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David StHilaire Aug 2014
Belly dance into my dreams, ******* me with your shake
So proud to grace the sheets with punk rock royality. I am the bohemian poet, the immaculate escort for the divine
My hand will lead as we wear something we wouldn't usually wear                                           under the Celtic MooN and over the sea that remains between us...
Resilient smiles fill the sky above
As kindness matters and Laughter is necessary
I hold the Love I have to give while protecting the heart I am to keep.
In the most sincerest way possible ... I ask you
Let me be your hidden hero
Let me be your Charlie Brown
Unknown the ocean, silhouette the sound.
David StHilaire Aug 2014
"To kiss as if time will never run out of sand,
to kiss for moments
with the meaning and taste meant
only for the lips of the women I engage with my love"
David StHilaire Aug 2014
~let me make you smile ~
as you quiver within my arms,
my bed is the sheets just skin.
The sweat we create becomes a champagne waterfall.
our fluids mix in tantric showers and climatic moans
this tango will not end anytime
soon .. the song will change, the candles will go out
as we become the flame that the ambiance sways toward
We create the light now as the dried wax sculpts the moment
Our clothing is left to be left alone ..
For right now is forever and forever I have you..
David StHilaire Aug 2014
O' love my charity,
you walked into the cortex of my of my landscape.
Seeking shelter from the wind you found the bed of roses
I had spread out for you.
I had to blink twice as I watched you dance perfectly
in rhythm with the wind of this beautiful, unexpected change.
Taking hold of this moment and of this kiss.
Destiny to be for you and for me...
O' love my sweet, sweet charity.
David StHilaire Aug 2014
"The light between us is nothing but obvious, in it's own arcane way of riddles and passion"

"With eye's wide closed, we act out a waltz emoted through expression, mood, lighting and so much more"

"Always I have taken the long road down on a journey to forever"

"Signed by the soul and the depth of the morals you bring to the table"

"Finding & giving sustenance through laughter and gentle touch, the light between us is nothing
but obvious, in it's own arcane way of riddles and passion"

"You're a pleasure for the imagination as my undivided attention gladly circles around my insomnia"
David StHilaire Aug 2014
must be busy..
I'll wait.. even though
in my mind silence means that time has run out..
family that energy...
don't fade
David StHilaire Aug 2014
"I am a casual man of spirit, lost in the comfortable silence of us. All within dreams lived awake.  Your voice is calling, as I 'savoir' the grace.  Just for this still moment of right now.. your mystery is a turn on."
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