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Aug 2010 · 464
I Missed IT
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Somehow I missed the sunset.
Though I'm sure it did occur.
The sun appeared clear this morning.
But last night it wasjust a blur.
It seems in my quite hurried pace,
I neglected to take it in.
And I am sorry to have missed it,
And I hope it happens again.
Aug 2010 · 762
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I just can't find the balance, you see.
Of where my energy ought to be.
And/or, if any, and to what degree,
But currently, sadly, it's all about me.
And that may possibly be my biggest tragedy.
Aug 2010 · 509
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Force feed me your reality,
I am hungry but can't eat.
And my mouth is drooling,
From the smell of rotten meat.

Pry my teeth like iron bars,
A little bit is all I need.
Offer me just a  little taste,
Then leave and let me feed.
Aug 2010 · 566
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Somehow you always find a way in,
Through the bleakest me.
And cause me to admit begrudgingly,
I've a gentler side to see.

But do me a little favor, please,
Keep that secret deep inside,
For it has taken me years to find,
A place the nice me can hide.
Aug 2010 · 574
Fools' Game
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I am the wisest in all the land,
You are but a fool.
I am the master of a great work,
And you are but a tool.
I hold the strings so tightly that,
You move at once to my will,
The power that I impose on you,
It gives me quite the thrill.
And I won't ever relinquish it,
In fact, I'll use it more,
Until I find the amount of force,
That you just can't endure.
And I will take such pleasure in,
You falling to your knees.
And not relent at all, even when,
You beg me pretty please.
And fully at my mercy,
I will offer no balm for pain,
And then I will find another fool,
And do it all over again.
Aug 2010 · 481
The Shadows Are Mine
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I stare through the shadows,
With eyes acutely keen.
Eyes that have adapted to,
Light, dark, and in between.

For I have fought the shadows,
And I did win the fight,
I exposed the greyness,
Of all the black and white.

Crouched there in the shadows,
There waits a hidden foe,
Mistakenly believing that,
His colors will not show.

I live within the shadows,
Accustomed to their feel,
And effortlessly I ascertain,
What is false or what is real.

Come forth from the shadows,
Challenge if you must.
But be warned, you naive soul,
You will be turned to dust.
Aug 2010 · 637
The Master
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Oh yes, you are the master.
The master of disguise.
Shielding dark deception,
Behind those honest eyes.
With your total mastery,
Making truth of lies.

And I am but a puppet,
Moved by your command,
Feeling false compassion,
When you hold my hand.
With your total mastery,
That I can't withstand.

Leading me to hopefulness,
Using words as bait.
Taking pleasure placing me,
In a delusional state.
With your total mastery,
Bad just feels so great.

Then with but a smirkish grin,
Never shown before,
You shattered me to pieces;
Left them on the floor.
With your total mastery,
I changed forevermore.

Now I offer many thanks,
Because upon review,
I am so much the wiser,
And self- protected too.
For with your total mastery,
I am now just like you.
Aug 2010 · 595
deanena tierney Aug 2010
To know a love that transcends all,
Where all else fades to grey,
And all the trivial toilings known,
Promptly drift away.

And there's no longer any need,
To question future lot.
And all the failings of your past,
Promptly are forgot.

And euphoria is a daily breath,
Effortlessly received.
And all the love that is professed,
Promptly is believed.

And any foe which may appear
Is easily defeated.
And every "I love you," softly spoke,
Promptly is repeated.

And all thoughts, silently known,
No words even shared.
And any injury received by one,
Promptly is repaired.

But when one of two depart,
And one life is ended.
Hasty promises of forever,
Promptly are rescinded.

And I'm not certain all the pro's
Can make up for the con,
Of enduring a day when such a love,
Promptly is just gone.
Aug 2010 · 601
Two Become One
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Can I be the spark
That doth ignite your flame?
The prompting of your pen,
To express us both the same.

The quill and talent yours.
May the catalyst be me.
Separated, intertwined,
One product.........poetry.
Special thanks to A. Thomas Hawkins...a great mind...for his assistance with tweaking this poem for the better.
Aug 2010 · 1.7k
The Safe Harbour
deanena tierney Aug 2010
When the sea-raged ship came into view,
And the crowded harbour's whistle blew,
The sky took on a relieved hue,
As did my face when I saw you.

And there I stood, with eyes frozen so still,
And by just staring, they beckoned my will,
Closer you came, Oh! the thrill!
Inch by inch, my heart did fill!

And I gave just but a begging whispered plea,
For safety to attend from the shore out to thee.
And so ended a wonderful voyage at sea,
My love, once again, had returned to me.

When the sea-raged ship came into view,
And the crowded harbour's whistle blew,
The sky took on a relieved hue,
As did my face when I saw you.
Aug 2010 · 641
I Don't Really Care
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I once played under a waterfall,
With spray whipping my hair.
I got fully soaked and dripping wet,
But I  didn't really care.

And once I ran around the house,
In only my underwear,
And my big sister laughed at me,
But I didn't really care.

And one day a big storm came up,
And I just stood right there,
Lightning flashing all around,
But I didn't really care.

I would ride my bike so very fast,
And jump fences that said, "Beware."
And take a few licks when I got home.
But I didn't really care .

And now I simply write poetry,
Words with a little bit of flair,
And no one really "gets" me,
But I don't really care.
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Everything Comes Around
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Once upon a time, there was a little blonde haired boy.
Who wished upon a shooting star, for a brand new toy.
And no, it was not any toy, it was a boomerang he desired.
And so he asked his mother, and here is what transpired.

"Oh mother! Can I have it?  Can I have it pretty please?"
The little boy, begging, dropped right down to his knees.
The mother quietly replied, " But, I just don't have the money."
And then she tried to make him smile, by saying something funny.

The little boy, he understood, as luxuries were always so few.
And he never even said a word, when the neighbor boy got two.
He would just sit outside and watch as the other boy would play,
All the while just dreaming of getting one of his own someday.

And then one windy day in fall, when the all the trees were bare.
The little boy saw a boomerang, on a branch just hanging there.
And after giving some thought to how, he climbed right up that tree.
And claimed himself a boomerang, for which he had waited so patiently.
Aug 2010 · 1.4k
Let's Do This Together
deanena tierney Aug 2010
If I were to write our story.
Could others comprehend,
The depth of what I feel for you,
Can you help me tell them, friend?

We shared our poetry together,
And inspired the other along.
Gaining admiration as we went,
Finding somewhere to belong.

You found me in my darkened world,
All huddled on the floor.
You picked me up and dusted me off,
And I was better than before.

You encouraged me when times got rough,
When I felt like giving in,
And you took the broken pieces of me,
and put them together again.

You made me smile from the heart,
After some very long days.
In fact, you made me love you,
In so many, many ways .

No words could ever thank you,
Or ever tell the whole,
Of the passion and the joy that you
Bestow upon my soul.

If I were to write our story.
Could others comprehend,
The depth of what I feel for you,
Can you help me tell them, friend?
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Of what can I control?
What depends on me?
Patient contemplation,
Makes it clear to see.

To toil with externals,
Is priceless time just spent,
Like staring at a clock, but still,
In awe of where the time went.

So let me deal internal.
To what is mine...let me give care.
Let my soul be self sufficient.
In spite of all which it must bear.

Let me be quiet and reflective;
A disciplined citadel.
Write and read and practice,
No passion trite compel.

And even aims that promise despair,
I'll usher right in...if needed to.
For it all leads to my freedom,
And my quest for what is true.
Aug 2010 · 592
A Few More Words Of Wisdom
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Truth is always real.
What seems real isn't always truth.
If you're having any doubt,
Wll then, you should ask for proof.
Aug 2010 · 733
Life In The Fast Lane
deanena tierney Aug 2010
If I just keep running, fast can be.
All the worries stalking,
Won't catch up to me.
Wake up bright and early,
Hit the door as soon,
Run a million errands,
All before 12 noon.
Play the music really loud,
To help increase my pace.
Just act nonchalantly when,
They look me in the face.
Clean the house with earbuds in,
Dusting every nook.
Let the cell just vibrate,
Never stop to look.
Take a Benadryl exhausted,
Strip off clothes and then,
Fall asleep with head in hands,
Wake to do it all over again.
Aug 2010 · 418
You Know What's Eating Me
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I know it hurts you to see me cry
and I'm sure you know the reason why.
So why do you ask me, even though,
The cause of my pain, you already know.

Please stop all this pretending , Dad,
We both know you are also sad.
I wish some tears would fall from you,
So I'd feel like mine are ok too.

And we could sit and sob together,
And not feel so far apart.
Our grief could just be split in half,
We'd share a broken heart.

You don't need to be strong for me,
It's your weaker side I need to see.
So let's mourn Mom together tonight,
So that me and you, Dad can be alright.
Aug 2010 · 617
Also In Need Of A Title
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Sometimes people just don't love you back,
And they choose to go away.
And you'll never understand the reasons why,
And it doesn't matter anyway.
Aug 2010 · 371
No Justice Here
deanena tierney Aug 2010
There is a lonely place out there,
Where I know that I belong,
Where right is right, and only white,
And wrong is never wrong.
And there is no judge looking down,
No jury in which to sway.
Only me...there is only me,
And that's where I will stay.
Aug 2010 · 543
Ignorance Is Bliss They Say
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I don't need to know everything,
Sometimes it's best to let things be.
When I look in my mirror,
I don't like what I see.
A coward is looking back at me,
Who proclaimed to be so strong.
But I buckled under the pressure,
And proved myself quite wrong.
And all the explanations,
Well they matter none at all,
You placed me on that pedestal,
Just to watch me fall.
Aug 2010 · 553
My Heart Is Heavy
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Just a little note to tell you,
A little about my day,
Work was long, I saw your mail,
And the sky was grey.
After work I went and met,
With my daughter at the mall,
And no she is not coming home,
And doesn't miss me ...not at all.
I see your orange little blinking light,
At the bottom of my screen,
But I don't feel like talking right now,
I'm not trying to be mean.
I must go to the attorney's office,
Very early in the morn,
I'm really just a walking zombie,
Who is very torn.
I cried in the rain this evening,
And no one even knew,
I wonder what you did today,
Was it raining there too?
I know that you are reading,
Everything I write,
And somehow I feel a little better,
A little bit more "right."
I have grieved a lot of loss,
Over the past few years,
Tear-free then, but crying now,
A lifetime's pent up tears.
You've always had all the answers,
So please, can you tell me, my friend,
Just when will the weights be lifted,
When will my confusion end?
Aug 2010 · 807
The Battlefield
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Please do not convict me,
Of a crime I've not yet done.
Just because I pondered retreat,
Doesn't mean that fear has won.

Every time a war is waged,
Within myself, I try,
To view the battlefield from afar,
With every slant of eye.

And strategically position myself,
To see every point of view.
And then do some recognizance,
Before deciding what to do.

Please do not convict me,
Of a crime I've not yet done.
Just because I pondered retreat,
Doesn't mean that fear has won.
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I see you there in the shadows,
Behind the curtain where you stand,
You left the play at intermission,
And the show can not go on as planned.
Is it cold there in the shadows too?
Because I'm freezing in the light?
I don't feel myself without you here,
Nothing feels quite right.
I can't take the stage without you, friend,
You said you would hold my hand.
And despite you telling me why you left,
I still don't understand.
Aug 2010 · 528
The Receiver
deanena tierney Aug 2010
If I am just patient,  
And if I just stay still,
Answers become apparent,
Conserving my own will.
And all I really have to do,
Is wait for what will be,
Without any interference,
From indecisive me.
deanena tierney Aug 2010
From the center of the carousel,
I see it all go by.
All shades of different colors,
Flash before the eye.

From the center of life's carousel,
The view, alike, as such,
Changes travel just as fast,
It's shades are just as much.

And with each rotation,
And every unfocused sight,
By motion we are blinded,
As if stunned by a bright light.

And still here in the center,
Anchored, remaining still,
The carousel keeps circling,
Despite the strongest will.
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Nobility vs. Stupidity
deanena tierney Aug 2010
A sign of true nobility, they say,
Is to exit premature.
Denying the host the privelege of,
Showing you the door.
Scrutiny upon your leaving,
You're regarded a bit obscure,
But did she really want you to go,
And tell me are you quite sure?
No offense regarding the title but it seemed to fit perfectly.
Aug 2010 · 660
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Just what exactly is being sacrificed here,
And tell me just how long the pain will last.
How unfair it is that I must choose to hurt,
And leave someone very special in the past.

Good vs. Great, what an evil salvation,
****** upon me without an invite.
What a weight to carry, a choice to make,
Between.." maybe right" and "maybe right."

There is a freedom which comes with choice,
But also a prisoners' wage is paid.
As you lock yourself in just as you escape,
With every single choice that is made.
Aug 2010 · 445
Just Imagine
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I'm waiting for you in a field of green,
On a blanket spread out so smooth.
Positioned underneath a lone oak tree,
Patiently, and not wanting to move.

From my vantage point, on this hill,
I can spot you heading my way.
My hearts does a quick little flutter,
And I wonder just what we will say.

Hi, my friend, so glad to meet you!
In person after all these years.
We hug for what seems likes days,
And our eyes fill up with tears.

And my chest feels as if it may burst,
And my throat is getting so dry.
And I realize it was as real as I hoped,
And now all is as clear as the sky.

And now we sit upon this blanket,
And all we can do is stare.
Everything else just passes away,
With this new love we share.

There is comfort in your arms,
A "rightness" with you and me.
I know that when we meet for real,
This is exactly how it will be.
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Nothing feels quite normal.
Nothing feels quite right.
Nothing seems to stick around.
Nothing seems so bright.

Everything feels muddled.
Everything feels so cold.
Everything seems so altered.
Everything seems to fold.

It seems to me that if could,
Easily transpose,
Everything and nothing,
This would be a nicer prose.
Aug 2010 · 536
Did You Hear Me?
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Maybe the question you are asking,
Should not be directed toward me.
Maybe the answer you are seeking,
Is right there but you just can't see.

Maybe I slipped right off that pedestal.
Truth is... I jumped of my own accord.
What were you thinking, placing me there?
Tell me... didn't you hear a single  word?

You know a whole lot about me,
That which I am and chose to share.
Yet still you regard me as "special,"
As someone for who you truly care.

Lessons are sometimes rarely learned,
And mistakes? often repeated in vain.
You have jeopardized all that is you,
"Now stop it! And don't do it again!"
Aug 2010 · 941
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I remember when I was a young girl, lying on my bed, with the oversized pink comforter, and reading.

Reading romance novels.

Novels that always began with a girl, to which I immediately identified myself, who was alone.

And out of nowhere, this mysterious, incredibly masculine, charming, and great looking man, would sweep into her life, and she would fall in love.

Most times she would not admit it, but rather, play hard to get, and misperceive some action of his in the wrong way and think him a pig, but still love him anyhow.

They ALWAYS ended , however, with everything working out and them both professing this larger than life love for each other, and THE END.

Ok so now I am all grown up... and life hasn't even slightly resembled any one of the novels I read.

And I guess after all this time it is easier not to believe....I mean after all...they were all fiction.

Where is the non-fiction romance section at the bookstore?...oh I know there isn't one.

Shame on all these authors for disillusioning me and so many other young girls.

And somewhere in my sick little mind...I am still searching for it...and think that quite possibly I may have found it...there is only one courage has been wore down after all these years and I fail to act.

Can I write a book about that?
Aug 2010 · 681
God Willing
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Could we disappear just you and I?
Or make the whole world go away?
Like a magnet I am so drawn to you.
I don't know why I feel this way.

All I know is your in my head,
At any given time of day.
And I love having you there,
And I just want to say...

You have so impressed me,
With everything that's you.
And I easily let you see inside,
Like I usually never do.

It really doesn't matter,
That I can't touch your face.
You are here, right beside me,
As I sit in my favorite place.

And if God be willing,
And Lady Luck is fair,
One day I'll cross the distance,
And you'll be {waiting, sitting} there.
Aug 2010 · 468
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I could really use a hug,
From a very special friend.
Given without pretense,
And no need to pretend.

I could look him in the eye,
And say without any shame,
I feel as if life has beaten me,
And I'm the only one to blame.

I could tell him I messed up.
Mistakes? I"ve made a few.
He wouldn't even blink at all.
He would know just what to do.

He would just keep hugging me,
And he wouldn't let me go.
He'd try to bear my grief with me,
Because he loves me so.

I could really use a hug,
From a very special friend.
Given without pretense,
And no need to pretend.
Aug 2010 · 574
Bring It On!
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Bring it on!
I am ready!
For whatever comes my way!
I can't afford to give up now!
Today was just a day!

What next?
Sure, I'll take it!
Nothing will keep me down!
I have been through so much worse!
And I simply refuse to frown!

More trouble?
I can handle it!
For I am weak no more!
I will just take it all in stride!
And be stronger than before!

Yes, I know him!
In fact we've become great friends!
Without him, life would be boring!
So I'm just gonna enjoy it.....................til it ends!
Aug 2010 · 598
deanena tierney Aug 2010
The first winged utterance,
Beckons me awake.
Full cacophony follows,
And the night does break.

The smell of stillness lifted.
Mobile creatures stir.
Fading in of embers.
Distance swathed in blur.

Futile night retreateth.
Welcomed warmth ensues.
Filtered by a newborn breeze,
Cooling mornings' dews.

The reluctant rises.
Hastily...oh so slow.
Lingering in the moment,
As if sad the last did go.

And, oh!, to hold an hourglass,
To halt the marching hour.
And take note of every miracle,
Unfolding in its' power.
Aug 2010 · 481
deanena tierney Aug 2010
I guess I will allow myself,
Just a little while,
A little time to cry alone
Before painting on a smile.

I failed today and failed not just me,
I failed another.
Maybe I was just not meant to be,
Anybody's mother.

I tried so hard to keep it all together,
But I just couldn't do it.
I tried to make everything look ok,
But everyone saw through it.

And I will take the full blame on me,
For the way things are right now.
May I just give up this hopeless fight,
Or would I be failing again somehow?

I wish I could somehow start over again,
At a time when things were still bright.
But that is just so not possible,
There is no way to make it right.

So what becomes of a tired soul,
Who is even undeserving of rest?
Failure is failure no matter what,
It doesn't matter if you did your best.
Aug 2010 · 491
I Just might
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Today I think I'll pull the shades,
Turn the a/c down real low,
Make myself some kettle corn,
And watch a classic show.
Turn off all the phone lines,
Lock the doors real tight.
I think that's what I'll do today,
I think that I just might.
Aug 2010 · 506
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Maybe there is no reason,
Maybe there is no rhyme,
Maybe our only purpose,
Is to pass away with time.
Aug 2010 · 505
deanena tierney Aug 2010
If you so desire to trespass, into my safe space,
Remove the look of amazement, and intrigue from your face.
I'm in a muddled state of seeking, for the truth and peace within,
And every day is tainted, with awareness of past sin.
Do not believe your instinct, telling you that I am rare,
For I am just like any other, with a soul they just won't share.
My tired eyes are blurry, and my heart beats out of dread,
That I may leave this world tomorrow; these thoughts still in my head.
Salvage what's left of your effort, and pride with parting go,
Let my morsels fill the space of,... the rest I'll never show.
Aug 2010 · 542
Could I be a monster?
deanena tierney Aug 2010
Could I be a monster?
Cold blood flowing blue.
Heartache lying in my wake,
Monsters need love too!
Aug 2010 · 506
You Will Find Me
deanena tierney Aug 2010
You will find me in the corner,
My arms about myself,
Staring at a picture,
On an otherwise empty shelf.
Aug 2010 · 841
My Little Coffee Shop
deanena tierney Aug 2010
In my little coffee shop,
Is where I long to be,
Filled with old and dusty books,
In the hills of Tennessee.

Every morning the same will come,
With a little gossip to share.
And hang out in my lil' coffee shop,
Where time isn't even a care.

I hope there will be some who read,
And some who play some games.
And it won't be very long 'til I,
Know every single one of their names.

And they will feel like family,
The shop will feel like home,
And I will have found where I belong,
With no need more to roam.

In my little coffee shop,
Is where I long to be,
Filled with old and dusty books,
In the hills of Tennessee.
Jul 2010 · 655
A Short Visit
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The day greeted me with a sharp vision,
Piercing me from in between,
The mingled branches by my window,
With aim, so markedly keen.

And it beckoned me to that window,
To behold the drops of dew,
Like diamonds, sparkling everywhere,
No matter what the view.

And at once I wanted a wider scope,
And ventured out the door.
And I saw my familiar surroundings,
In a way I not had before.

My breath must have escaped me,
And yet I was just unaware,
Til my lungs filled again so fully; quickly
And I was renewed right there.

I soaked in all of the elegance,
Until the moment had passed.
Taking mental snapshots, aware
Such beauty would not last.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
There are so many paths in front of me,
Choices that I must make,
And I have no idea where any path leads,
Or which one I should take.

I only know that each one will take me,
To different places I've not been.
And that I won't be able to turn around,
To start from right here again.

And I'm not sure if it's better to choose,
Quickly.... or to contemplate,
For as soon as I go the wrong direction,
It will already be too late!

The path in the middle is well beaten,
Many must have tread before,
But taking the middle road all the time,
Sounds like nothing but a bore.

The path on the left is well hidden,
And it is not very clear.
It appears way too dangerous for me,
And I am so full of fear.

The road to the right looks exciting,
And it holds a special allure,
That is the way I really want to go,
But I'm still a little unsure!
Jul 2010 · 466
Nice Play
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Tonight I felt completion,
Such as at the ending of a show,
Of which all along I was unsure,
About where the plot would go.

And happily I was surprised,
Of the open- ending leave,
With a promise of a sequel,
Which will be even better...I believe!
Jul 2010 · 459
Just For Now
deanena tierney Jul 2010
One day I will find it
It will only feel right
It will be unshaken
Strife and trial despite
Without any question
Without any doubt
One day I will find it
For now I live without
Jul 2010 · 591
Is This Tweetable, lol?
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I like you.
You like me.
How much simpler could it be?
Just let yourself go,
Let all of you show,
I know I'm gonna love what I see.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
born contrary to common man
turned internal forevermore
no deviation from the stoics plan
each day is the same as before
no highs no lows ever shone
temperate consistent with mean
mind is numb body is drone
no hint joy has ever been seen
also no sadness just infinite plain
thoughts discussed only inside
no elation and yet no pain
nothing to show hence nothing to hide
surrounded by unaltering vision
sight is flat and color free
precise with no need of precision
only methodical rigidity
hope knows not of what to entreat
soul knows not of what to contain
already within no place to retreat
removed disconnected insane
Jul 2010 · 609
Make Haste
deanena tierney Jul 2010
If I were extended the offer, if even today,
I would accept deaths' invite quick.
I 'd rather be destructed without any delay,
Than be disassembled brick by brick.
Jul 2010 · 623
Being Single Too
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Single life at times can be,
Very lonely, it is true.
But let's just take a closer look,
In a slightly different hue.

Cooking is optional.
The can wait.
You can go to bed early,
Or stay up way too late.

You can choose just to sit,
Naked or in underwear,
And not worry about modesty,
Cause no one else is there.

You can wake up and decide,
To be carefree and roam,
Take a nice long road trip,
And maybe not come home.

You can use the silence,
To write lots of poetry,
And flirt on the internet,
With another, hassle-free.

Also no need to shut the door,
To the bathroom while you ***,
So now can you see the upside,
Of being single...just like me.
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