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 May 2013 David Messmer
I've been broken
I've been broken many times
So many times I thought I had felt everything
I thought I could take it all on
Cuz I've dealt with being broken before
I know I can get over being broken
Its easy
You pick your self up, put everything back together again, and move on.
Like I said I can fix being broken.
But I'm not broken not anymore
I'm shattered
So shattered I can't just pick up all the pieces
They're too little and I'll only hurt myself more trying to.
I can't just get up off my floor and go about my life pretending nothing is wrong.
I can't just move on, I feel so much for you that I can't.
I can't
It all hurts too much.
And even though it's all happened
All I want to be is in your arms crying
Having you hold me and telling me how incredibly stupid you were
that you're sorry so so so sorry
that you only want me
And that everything will be okay in the end....
 May 2013 David Messmer
Do you care about me?
Do you love me?
why are you so mysterious !
Why do I think about you constantly
you are killing me slowly
I want to say I love you
But I'm scared
I am still not sure of your feelings
Although I try to appear tough
Love me, hold me, kiss me
Please I’m begging you don’t hurt me
All I want is YOU
Life is very simple
Why can’t we all get along
Am I doing something wrong?
turn your back to people &
lets be forever together
who cares!!
it's none of other people's business
IT'S LOVE !!!!!!
When I’m with you I’m in ecstasy
We don’t even have to do anything & I’m the happiest girl in the world
just simply sitting next to you doing absoluotly nothing means the is the WORLD to me.
I just know everything is going to be alright
Your looks takes away all my problems and pain
You bring me hope
You bring me life

When I first saw you I have to admit nothing really moved inside of me
I didn’t knew you,
But what happened then
I was excited, maybe a new friend
As I got to know you
I knew you were someone special
You had a tender loving side that I grew to adore
I grew to love your unforgettably cute smile
The  smell of you
Your touches on my shoulder
Your ability to know when something is wrong
No guy has ever done that so fast
I never thought I’d be the jealous selfish type
I might sometimes show it, but I can't control myself
I can't hand it
it kills me when other girls talk to you
I just can't
forgive me .
I will give you a love that is unshakable and true

'''Trust Me'''
The perfect child I used to be went to play one day.
she went down this road so very slow,
and ran into a tree.
She woke up later in a strangers house
sitting by the christmas tree.
Oh the fire, Oh the horror, oh what happened to me.?
The pretty little dress around her waist Didn't cover much
Just the nessesities.
her hands were bound behind her back
oh what happened to me?
Just then a man came to her.
  "oh darling Don't worry, Don't worry I am not that mean."
he said oh so quietly. to me.
he gave me some water and I fell asleep
I wake to him ******* me Oh, what happened to me?
I couldn't see
I couldn't move
I could only feal what was happening to me
Hours it felt so painful to me, My heart was broken in three.
my body went numb so slowly I could't breath,
Slowly so, so slowly something trickled down me,
Oh. whats happening to me?.
Just when I thaught it couldn't get worse he whispered so quietly to me.
"I've opened your'e eyes so look close although you have none have fun with my son"
and he left me with his son ,
he hit me. he bit me. and oh so more
                  Then I heard a click and he cut me so very slowly
                   all over me he slid the knife, Intill everything went black and I died.
written   by  savannah    rawdon  just  turned   *twelve
 May 2013 David Messmer
I never learned how to live
Because I spent all of my time
Just trying to die
Between the handles
That I drowned in
And the cigarettes
That I breathed in
And all the crimson-stained
Razor blades I left rusting in
Some random parking lot
Down the street from my house
But there have been years between
The skin I lived in then & the one
I walk around in now
So we wake up early & we drink coffee
And we dodge memories like potholes
In my ****** sports car on the way to school
And we don't talk about all of the things that
Weigh us down because
We've been tryin to feel lighter
 May 2013 David Messmer
i always
 May 2013 David Messmer
i always

wanted to be in love,
to be the person that others groan at in the hallway,
swapping affections and possibly personality with the boy of my choice.
wanted to be wanted.

wanted friends to be jealous,
to say god i wish i had a relationship like yours
and ask questions about where we met and how we got along.
wanted to be noticed.

wanted my mom to talk to her friends,
complaining about how obnoxious i was and how infrequently i made my way home,
causing family members to ask on about my boyfriend at gatherings.
wanted something normal.

believed it was possible for someone like me to finally have something average,
something to give me acceptance into the social world.
wanted not to be the outcast i made myself out to be.
thought and then.

thought and then i met a girl with eyes like cool ash and shoulders so heavy, so broad,
it took everything i had inside me to help her bear the load.
knew, knew as a child, when i suppressed my urges to hold a hip like mine,
to dip a red haired beauty under warm ballet hall lights and instead be dipped myself.

knew, especially when i pounded against the walls of a tiny bathroom cubicle,
screaming my desperation at not wanting,
but wanting so much to allow myself to lick the space where her collarbones met her neck.
thought i had been brought up to have an open mind.

-but, darling, i needed so much more than an open mind for this.
 May 2013 David Messmer
do you know what it's like to be so in love that you're in pain
I don’t think it takes much to fall in love

Sweet whispers of cute nothing’s

dance through your head

because some fool

spoke a new language to you

and every word 
was magic 

and with every word 
you fell

and your heart 
began to love his voice

And the simple smile

that shines in his eyes 

like the stars at night 

and only a few see it

because most are asleep 
when the stars are awake
 and soon the stars twinkle at you

and you fall

The way his hand 
made you feel  
like the dust
 dancing in the sunlight 

light as air
full of simple beauty 

and with his touch
 you fell

And by now it’s too late

because you fell for his



 and touch


but for you darling 
I hope it doesn’t happen often

because to have it once forever

is much better 
than millions of times 

if you fall too much

you’ll eventually break
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