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May 2010 · 383
What's the difference?
deanena tierney May 2010
It is amazing to me how every day
Feels different from the last.
Even if I do the same old things,
That I have done in the past.

How every day has different feel,
That seems to start from within,
My today was just like yesterday,
But then I cried... and now I grin!
May 2010 · 509
You Da Bomb
deanena tierney May 2010
Well I really enjoyed our internet chat.
And I thought I should tell you so.
We share a love of poetry my friend,
Who knows where this could go?

Your works are so eagerly absorbed by me,
Like music to my ears,
And some of them really make me smile,
One  brought me to tears.

You always say thank you for reading,
And you say you like mine too,
But I try and I try and I just can't match,
A poem by the likes of you.

And yet you are so modest,
Understanding that... is hard for me.
Cause I think you're pure genius,
Open your eyes! And you will see!

And as long as you are writing, my friend,
I will be right there to read.
Whether On HP, PF, or Facebook...
70 poems? ******! You're in the lead!
May 2010 · 775
For Andy
deanena tierney May 2010
I don't believe in accidents.
The whole is all a plan.
That was sketched in the beginning.
And encompassed every man.

And every single person,
And acquaintance so in turn,
Paths were always meant to cross.
To help us grow and learn.

And each has a certain purpose,
Though we don't always recognize,
Just what the lesson is all about,
It's often hidden;  in disguise.

Until some time much later,
When we reflect with wiser eyes,
And clearly, all comes into focus,
And we suddenly realize....

That there are no accidents,
The whole is all a plan.
That was sketched in the beginning,
And encompassed every man.
And yet another impacting soul on my lifes' winding road I have encountered.
deanena tierney May 2010
Don't be alarmed!
I have something to say.
Was wanting to inquire,
What you're doing Saturday?

Doesn't have to be this one,
Could be a week or two or so,
But I want to take you with me,
To a place I love to go.

It is a little bit out of the way,
And we may be out a bit late,
But I will drive while you relax,
I'm asking you out on a date.

I know "dork" is what you're thinking,
And I have to say I agree,
I promise you will make it to church,
We will have fun you will see.

It's one of my favorite places,
And I know you will like it too,
If you have sandals... wear em',
Let me know if it's good for you.
May 2010 · 519
Where are the Words?
deanena tierney May 2010
How is it that it seems for some,
All the words just come with ease?
With what appears no forethought,
Would someone tell me please?

And even if  hastily written down,
They blend just as if all along,
They were seeking all this time,
For each other, to form a song?

Tis' true there have been times for me,
When the words would easily flow,
With very little effort on my part,
Where they came from..I don't know!

And times like those it seemed as if,
Every noise and sight evoked a rhyme,
And I couldn't wait not even a second,
To get them written down in time.

But lately all the words are forced,
And I hopelessly, blindly *****,
To find the words to make a poem,
And this ......was today's last hope.
May 2010 · 640
My Special Place
deanena tierney May 2010
I have this special place I go,
     Each morning when I rise.
And watch the brilliant sun appear,
     Such pleasure for my eyes.

It beams between two branches,
     Each from a different tree.
That mingled many years ago,
     And here's what else I see..

Glimmering patterns of spiders' webs, spun...
     So carefully.
Beams of light on a moistened field, fall...
     So perfectly.

Many shades of green and yellow,
     Moss hanging from a tree.
The most beautiful place on earth,
     That is what I see.

I have this special place I go,
     Every morning I hold dear.
And listen to all of natures' sounds,
     So pleasing to the ear.

A variety of peaceful chatter,
     Some are far and some are near.
All the carefree birds and beasts,
     And here's what else I hear........

The cacophony of a thousand birds,
     Hoping new friends to make.
The ******* bark of a distant dog,
     Coaxing men to wake.

The frenzied crackles of leaves and twigs,
     As the squirrels play chase.
When I close my eyes and just simply listen,
     That's what I hear in this place.

I have this special place I go,
     No other I love as much.
Where I can take a needed break,
     And I can surely touch,

My souls' own piece of heaven,
     Where I can sit or I can kneel.
And have peace wash right over me,
     And here's what else I feel.....

A crisp, cool breeze to refresh...
     My mind.
The soothing warmth of the sun...
     So kind.

The occasional teasing,
     From a misguided bee.
Tiny hairs on my neck,
     Lightly tickling me.

An absolute serenity;
     Throw all my worries away.
There is no better way or place,
     That I wish to start each day.

Soon, the heartbeat of the world,
     Beckons me from this place.
And reluctantly I must turn to go,
      But with a smile on my face.
May 2010 · 695
deanena tierney May 2010
All at once change arrives and swiftly,deftly...  alters all.
Unprepared and caught off guard we struggle not to fall.

And facing the unfamiliar instills us all with fear.
Not knowing to expect a smile or to expect a tear.

And the things we held so close to heart and believed would never go,
Are now nowhere in our sight or reach, for change has made it so.

Yet we are still expected by society and nature in kind,
To plod ahead courageously, uncertain what we'll find.

And so the sun rises yet again, another morn, another day.
And we must rise right along with it, and head about our way.

Grasping out so carefully, for things, which we believe,
Time itself can never change, and things that will not leave.

And we hold them tight with iron grip, as close as close can be.
But once again change arrives and rips them away.... so easily.

And once our years have wisened us, we learn to take this heed:
Change can alter any moment and truly nothing is guaranteed.
Apr 2010 · 682
For My Angel
deanena tierney Apr 2010
I now believe in angels, sent from God, you see,
It became supremely evident the day you came to me.
All of your great qualities, they make you rise above,
Posessing only goodness,... faith -and hope -and love.

And I have never known before, a spirit that's so true.
And seeing your souls'  inner beauty, I long to be like you.
And though you are not "perfect", as no one here can be,
The mere fact that you WANT to be, is inspiring to me.

And when I am around you, my heart aspires to be,
Faithful and pure and genuine for all the world to see.
And I began to change myself, and look for a nobler way,
To live my life with conscience clear, "better" every day.

I wish to be a reflection of all your strength and truth,
And I can finally believe in life, as you are living proof.
And I am truly honored that God blessed me with you,
That he thought that I deserved to know a heart so true.

And I hope that you realize the purpose that you hold,
As I hear true angels in disguise, are seldom ever told.
But, I know, without a doubt, look close, you too will see,
A higher powers' infinite  plan brought you right to me.

I now believe in angels, since I have held your hand.
A gift from God sent just for me to help me understand.
And since I know it may be meant for our paths to turn,
I felt a need to thank you for what you 've helped me learn.
Apr 2010 · 564
deanena tierney Apr 2010
Am I allowed to waste my day?
Who gives permission anyway?
Can I skip all of the daily grind?
Wonder just what I might find.

A curtained room with little light,
A longing for day to turn to night.
A phone shut off and a locked door,
Six loads of laundry piled on floor.

Dishes overflowing the kitchen sink,
They can stay there, I know they stink.
Unmowed grass out on the lawn,
Fridge all empty cause food's all gone.

Knots from my sleep still in my hair,
Neglected boat just begging for care.
Unfinished deck, and bathroom a mess.
Today, to be honest, I could care less.

Am I allowed to waste my day?
Who gives permission anyway?
I can decide to skip todays' daily grind!
But what a mess in the a.m. I'm gonna find.
Apr 2010 · 1.4k
The Feeling That They Say
deanena tierney Apr 2010
I am waiting patiently for the "feeling that they say",
Will strike me like a lightning rod and will not go away.
True love for the first time, ever , in all these years.
A soulmate made just for me, who'll quickly dry my tears.

Meeting you, I halted, feeling certain it would be.
For you have all the qualities I wish I had in me.
But it has been a while now and this "feeling that they say,"
Has eluded me once again, but,oh, how I wish to stay....

Here with you, even though, my knees don't often shake,
The comfort that you offer me, the peace from you I take,
Should I choose to sacrifice this "feeling that they say?"
So I can remain all settled with you for just another day?

Never having felt true love, my faith, is losing ground.
Banking all my hopes, on what others "say" the've found.
How much longer must I wait for this "feeling that they say?"
I want to feel it just with you, please take my breath away!
Apr 2010 · 1.4k
deanena tierney Apr 2010
I'd like a clearer vision, of the truth this life does hold.
A rational perspective, distinct, like hot or cold.
With which to use in daily life to choose the wiser way
And tap into my soul's self worth, so I can simply say.

That which is before me, concerns me none at all.
For it is not within my power, I will not hear its'call.
And turn myself internal; focus only on those things,
Which depend on only me, and the peace this brings.

And find a calm serenity that has eluded me up 'til now,
Resolving to be the best I can,to myself I make this vow.
And in the quest for absolute happiness, I will find,
That all it takes, is to myself and others.. just be kind.
Apr 2010 · 478
deanena tierney Apr 2010
You appeared sturdy, stable, and  secure,
The day that we shared our first glance.
I knew all along your intentions were pure.
I never questioned, and just took a chance.

And for a long while you comforted me,
And wiped all of my hoarded tears,
But there was something I failed to see,
Your heart was full of grief and  fears.

You kept all your worries hidden inside,
Disguised so that I would not see.
And carried a smile alongside your pride
I didn't know that you needed me.
Until one day your sanity cracked,
I was left alone to contemplate,
Angry about the intuition I  lacked,
That might have changed your fate.
Apr 2010 · 539
deanena tierney Apr 2010
It seems that I awoke one day,
To a life I did not recognize.
And plodded forward anyway,
With desperate, frightened eyes.

To view the world afresh; anew,
With shaking hands and fear.
Strangers plenty and friends few,
No familiar hand to wipe a tear.

And teaching myself I trudged on,
Making all too often a mistake,
Until all my belief in me was gone,
And I had made my own heart break.

I had turned away those who were true,
Assumed they had a dark, hidden side.
And as in my past life, I trusted very few,
No one knows me because of my pride.

I could venture out and nomad roam,
And struggle for truth, not to falter,
But know I would still not find a home,
For my faithlessness just will not alter.
deanena tierney Mar 2010
Your search has begun glorious, it's told in gossips' ear.
To seek out the soul of another, your vision crisp and clear.
There are just a few warnings I think that you will need.
But they are not for the weak of heart, so listen and take heed.

The soul of any being lies very deep within,
Obstacles obscure it, dark secrets, hidden sin.
The path is steep and narrow, and immeasurably long.
And has weakened many spirits,who once were very strong.

It could take a lifetime, or maybe just a day.
Most say it's not worth it, wearisome, either way.
Of those who have attempted, few returned the same.
With pallor gone, vacant eyes, faith all dead, they came.

Yet still you wish to venture, set out upon this quest.
Remember, Caution as you go, I wish you all the best.
But know that after laborious journey, if you so yet attain.
The soul will hold no semblance of what you hoped to gain.
Mar 2010 · 6.7k
Deadbeat Bottom Feeder
deanena tierney Mar 2010
"Worthless waste of space!"
"You thief of my fresh air!"
Useless to the entire world.
Drop dead! No one will care!

Can you feel the hatred baby?
The heated ache inside?
The pulse that beats incessantly?
The disgust I do not hide?

A soul that's non-existent.
No conscience left inside.
If not for jail time, baby,
I'd **** you for my pride!

Imagine an enduring torture,
And the pain that will ensue,
Cause Karma's got a lovely way,
Of catching right up with you.
Mar 2010 · 576
I would rather....
deanena tierney Mar 2010
I would rather walk a path of admitted ignorance,
Desiring of knowledge; than rest, in superior repose,
And seek out the "meaning of life" with exuberance,
Than hold company with one who claims he knows.

I would rather read lessons written by fools,
Who gained understanding in repeated mistakes.
Than listen to lectures from scholars in schools,
Who claim all -knowing, though no chances did take.

I would rather share some tea with a child,
Whose innocence inspires me to pray.
Than bread and wine with revered priest,
Whose hypocratic actions lead me astray.

I would rather discover beauty in a foe
And throw off my old regard,
Than unseemliness in a long time friend,
And assume new thoughts, marred.
Mar 2010 · 461
Heaven and Hell
deanena tierney Mar 2010
You took a little piece of me, when you said," farewell."
And now that little piece of me, resides with you in hell.

But the rest, it is the best of me. Your soul, no one could save.
And one day I will sit in heaven, look down at you, and wave!
Mar 2010 · 960
deanena tierney Mar 2010
I was sure I held a certainty,
As sure as if I could touch.
Secure it would always be there,
And I treasured it so much.

I tended to it very diligently,
Acquired all the needed tools.
Followed all the instructions,
(Instructions written by fools.)

I nurtured it with loving care,
Offered all of the staple demands,
Listened to all of its' concerns,
Held it safely in both of my hands.

I presented it all, all of my own self,
Completely, not hoarding even a part,
Certain that the same care that I gave,
Would be returned in kind to my heart.

This delusion soon proved untrue,
And the effort I had given was denied.
I must have grasped it too tightly,
And the less I got, the harder I tried.

"I think I can still salvage this."
"Maybe I have misunderstood?"
For it was such a certainty.
I could try again. I should!

My good nature was overlooked,
My intentions; perceived wrong.
"That must be it! It had to be!"
Why would certainty say, "So long?"

I will send a letter just to make sure,
I will place just one more text,
No response? They weren't delivered!
Now what should I do next?

It can not be that I'm being ignored,
When I have given my best.
Then the words that burned like fire,
"Please just give it a rest."

I long for understanding,
To ease my spirits' mind.
And search so hard for answers
That I will never find.

And now I've been forgotten,
So forgotten I shall be.
Hoping soon that the reason,
Won't matter much to me.

And move on with the knowledge,
That there is no certainty.
Mar 2010 · 468
deanena tierney Mar 2010
In me you will find no sympathy.
No outreached hand, no empathy.
No ear for one who lost by own hand.
Not even an interest to understand.

That your life is not going so well,
How many sad stories you have to tell,
How misfortune crept into your life,
You want help with all your strife?

Sorry friend, but don't look here.
I have heartbreak of my own to cheer.
Sad stories of my own I hide,
Past mistakes of my own inside.

And you will not hear ME ask for aid.
For this is my bed - that I have made.
As you made yours' , it's on YOUR chest.
Sweet dreams, my friend, enjoy your rest!
Mar 2010 · 3.3k
My Friends
deanena tierney Mar 2010
I have friends with whom I share,
great poetry and verse.
And friends I visit taverns with,
to drink with and to curse.

And friends with who I share a passion,
for music and for art.
And also those, just like me,
kindred spirits of the heart.

Some, I will call, when I am down,
and weary from lifes' run.
Some, I long to just gift a smile,
before every day is done.

Some, who seem to need my presence ,
to heal such a simple pain,
Some whose smiles touch my soul,
and shelter me from rain.

Some who like the same wine as me,
some coffee and some books.
Some who care little of possessions,
some who are all into looks.

There are some with whom I share a movie,
some I respect their great advice.
There are some who are simply pure genius,
and others; .... not quite so wise.

From professions, they all do differ,
no occupation is the same.
Most of them have no mutual liking,
but two...they share a name.

No. Each friend, has naught the others',
unique fortune, skills, or fame.
But I endear each to their own,
and treasure them all - the same.
Mar 2010 · 814
Nature, Faith, and Hope
deanena tierney Mar 2010
The rational connection of mind to heart, fails;  amidst oppression.
And selfs' own sake will hide away, concede;  deny expression.
As I, now, twisted internal, seeking within, my fill.
For famine of mankinds' virtues, beckons me to my own will.

To draw upon my minds' well waters, reason every discourse thrown,
But are these resolves born true? Is this slant really my own?
Or some opinion, stole in past, from man with noble name,
Or truly this, my own wit? But impressed, are they not the same?

Though  life revealed foe, of friend; the spirits' urge will still attend.
And Hope; unbound, ever present, dwells; unfaltering, fervent to end.
And Faith, oh Faith, clings on, clings on;  amidst war and grief, despair.
Such as a moth to a miniscule light, when the beam is no longer there.

Though I have no mortal hand to clasp, no steps in tune to compose,
Behold, Hope and Faith still wander inside,  and outward, in my prose.
And what of Nature? I'll tell you. Possession of a freedom I full own.
No enemy, traitor, nor judge can claim the memories I have known.

The majestic crystal sparkling, of tiny buds on trees.
When noon is at its' highest, clear day on summers' eve.
Deafening quiet, stillness yet, of brook in land, far, near.
Where all alone, I gathered pebbles, and threw to spring so clear.

To sit and almost ponder, paths foreborne, foregone and chose,
Then too pensive, outcast those thoughts, minds' purpose opted close.
And stared, vacant, purposeless; to focal point, of what?, unsure;
Oppression could not enter there; for nature and heart were pure.

And dear sweet wind to hydrate, the thirst; sunquenched,  my skin,
Yet not too fierce or frequent, that would be appreciations' sin.
Clouds, course set  by own accord, frolicking, playfully, with the sun,
Flit over, near, under, and back, and then softly, become just one.

And behold, grey cloud, rumbling, with precipice; this is natures'way,
To alter sky and mind inspire;  grant seasons within the day.
And rain; higher powers' solace, to cool, to heal, to renew,
Sparkles more grandly at times by far, then sun on the morning dew.

May life impose upon my heart, oppression, body frail, dreary cope,
It shall not ever wrench the hold of Nature, Faith, and Hope.
“Ere to sustain, I travel lone. Masked, solitary, confined.
To ensure thy bodys' sustenance; preserve sanity of mind.”
Mar 2010 · 457
deanena tierney Mar 2010
Some turn without a  single glance,
Without a second thought.
With no regret to ponder on, no
Uncertainty or doubt.

Some leave with half- heart twisted.
Best to stay or best to go?
Tentatively moving onward,
Small tear they hate to show.

But I, I leave with grasp so tight,
Hearts' fingers can not pry.
I leave choking, sobbing, begging,
Don't let this be goodbye!
Mar 2010 · 470
The Men in My Life
deanena tierney Mar 2010
This one I love,
I love with smiles.
He laughs with me.
We've walked the miles.

This one I love,
I love with rest.
His sturdy shoulders,
are the best.

This one I love,
Respect is due.
He gives great advice,
On what to do.

How can I choose just one of these loves?
When each has traits the others lack?
And the one I found with all of the above,
Sadly , does not love me back!
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
deanena tierney Mar 2010
With your dull, throbbing core!
Cease this yearning!
Cease this unrelentless hunger!
Cease this irrational ideation!
Ever increasing, heartbeat by heartbeat!
Each one beating harder, heavier, more powerful than the last!
Proceeding! Proceeding! Proceeding!
Repeating! Repeating! Repeating!
Thumping! Thumping! Thumping!
Beating! Beating! Beating!
End this insanity!
Ere I cut you out myself!
Feb 2010 · 836
deanena tierney Feb 2010
Pick wise your memories!
We can't retain all.
For our brain's capacity,
Is ever so small.

Make light of heartaches,
Embrace love, banish hate.
For our heart's capacity,
Is ever so great!
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
deanena tierney Feb 2010
We are officially friends no more.
I don't have enough time in my day.
To play, "Chin Up," to a self centered bore.
Who can't get out of his own way!  

"My hands are just so achy!"
"My neighbors are so crass!"
"Now I lost my truck keys!"
You are such an ***!
Feb 2010 · 461
The Dream
deanena tierney Feb 2010
My eyelids
Felt so weighted.
And in the dim light
Of your bedroom,
They closed,
For just a moment,
And then....

I felt your breath,
Warm and humid
Against my temple,
Ever so slightly
Moving a few hairs
That rested there.
Your hand ,
Snaked around my hip
And pulled me
You planted a
On my forehead,
And I felt...
I knew that this meeting of our bodies
Which was about to take place,
Was something more.
More than it had been in the past.
There was emotion!
A yearning,
An unrelenting need ,
To feel me,
And know me,
And make it known
That I
Was in your heart.
And my heart
Almost pained
From the fullness,
Like that which I had only known
One other time in my life.......

In A Dream.
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
deanena tierney Feb 2010
I will not move another
Quarter inch in your direction.
For tireless miles I've walked in the past,
To seek out un-offered affection.
Instead, I'll stop and wait for you,
To realize that you want me too!

And if that time shall never come,
And unveils a true opportunity,
To feel a hand press into mine,
And receive kisses unbegrudgingly,
I'll about face and willingly go,
To unafraid one with love to show.
Feb 2010 · 748
Love's Journey
deanena tierney Feb 2010
There was no single moment or simply clear event,
Nor a significant reason which I can recall.
When or why our crossed paths continued straight,
Til' we no longer could see each other at all.

For just a brief second we paused together,
At the intersection, held hands and smiled.
Then we said goodbye and drove on ahead,
But the meeting made loves' road worthwhile.

Left and right turns, curves and stop signs,
I've encountered them all along Love's Lane.
And I forgot the way back to the intersection,
For just by chance you'd return there again.
Yet if I could ponder and retrace the many miles,
To arrive back at the same very spot,
I believe I would find, though great at the time,
Your very face I would have forgot.

Those we meet along our journey,
Along all of loves' twisted trails,
Hold purpose but just for a moment,
Until destinys' true love prevails.
Feb 2010 · 2.3k
A Drug Addict
deanena tierney Feb 2010
every thing is     a lie     a precipated deception
the promises are broken                  before they are made
                                                           the kisses             exchanged    to fool the receiver
The stories  shared
are to
offer false

The stool in the corner       is to reach the pills
                                           hidden on top of the fridge

                      the locked glove compartment  to keep items out of kids' reach

the cell pocketed to hide the contacts
                                                                                  The eye drops to hide the act
The drill in the bathroom
to unscrew another sealed box
                                                                the bills go to another address

                    there is no rhyme           no reason to
a drug addict's behavior
they                           do                           not                   follow                         rules!

say is

                                                                         a lie

       So what of a plea for help?
To offer awareness of drug addiction.
Feb 2010 · 517
Lost Inspiration
deanena tierney Feb 2010
When all is dark around me,
and I sit with pensive time.
I ponder on past memories,
and try to make a rhyme.

It used to be so easy,
To express my thoughts in poem.
Now I just sit fumbling,
in this shell I call a home.

They say emotions inspire you,
Pains make  for worthy read.
I conjured better smiling.
I know this now, indeed.
Feb 2010 · 780
deanena tierney Feb 2010
Once upon a time, we are children.
Awakening every day with innonence,
and judgement - free naivety.
Hopeful of what each hour may bring.

Once upon a time, we are youthful.
Anxiously awaiting a first kiss, expectant
of new experiences.
Hopeful of what the years may bring.

Once upon a time, we are adults.
Settled into responsibilities, accepting
of our circumstances.
Hopeful of what the decades may bring.

Once upon a time, we are aged.
Reflective of our past paths, resigned to
our current state.
Hopeful of what the darkness may bring.
Feb 2010 · 539
Forgotten Face
deanena tierney Feb 2010
I lost my memory of your face.

First the hands of time grabbed it,
Then distance stretched it out.
I thought I found it yesterday,'s gone , without a doubt.
deanena tierney Feb 2010
I will not call, I will not call,
Not call on him again!
I do not lie within his heart.
I lie in place of sin!

He calls me there, He calls me there,
I hasten to the call!
I do not lie within his heart.
Not partly, not at all!

I call for him, I call for him,
I wait with no reply!
I do not lie within his heart.
I dim the lights and sigh!

He calls me there, He calls me there,
I should not go but I...
Hurry into loveless arms ,
Then hurry home to cry!
Feb 2010 · 734
A True Friend
deanena tierney Feb 2010
A dear friend called me yesterday,
To inquire,"How are you?"
I answered,"Fine, no problems here!"
Yet this was far from true.

I'd stubbed my toe, lost my job,
The pipes had burst, the pup had died,
But so that my voice would not crack,
I swallowed hard......... and lied.

My friend , I know,  suffers much more,
From the ills this life can throw.
Terminal cancer for many months now,
With very few left to go.

She deserves only a joyful voice,
a smiling and carefree face,
to be her last remaining memories,
while embarking from this place.
Feb 2010 · 908
Just Business
deanena tierney Feb 2010
Stand tall, with clear vision, do not falter.
Speak with conviction and do not alter.
Avoid inner delvings, utilize calm and tact.
Now it's time to close the heart, focus on the fact.
Emotions disassemble what tireless effort has constructed.
And many an empathetic man, by heart has been destructed.
This is a business transaction.
Jan 2010 · 507
My Dear Friend
deanena tierney Jan 2010
Please make some space for me, my friend,
in your exhausted soul.
Allow others a chance to know you,
So that you may soon be whole.

Please make some space for me, my friend,
I want inside, you see?
You have so much to give the world,
Please offer some to me.

Shake off all your troubles,
Throw weariness away!
Breathe among the living,
Say all you're scared to say!

True, it takes some effort,
and lust for life you lack,
But try, please try, my dear friend,
to take your passion back.
Jan 2010 · 953
deanena tierney Jan 2010
The soul that's in this heart of mine
Holds a green-eyed girl with dreams.
Yet I am no longer youthful,
by appearances sake , it seems.

I waited and waited, for just the right time
for everything to "fall into place,"
And over and over the time never came,
Now I'm left with regret I must face.

Left with all the past to ponder,
What might have been, had I,
Danced every dance, and took every chance,
Without caution in my eye.

There's no way to change what has already passed,
So I look forward, to the end , which is near,
And this time I've vowed to lift my head high
And race into the darkness, no fear.
Jan 2010 · 1.6k
deanena tierney Jan 2010
So much effort, so much time,
To emerge with an empty hand.
So many trials, so many tries,
More hurt than one should withstand.

So many years, so many smiles,
Gone overnight like a star.
So much confusion, so much illusion
How did it go this far?

Lovers are lovers and then they are not,
Forever, a fervent quest,
That's not guaranteed, not guaranteed
Even when giving your best.

Taking a break from feeling for now,
To heal, to reflect, to discern.
Still desiring to love and yearning to trust,
Naive heart has so much to learn.

— The End —