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Aug 2023 · 96
The Real Truth
deanena tierney Aug 2023
So what the world tries to sell us in its neverending "catalog of lies," is that you...
Get what you give
Reap what you sow
Love always wins
Faith over fear etc., etc.
Well I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news friends but thats just *******.
I gave love and I got hate.
Reaped loyalty and sowed betrayal,
Love is always lost in the end,
And fear buries faith at a rate so fast it makes your head spin.
Buy the lies if you want to.
They are of poor quality and way overpriced.
Jul 2023 · 205
All thats left
deanena tierney Jul 2023
An empty chair
A couple goats
And many sleepless nights
A playlist
A delivery truck
4am headlights
2 tee shirts
A quiet phone
A game of chess or two
A caramel frap
My broken heart
Are all thats left of you.
Jul 2023 · 64
deanena tierney Jul 2023
I know it wasn't you.
Just the demon inside
That took me for its prey.
And changed your view
Of me,  to one who lied,
So he could have his way.

I know it wasn't you.
Just the demon inside
That wouldn't go away.
You did what you had to.
Strike to ****... then hide
But I loved you anyway.
Jul 2023 · 73
To think or not to think
deanena tierney Jul 2023
Partial or impartial; the blessings of God?
For if known love; known still the rod.
Gods favors to all each evenly so?,
Or blanketed for the whole world to know?
All; vice and virtue, foe and friend,
Fortune and fall; All must contend.
Wake to a most wondrous sight;
Still the tears will come at night.
Hands have touched that loved me so;
Likewise hands I did not know.
The fulcrum; sane to quite insane
Swings from loss to swing toward gain.
The middle stillness? A heart content at rest?
When the swinging stops;  is that when we are blessed?
Pushed or pulled by a higher guide?
Or is it all chance that's left to decide?
Moved alone by the will inside?
Or purely by the force of nature's pride?
We long for shrieks of ecstasy, for pleasure that won't last.
Just to shiver in the shadows that tragedy will cast.
All the questions with no answers got,
To think upon or think upon not.
Ty and credit to A. P.
Jun 2023 · 83
Adults only
deanena tierney Jun 2023
Just how ******* angry can I get now?
Kubler-Ross got an answer for that?
Because I don't. And it isn't looking good from here. All the giving and taking of it. And menial use of a whole. Like a game it is. One where everybody loses but there's always one who loves to lose, isn't there? One who carries sorrow like a ****** sash. One who ignores the cold lonely thought of death, as if it will never come. And so they curse and dismiss the one and only thing that death can't ****. Genuine love. They take the easy way out. ******* cowards. Lying in your beds, just lying there detached and selfish and ugly. And oh how they multiply until there are more and more hideously smiling losers in love with only pride and the pain they inflict on others. Give them a ******* trophy would you? Let them take their ******* bows already and move on. Before a whole new level of wrath is unleashed upon the heartless. Like a ******* flood it will rise to their eyeballs, with one last look at me on my self righteous hill saying, "Told you mother *******." You just don't **** with genuine.
Jun 2023 · 74
deanena tierney Jun 2023
Please allow me time
Time to untangle myself
From all the trappings
You set for me
The hidden ones
And the ones I gladly walked into
Just to love you.
Time to detach every fiber
Of myself from yours
So I can feel whole as one again
Time to regain the strength
So I can move
Time for my heart to steady
And my wounds to close
And my head to stop reeling
Time to be myself again
And to be content with that.
May 2023 · 90
My universe
deanena tierney May 2023
I am not within your universe
Where imagination's dead.
I dwell apart in another
I created in it's stead.
Where mood is easily altered
By the rationing of the sun.
Though all the fragrances mingle
I still name them one by one.
My universe without any walls
Yet no entrance either be
Unparalled to any other because
It belongs to only me.
May 2023 · 76
Dirty poem
deanena tierney May 2023
Ill rest my head here for a while...
Laying here wondering how she has me so beguiled,
When i think of her I always smile,
Time with her eternal, away I revile,
I want to *** in her but make no child.  Boom ya!
May 2023 · 189
deanena tierney May 2023
Its not the sharpest teeth
That makes an enemy so.
Sharper be the teeth you find
On friend rather than foe.
May 2023 · 129
deanena tierney May 2023
Lets float on the surface
Where the sun plays with the waves
In infinite ways of beautiful
In a peaceful sated daze.
Where the sounds are crisp and clear
And the light tricks our eyes
Lets just float here buoyant; free
Abandoned to the skies.
Think nothing of whats underneath
Where all the sounds becomes one hum
And the sun can't seem to penetrate
And weighted we become
No, lets just float on the surface
Be tickled by the waves
In infinite ways of beautiful
For infinite length of days.
May 2023 · 82
deanena tierney May 2023
As she opened and removed her robe
She tore her walls down with it
And stood completely naked
As if displaying herself to God
And waiting for judgement
With a bare soul and raw fear.
The air heaved at the sacrifice
The earth trembled.
The sun dimmed.
Oceans stilled.
Heaven cried.
Mankind laughed.
May 2023 · 330
The Front Line
deanena tierney May 2023
For what virtue does the mind proceed,
To urge a soul towards war?
Disarm it with a dreadful deed
And poison what is pure?
What reason ever may transpire?
What wisdom be learned here?
By turning a saint into a liar
And rational to fear?
As we know no value of a gold;
That never leaves our hand,
And only when a dream is sold,
Do we ever understand.  
As we only see one shade of white
Until another shade's beside,
And think almost nothing of the light,
Until we wish to hide.
So let the thoughtful lessons be
More knowledge for the wise,
The mind will claim its victory
As the soul meets its demise.
deanena tierney May 2023
Words are meaningless
Love is beautiful before it breaks you.
Tears change nothing.
Real is rare and unacceptable.
Hope dies swiftly
Sharing yourself leaves you empty
Exposing your soul is suicide.
And I am no one special.
May 2023 · 67
When That Day Comes
deanena tierney May 2023
The day is coming soon or late
When all this matters no more
I'll chuckle when I contemplate
What all the worry was for.
All the struggle was wasted time
The prayers were pointless too.
Meaningless also; every rhyme.
Everything I did or didn't do.
The silent agonous cries at night,
The tears that were shed for naught,
Every smile, joy, and beautiful sight,
When that day comes, will be forgot.
Apr 2023 · 215
Just Look
deanena tierney Apr 2023
I know why I scare you.
I can be kind and unknowingly fierce,
So open and so closed,
Perfect and flawed,
All at the same time.
I know I can be trusted
But know I'm not.
I'm not one you can predict.
I fight great battles
And lose, and rejoice in the loss.
I speak parables and pain
Blessings and burdens.
I see so many dimensions.
That don't exist for you.
I barter for slavery instead of freedom
And walk naked among angels
That you can't see.
I talk to the dead
Because they listen.  
And am feared though I have no power
Over you.
I'm not accepted because I'm different.
I don't see an end or a goal
I see enlightenment.  
I can brush my teeth with Dickinson
And cook with Aurelius.
Introduce them to each other
At lunch.
A canopy of trees is a squirrel's playground to me.
I am quite often misunderstood
And conceived to be crazy.
But when I see a bird I watch it
As long as it takes for that bird to go.  
And wonder if anyone will ever
Watch me for that long.
Apr 2023 · 425
The fog
deanena tierney Apr 2023
In the very early mornings
My self will question me
And still I will lie
As if there is a listener
As if truth and fallacy
Will get so entangled
By the shared utterance
That neither will be distinguished
And so I lie to myself
As many do
Until the sun rises on the lawn.
Apr 2023 · 124
What we remember
deanena tierney Apr 2023
You smell of dawn's cologne
Mingled with the mid-days sweat
It's the scent of you that's still the same
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