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Oct 2010 · 643
deanena tierney Oct 2010
I have a thousand little voices going on in my head at any given time and I filter them how I choose I guess.
There are a few very persistent ones, however, that it looks like I will either have to start listening to, or beat the **** out of , but I haven't decided which yet.
Yes, yes, everything seems to be going status quo, but I am still standing exactly where I was ages ago. Lost in the middle of nowhere, with no seeming destination of any kind.
I keep waiting for everything to fall into place , waiting on certainty, but it never comes.
I keep pushing for it though, and it feels like it hates my pushing because once I start to fix my way on something, I get pushed back.
Little pinches really, voices that say, "Stop kidding yourself!"
I don't feel connected to anything ....not one single thing anymore.
It's just me out here paddling a ******* canoe in a circle.
I think once I get used to it..I can be ok with that..maybe.
All I know is nothing fits...not anymore...I have 2 left shoes in different colors and sizes and no feet to put them on anyhow.  Who really cares, anyway?    Ok to church now!
Oct 2010 · 538
I Am Crazy... It's Official
deanena tierney Oct 2010
There doesn't seem to be a focal point,
There's no finish line to this race,
Only chaotic centrifuge,
Putting everything in it's place.

No instructions have been written,
But an empty journal's on the shelf,
Does anyone know my purpose,
I just can't find it by myself.

Not one part fits with another,
The only similarity seems to be me.
And I can't blend it all together,
And it's a struggle just to be.

Maybe there is no right place,
Or instance where I belong.
I thought that time would clarify,
But I was so very wrong.

One hand is on the door,
The other holds too tight,
My head lies with another,
And hope goes on tonight.

Day breaks again to remind me,
This cycle may not break,
And I don't know whether to give
Or whether I should just take.

There is no difference really,
It all just feels the same,
Who am I kidding anyway?
My life's become a game.
Oct 2010 · 564
Not Ashes, Just Embers
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Even a fire burning so bright,
Can't take the heat for too long,
So it will calm and cool itself,
When the intensity is too strong.
As it seems now with you and I,
We haven't flared in quite a while,
But I can still recall all the passion,
And I still can't help but smile.
Oct 2010 · 535
Here's Another Thought
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Oh! What great qualities!
To be courageous and be brave!
Funny how the same two attributes,
Lead a man straight to his grave!
Oct 2010 · 743
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Of all who have deceived me,
Of those I could not see through,
The one who I resent the most,
Is the one I thought most true.
I'd rather know all the wicked,
Exposed as such at first glance
Then have to decipher a liar,
Or find out by timely chance,
That my instinct had failed me,
My impression was quite skewed,
And every act that had been made,
I had so willingly misconstrued.
And I don't easily give my trust,
Nor hand it out for free.
Yet somehow I got fooled again,
Again! I could not see.
Oct 2010 · 402
Here's a Thought
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Who is the cause of the heartache felt,
When a secret is finally revealed?
Do you blame the fool who believed the lie,
Or the cheat who kept it concealed?
Oct 2010 · 740
deanena tierney Oct 2010's a little hint  world. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Sometimes I run....sometimes I cling....somtimes I want space...sometimes I get hurt when I get it....But "sometimes" has become my "always" and that really gets to me. Sometimes I think I may just lose my mind and sit in a corner and just ball my eyes out until someone picks me up...which may not ever happen...And everyone has some answer...some rationalization to all that I feel. I wonder if Sylvia had to listen to all the hypocritical *******, too. It's no wonder. They all say "it will get
easier." Well
you know what. never seems to get easier for me....only more difficult and
more confusing
and more
demanding. When your idea of a dream is to just disappear thats when you are close to what they call rock bottom...but what if you fall in a bottomless pit?
Answer that...yeah one of you hypocrites   answer that. "Tomorrow will look different."
Say that to a blind man.  "You have to let go the hate."  
Come again?
You who choose to follow only the Commandments which are convenient to you. Preach to me then take me to bed

..and then convince yourself spanking is " a beautiful union." Spare me any lectures please...everyone who thinks they have just the right

words to say...because you don't and truth is all of you only say them to benefit yourself anyhow. I am tired of all the little games , and of all the little people.
Oct 2010 · 756
Only Part Genius
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Whether of Epictetus' wit, or of Frederick Nietzsche soul,
Nothing more than a model of, a man who's foolly whole.
For wisdom will elude thee, become impossible to perceive.
Truth is clearly never revealed to those who don't believe.
Oct 2010 · 5.5k
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Delighted rage within my breast,

Mounting pressure on my chest.

Now I'm the addict, by your sin.

Feeding on anger that lives within.

An endless feast;  I thrive right so,

On hatred of which I can't let go.
Oct 2010 · 661
To You....Yes You
deanena tierney Oct 2010
My dear friend...I have missed you so.
And today...emptiness arrived.
Strange how a heart grows stronger,
When it is deprived.

Avoidance can not quench desire,
Or smolder a burning flame,
It only urges the yearning for more,
And more and more of the same.
Oct 2010 · 760
deanena tierney Oct 2010
The crystal prismed chandelier
    is h               g  in the hall.
           a         n
              n     i
Luster marred by settled dust
Determined not to f
Neglect has been revealed to all
By the noontime sun
Shining through yonder window*
On its' midday r.......u........n.............

Seated on a straight back chair
I see and yet care not*
Like that prismed chandelier
*Neglected and ?
Oct 2010 · 1.8k
deanena tierney Oct 2010
Make love to me from afar.
Touch me from across the miles and the generations and years we missed.
Enter me, just as you do everyday, from another time zone, through my soul.
And leave part of you inside me.
Leave me filled and exasperated.
Because I really want you and need you now.
Oct 2010 · 552
A Healing Visit
deanena tierney Oct 2010
And, when I am but blown to dust,
To foreign lands, by releasing hand,
I pray that I will find your shore,
And mingle with the well worn sand.

And, unknown to thee, I shall linger,
In the company of your grace,
And in the stillness of your presence,
Send a soft memory of my face.

A memory to remind your soul,
That even though we may be apart,
Our love has always been enough,
To heal your grieving heart.
Oct 2010 · 708
deanena tierney Oct 2010
The greyness is quite soothing,
While at dusk you fly so low,
The pools below are moving,
And leaving ripples as you go.

What limitless freedom you know,
To feel the wind upon your face.
No borders to where you can't go,
Boundless of time and of space.

Oh! What pow'r to rise, and rise again,
And plunge upon your every whim,
Burdenless ever from where you've been,
Clear vision while my own grows dim.

Thank you, my dear sweet wing-ed friend,
For my mind has soared with your flight,
And though this day has come to an end,
I will be flying with you tonight.
Sep 2010 · 572
Thirty Five
deanena tierney Sep 2010
When I had aged but
thirty five,
and so set my thoughts
in hind,
It had taken this long to
feel alive
and for thine own soul
to find.
Sep 2010 · 705
Passions Melt
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Oh! Time surrender me to the bliss!
Of passions melt by true love's kiss.
And pardon thee with an even tone.
Fan only the fires that are my own.
And count all thy hours with resolve.
To same- way journey.. we all evolve.
Ration thy share of joy and of woes;
Careful deliverance of careless throes.
And I in turn will grant my mind care.
And equally pledge to be just and fair.
With only exception? Reflection to see!
My soul mirrored back by lover to thee.
Oh! Time surrender me to the bliss!
Of passions melt by true love's kiss.
Sep 2010 · 420
Words Once Sprung
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Be careful there my little tongue,
Lost forever are words once sprung.

Accept assistance from the mind.
It's so much easier you will find,
To deliver yourself with much regard,
Though at times I know it's very hard.
Careless words can make a foe of friend.
And cause you only heartache in the end.

So be careful there my little tongue,
Lost forever are words once sprung.
Sep 2010 · 621
Let The Tears Fall Easily
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Let the tears fall easily,
Like a long awaited rain,
And let them fall as long as,
It takes to ease this pain.
Sep 2010 · 553
Please Don't Ever Doubt
deanena tierney Sep 2010
There's no need to dig deeper
There's no jewel within my mind
You mined them all so early on
There are no more to find

There's no need to look closer
Or to further scrutinize
You've seen all there is of me
There is no larger prize

There's no need to keep seeking
For hidden treasure in this soul
You believe you've only found a part
But I know you found the whole

I'm sorry to disappoint you
By not being "the one"
And I hate the journey ended
Before it had even begun

Every memory I have of you
Even time can never fade
And please don't ever doubt, my friend
The impact you have made

But as you walk new paths, please know
That you're always in my heart
And the loss of what I had with you
Has torn my world apart
Sep 2010 · 809
Sarah Jeanne Was Lonely
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Sarah Jeanne was lonely,
And so she sat and cried.
And many others saw her.
She felt no need to hide.
And not one single person,
Rushed to Sarah's side.
They just stood in shock,
At her utter lack of pride.
And when she'd had enough,
And all the tears had dried.
She smiled at the lot of them,
Feeling better having cried.
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I know what you're doing right now,
And you know what's really bizarre?
It makes me feel attached somehow,
Though the distance between us is far.

You are the mirror that's made me see.
Just how beautiful we both really are,
Everything you are is everything of me,
Though the distance between us is far.

And you, you're always on my mind,
You're my very wish on every star.
What we found, most will never find.
Though the distance between us is far.

There's so much truth in what we share,
That nothing will ever be able to mar,
Or, likewise, change just how much I care,
Though the distance between us is far.
Sep 2010 · 664
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Well, for only the second time since I bought this thing, (my laptop), I have moved it from its' fan pad to join me in my favorite spot.

And I am currently wondering whether the cigarette ashes that may fall into it while I type could light the **** thing on fire, for which i would just have to laugh since I have no back up CD made yet, and for what it's worth, my life's work is on this harddrive. I need to quit smoking. The **** commercials you hear on the radion have me deemed a murderer, so now I don't listen to the radio either. I am strictly a CD girl now. One of these days I may catch up a bit and get an IPOD, but I am beginning to think the devil uses all this technology to make real relationships a thing of the past.

I also am missing my mouse out here. I am pretty sure if this use this little fingertip pad long enough, I could teach Braille to a 1 year old.

This is the first time in weeks I have actually used my swing for any duration, and you know what, I miss it. It is kind of hard to type on it though as it sits next to me and rocks a bit with every letter I type.

I've decided, for now, to stop my foolish searching for the meaning of everything, and the end all to everything. For now, I'm just gonna to day..hour by hour...second into the next.

Up until about a year ago, I didn't even know how much I liked to swing, or how much I love to fly kites, or look at Dogwoods, or read philosophy, or even write poetry. I took a detour, a very long one, into a mind sedentary world with no hope, no dreams, no happiness.

And unfortunately, the only way out is the way I came in, which will take me as long to get beck to where as I started, as it took me to get here.

I love to feel the strong breeze that's blowing today. I felt it earlier while taking a walk, and going to the park, but then it was blowing while the sun beat straight down. Now I am in the shade and leaves are blowing onto the deck, and I swear if I had that hammock I keep promising myself to buy, I would be falling asleep on it right now. The kids are gone, daughter at a friends house, and son at grandmas next door. I put the puppies on their leads, and it is only me here right now. It's been forever since that happened too.

I need to get back to me...and I need to stop putting so many demands on myself. If I feel like going to the beach...I should just get in the car and go. I deserve that.. I deserve to smile and laugh and drink my coffee and talk to strangers like I know them  while they look at me like I'm crazy. I deserve friendship. I deserve and desire the love of friends.

Companionship, shared intellect and joys. Freedom. You know I could sit for hours and hours, maybe even days..if I had the liberty and just enjoy nature, and not really think of anything at all. Sometimes it feels like people and responsibilities get in the way of what I was truly meant to be and the things I truly want to do. I wish there was a place where I could just be, you know be...BE.

And one day I want to see my soul in someone elses eyes and just know without question that I'm not so different. That I'm connected somehow, with someone or something, and that I'm not really crazy. That I'm me and I am exactly what I was meant to be and I'm beautiful because I am me. I don't want to adapt to anything or want anyone to adapt to me. I just want to find the place where I fit perfectly.

But the never ending searching for this place has proved unsuccessful. So I believe the answer is to wait for clarity. And it will come. It will come, I know it will. As for now, I'm going to enjoy my coffee in the breeze...on my swing, and just close my eyes and breathe in the wind.
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Could you be the missing piece,

Of the puzzle that is me.

My life I've spent just fumbling,

And wandering aimlessly.

I gave up searching long ago,

For what they call "the one."

No one ever seemed to get me,

And I always chose to run.

But you, I find, are just like me,

In your spirit and your soul.

The very moment that I met you,

Your presence made me whole.
Sep 2010 · 1.2k
The Magician
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Give me your fact, your fiction.
And in a span so very brief,
I'll return them to you, inverted,
And laugh at your disbelief.

Give me all your foolish dreams.
And with effortless, mocking sighs,
I'll return them to you so twisted,
You just won't believe your eyes.
Sep 2010 · 675
My Soul's Become a Statue
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I see the storm clouds rolling in.
From afar; approaching fast.
On every side, hard pressing.
The slivered beam won't last.

Surprisingly, so swiftly,
The beam is plucked away.
And I'm in the eye of the chaos,
With no choice but to stay.

So, I brace myself for impact,
And the cold, hard freezing rain.
And mind-drift into numbness,
To avoid unavoidable pain.

And sturdy, fixed and riveted,
I will stand strong in the wake.
For my soul's become a statue.
That no storm will ever break.
Sep 2010 · 655
Little Things
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I can see you smiling, a big oaf-like grin, right now.
Funny, how such little things, can make us laugh somehow.
Sometimes, when I'm in my car, listening to a happy song,
I just can't stop laughing to myself, as I drive along.
And I get this tingly feeling from my head down to my toes.
Why do little things make us laugh? No one really knows!
Sep 2010 · 845
The Way It Used To Be
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Why have I just trudged along,
Every day just as before.
You have caused my heart to yearn,
Yearn for something more.

And though I was not satisifed,
Before you came along,
I was complacent with what I had,
Now that all seems wrong.

Now what used to be just "okay,"
Just isn't good enough.
But leaving my little comfort zone,
Is going to be quite tough.

But I'm not sure I have a choice.
I can't ignore this any longer.
Like a magnet I am pulled to you,
I am scared..but also stronger.

I'm afraid if I never see your face,
I will lose the bigger fight,
The one I have with just myself,
Almost every single night.

So please don't treat this tritely,
For it's so much more to me.
And I can't let my life to go back,
To the way it used to be.
Yes it's for you.
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Come and lay down with me.

Place your head next to mine on these soft pillows.
Let's breathe each other in.
Pretend that time is paused and we have forever to spend.

I want to touch your hair and the spot right at your temple that meets your jawline.
And run my fingers over your lips, slowly, as if my fingertips could memorize the lines in them.
I want to look into your eyes with mine fully open, so that you can see within.
And seeing you, and knowing you, my heart will swell up inside, and feel like imploding.

And we could lay like that for no rush, yet knowing we will do more in a little while, but wanting to prolong it, savor it, to put it to clear real-time memory, so we can recall it in detail later, whenever we wish.

And it won't be a heated union, not a fast release.
We deserve more than that...we deserve so much more than that.

There will be no tearing off of clothes, but rather, we will both stand, and undress one piece of clothing at at time, unveiling ourselves to each other.
Unveiling ourselves and discovering each other together.

And my hands will guide you to all the parts of me...all of them..because that's what I want to give to you.
And we will move without thinking...only feeling, only depth.

And we will surrender together to us....

There will be nothing like it.
Nothing to compare it to.

It will be meant and it will be all that is you and me.
Sep 2010 · 647
Heart Heed My Warning
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Sometimes I hold just a little back,
Avoid issues close at hand.
There's a good reason for all of that,
But you'll never understand.
Look closely, you will never see,
The scar I've learned to hide.
Behind my quick-witted humor,
My IQ, and my pride.
It's deeper than most valleys,
And it's never gonna heal,
And I can't stand the thought of you,
Ever knowing what I feel.
Torture would be recreation,
In comparison to this pain,
That I've tried to cry out, pry out,
Many times in vain.
And I'll never allow you to see it,
For what an atrocious sight,
To watch a beaten spirit,
Cry itself to sleep each night.
And so I cast a glowing smile,
I laugh and joke, and then,
Repeatedly warn my broken heart,
To never love again.
Sep 2010 · 781
Here's a Riddle For You
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Oh, to decipher riddles,
And scrutinize the word.
Yet voice can also alter,
Simple into quite absurd.
Rhyme, an open forum,
Is vague and often grey,
Sacrificing nothing but,
The words I can not say.
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I am made to feel ashamed,
Because of love I feel.
How does loving more than one,
Make that love not real?
There are so many faces here,
With wisdom, for which I long,
And I've fallen in love with many,
But I'm told that it is wrong.
And I just can not understand,
Why I'm taught I must not care,
For more than one soul at a time,
It just seems so **** unfair.
Sep 2010 · 381
How I Know
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Your qualities are limitless.
Each day's a newfound smile.
And I just love to laze with you,
And enjoy them for a while.
And it feels as if my entire heart,
Surrenders in your wake.
And I know it's love because I want,
To give more than I take.
And I just can't get close enough,
Please morph me into you.
As this longing, it feels like pain,
That's how I know it's true.
Sep 2010 · 385
Lost Poems
deanena tierney Sep 2010
The words they came so quickly,
To thought and to the mind.
But no one will ever know them,
Because of the pen I couldn't find.
The words they only visit once,
Oh memory!! Fail me not!
The greatest poem of all time,
Is the one I just forgot!
Sep 2010 · 764
Home To Me
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Home to me is more than just
A place I lay my head,
More than just four walls about,
Home to me instead....

Is my wooden swing that creaks a bit,
Everytime I sway.
Smelling jasmine when I walk out front,
Watching the puppies play.
The photo albums in my cedar chest,
My favorite Formosa tree,
The birdhouses on the fenceposts,
All of this is Home to me.

It's picking myself a tangerine,
From the car as I come up the drive,
Just sitting around the bonfire,
And waiting for Fall to arrive.
It's the kites that got tangled long ago,
In the top of the pecan tree.
It's everything I remember here,
All of this is Home to me.

Home to me is more than just
A place I lay my head,
More than just four walls about,
Home to me instead....
Sep 2010 · 414
I'm Sure To Go
deanena tierney Sep 2010
How many days will I be granted?
Is it based on how I live?
Will I be given an extra hour,
For every dollar that I give?

When I stop to help a stranger,
Do I gain another week?
Tell me will the inheritance,
Be postponed if I am meek?

Or do I have it backwards?
Does it work the other way?
Does every kind act- shorten,
My earthly length of stay?

Well I must be very honest.
The answers? I don't know.
But one thing is for certain,
In time, I'm sure to go.
Sep 2010 · 419
Not So Fast
deanena tierney Sep 2010
New love with its weak knees and nervous touch,
Slowly fades away, and the quivers aren't as much.
And when that day comes and boredom arrives,
I guess we'll both just move on with our lives.
Sep 2010 · 432
When all is quiet
deanena tierney Sep 2010
When all is quiet, I breathe out,
And can almost hear my heart,
As it beats in metered rhyme.

And I think of so many things,
Like mortality,God, and reason,
And the quickening of time.

And I find that all my thinking,
Does very little to even no good,
Just wasted hours it seems.

If we are just only heartbeats,
No just cause or purpose here.
Why do we have dreams?
Sep 2010 · 520
Welcome Death
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Weathered granite tells the day, when progress did but turn to mirth.

But, Alas! Does that mere marker pay, due tribute to a mortal's worth?

I do not hasten, nor implore, nor track; Nor speed, my certain demise.

But lo! I will not flail against in vain; Rather greet noble, as no reprise.

Recall of me, please, on finite close; Pacified; appeased; did he meet thy will.

Ere’ the task completed and thy journey done; Welcome Death will lay me still.
Sep 2010 · 744
You Are All So Hungry
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I feel it but their only loss, for society to cast me out.
For failure to follow guidelines set, by one who is without.
For it is but a shameful sight, to live, yet not be free.
Bound by a common prudence, is naught but tragedy.
What mine eyes take pleasure in, I will see, and see again.
And blinded be sad, the rest of men, to deny and call it sin.
And touch I will, repeatedly, the softest of all places,
While all the other's scrutinize, with disapproving faces.
And I will trespass, forbidden land; with fruits for my partaking.
And find the taste irresistible, despite society's forsaking.
And eat I will, until fill is full, then wipe my mouth in glee.
While stands 'round a miserable crowd, desiring to be me.
And if I love another, and yet another, and another more.
Won't I just be pleased and sated, more than I was before?
I find it but a blessing, that my heart can expand... to place,
Inspiration and diversity, into such tiny bits of space.
And I will not beg pardon, from thy judgemental hand.
But rather, offer pity to those, who will never understand.
deanena tierney Sep 2010
My Dear, Dear, Sweet, October! Come to cleanse again!
No passion can compareth, to the day you doth begin.

Summers' last bloom faileth; embers fully spent.
Winters' preparation; Spring has long since went.

Your healing powers riding in, on tails of northern wind.
Long I have been hailing thee, my dear and sweetest friend.

Crisp and cool, your depths of air, they soothe me as I tarry,
In Nature's muse at dusktime, thy troubles carry.

My Dear, Dear, Sweet, October! Come to cleanse again!
No passion can compareth, to the day you doth begin.
Sep 2010 · 525
By Nature's Way
deanena tierney Sep 2010
The waste of many years spent, neglectful, chaste.
The passing of time with trivial toilings - stealing,
Nature's harkened plea.
Come to me! For I am the enduring.
And you belong to me.

Smell the ripened apple, view landscapes' vast abode.
Dive into thy river's broad; Eye with wonder upon:
Mountain, vale, and sky.
For you are of me, and they; you..fixed.
Hear thy Nature's cry!

Each hour, whispered feet, they travel nearer to thee,
To meet with deafening silence, feast while you may.
See, feel, soothed.
From whence body born, you will return.
By Nature's way..removed.
Sep 2010 · 415
...they will go
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Oh, my dear friend! ...I hear the demons are at play!
And it saddens me that I can not, cast them all away!
While you're turning exhausted, every night in bed,
Demons are also toying with me, deep inside my head.
The draft slips in, as they usher in, yet another friend,
But be patient and be wise, as dawn foretells the end.
Waste not a bit of energy, on a battle vainly fought.
Hold fast; Endure the madness, in time t'wil be forgot.
The demons which do visit, are sent with reason. Know.
That once you learn the game, my friend, the demons?

...they will go.
Sep 2010 · 439
I Hurt Too
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I may never feel your arms about me,
Or your kiss upon my lips.
And I may never know your scent,
Or your hands upon my hips.

And I may never get the chance,
To hear you whisper in my ear,
And feel your breath upon my neck,
While you call me "my dear."

And there about a million things,
You and I may never get to do.
And I don't know whose fault it is,
But it's breaking my heart, too.
Sep 2010 · 578
deanena tierney Sep 2010
There was a time when all that I knew was a lie.
But then I started a search for truth.
And I tried to always be honest and good,
So I could live without self - reproof.

And I thought that just by doing so,
That all would be easier to bear.
How could anything ever go wrong,
If all was approached with care?

But it appears that even when open,
Exposing all for others to see,
That, ironically, I can still inflict pain,
Just by being a "better" me.

So, once again, I've been proven a fool,
It matters not whether right or wrong,
Doing my best, has again, failed the test,
Perhaps I was doomed to fail all along.
Sep 2010 · 551
This Can't Even Express It
deanena tierney Sep 2010
No words can ever tell you,
Just what you mean to me.
But close your eyes a moment,
And imagine this with me.....

Lying flat out on your back,
On warm, white, powdered sand,
On a secluded hidden beach,
Pen and paper in your hand.

And peace just washes over you,
While basking naked in the sun,
Nothing to worry at all about,
All the day's work is done.

And your hand is clasped with another,
And you are not alone at all.
You listen to the waves just rolling in,
And hear a lone seagull's call.

And the clouds which are above you,
Are so soft and feathery,
That you lose yourself within them,
And you're totally care-free.

The image I have described above,
Is my most peaceful place- to be.
And it still doesn't compare to you, my friend,
That's how much you mean to me.
Sep 2010 · 713
An Old Book
deanena tierney Sep 2010
In a tiny, old, used bookstore,
In a quaint town in Tennessee,
There's a book that's in a stack,
That I wished belonged to me.

I happened upon that bookstore,
By accident, or it would seem so.
While on a very long road trip,
Searching for a cup of joe.

The boy that worked at the diner,
Where I stopped to get a bite,
Said there would be a coffee shop,
Just up the road on the right.

So I drove just a little bit farther,
Until the street turned into one-way,
And I saw that little coffee shop,
With a sign that said, "Closed Today."

But suddenly I felt a strong desire,
To park my car and get out.
To look closer at a very aged steeple,
And antiques that were scattered about.

And right next door to that coffee house,
Was the bookstore I mentioned before.
And the smell of dust and dry paper,
Engulfed me when I opened the door.

From somewhere in the very back,
A woman's voice said, " I'll be right out."
And I replied, "It's ok,  take your time,"
"I'm just gonna take a look about."

And starting at the very left front wall,
I made my way slowly around.
Moving from "Fiction" to "Philosophy,"
My footsteps, the only sound.

I may have missed a book or two,
Along the very back wall,
For fear that if I moved even one,
The entire shelf would fall.

Just when I decided that I should go,
That it was late, and I must leave,
I saw a book that beckoned me,
That had "Old Poems," on it's sleeve.

It was in a rack at the counter,
Where now sat the woman with a smile.
And because I love "Old" and "Poetry,"
I read through it for a little while.

Most of the pages inside that book,
Were so faded, that I could not see,
But the words on the inside cover,
Made quite an impression on me.

The child-like script was in pencil,
And the little girl went on to say,
That grandma had given the book to her,
In 1890, on the twelfth of May.

She went a little further to remark,
It was a present for the day of her birth,
And then I spied a little orange sticker,
That was to indicate it's worth.

The sticker, it said ten dollars,
But I noticed it was marked down.
The woman behind the counter said,
"That family still lives in this town."

And I knew I had to have that book,
And take it back home with me.
Because of all the memories it held,
And all of it's history.

Suddenly I remembered I had no cash,
No money with which to buy,
And, yes, I could have found a way,
But I really didn't even try.

And ever since that very day,
When I left that book behind,
I find myself checking inside covers,
Just to see what I might find.
deanena tierney Sep 2010
I will take the harshness,
And a beating I can bear.
Even though it's undeserved,
Embarassing and unfair.

You can tell me what to say,
And criticize all that I do.
And I will bend right over,
So it's easier for you.

I will be all your effort,
So you won't have to try.
In fact I will do anything.
But don't ask me to lie.
Sep 2010 · 563
The Uncertainty Inside
deanena tierney Sep 2010
Put me where you want me.
Set me in my place.
Can't you see the look of,
Indecision on my face?
I don't know what I need to do.
Or even where that I should be.
Can't you see I am confused?
Please make this choice for me.
You see, I am a naive girl;
A coward, so it seems.
I can't even trust myself,
Let alone - my dreams.
I wish my faith were stronger.
Even if unreal, it still would guide.
And help me make some sense of,
The Uncertainty Inside.
Sep 2010 · 819
Regretfully Yours
deanena tierney Sep 2010
When the sands of time have finished,
And I wait to breathe my last,
Will I wish I had done something differently,
While reflecting on my past?
There is one thing which now comes to mind,
A "once in a lifetime" chance I may have lost.
When I stifled a dream with a soul mate poet,
Because I was afraid of what it might cost.
The days, they pass so quickly by.
And doors that were open - now close.
And stagnantly I still just sit here.
Looking for answers that nobody knows.
And in my heart I already feel,
A loss that swells with every sigh.
Of the great love affair I almost had,
But instead,  let pass me by.
deanena tierney Aug 2010
We gazed upon a butterfly,
as it rested on a tree,
And as I sat and looked at it,
a thought occurred to me.

Many words could be used,
To describe that butterfly.
But first, I'll choose to use the ones,
That are strictly clear to eye.

The diverted tail was of black,
The body, was likely an inch.
The wings were many shades of blue,
With a spot of purple, just a pinch.

White outlined all of the colors,
From where I sat, this I could see.
Theres my objective description,
Now I'll describe it differently.

The fragile little butterfly,
With violent, majestic hues,
Gave off a translucent shimmer,
That changed with changing views.

It paused ever so sweetly,
To bless me with it's grace,
And my heart swelled within,
While I sat here in this place.

The colors were made deeper,
By the brilliance of the sun.
There's my subjective description,
But one more thought before I'm done.

It really makes no difference at all,
The words we use or choose to imply,
Because in the end if you think about it.
It's still the same butterfly.
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