began to dance.
The warmth of you was all I felt,
My essence,... your eyes caressed,
Spirits swaying shamelessly,
As naked as undressed.
A perfect orchestration,
Pre-destined for so long,
Twas' never a sweeter ballad heard,
Than the one where I belong.
Feb 2012 · 463
You do not read my poetry
deanena tierney Feb 2012
You do not read my poetry.
Though it lay open before you as all the springtimes flowers.
     To pick just 'fore its prime.

It holds the very heart of me.
And even just one breath of it, would multiply the hours,
If you just but took the time.
Jan 2012 · 492
If I take thee in
deanena tierney Jan 2012
So, I say to Love, "If I take thee in,"
Will you remain as fair as you've always been?
Or will I long for the days of you way back when?
Might your passion never be felt again?
Could you transpose, to my chagrin?
And if it be so, my Love,...well then,
I'd be a fool to take thee in.
Jan 2012 · 530
If I could go back
deanena tierney Jan 2012
If I could go back to that fork in the road,
If I could go back today,
Stand again before that intersect,
I'd choose the other way.
If I could go back to the starting line,
If I could go back today,
I'd be one hell of a strong competitor,
And not just run away.
If I could go back to the thrill of us,
The thrill before the fall.
I'd cling to you for the entire ride,
And not ever look back at all.
deanena tierney Jan 2012
When I picture my paradise,
Through inward, pensive eye,
There's no end to the horizon,
And nothing mars the sky.
And I am lying naked,
Half in shade under the trees,
My partial sunsoaked body,
Being soothed by fleeting breeze.
I take up a ****** journal,
And all the words fall into place,
Then spirit, body, mind, and soul,
All greet the sweetest face.
And like tumultuous rivers flow,
Our ****** too shall be,
For when I picture paradise,
You are making love to me.
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