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she was like
        a wilting flower
drained of all things
that kept the others upright

he was like
        a rushing brook
who saw her crumpled and tired,
crowded by overgrown weeds,
and wanted nothing more
than to clear the earth around her
and see her bloom again

so he took all he had
        and poured it into her
and when finally the pinkness
had returned to her cheeks
        she looked back at him
        and saw that

he was now like
        a withering shrub
frail and planted in dry clay

and despite the deep conviction
she had in her heart to restore him
        like he had restored her
all of her best efforts
left her with with exposed roots
and dirt beneath her fingernails

he wouldn’t let her stay
        to continue to try
        to quench his thirst
so she left him with a watering can
and promised he’d soon find relief
 May 2013 David Messmer
1) If you change every ten minutes, that is okay. You do not have to be the same person every day in order to be real. You also do not have to continue spending time with anyone just because you are used to them. If they are not good to you, you can leave at any moment.
2) Gender is a jail cell. You do not have to wear the shackles if you do not want to. Be yourself. Do not be a slave to stereotypes, roles & limits. What you have in your pants should not make you more or less of anything you want to be.
3) Love is free and you can take as much of it as you want. The amount of *** a person has does not make them inferior or superior. No one has the right to tell you that the way you are dressed is inappropriate. You can wear anything you want to. Society's fear of the human body is ******* nonsense.
4) Do not let anyone convince you that your feelings are not acceptable. Nothing you feel is a flaw. Depression is not a weakness. Happiness is not selfish. You do not have to be moved in the same way or have the same outlook as anyone else. You are not insane for having emotions and you should not have to hide them.
5) Be kind but stick up for yourself. You have a voice for a reason. You do not need to play dead when you are being hurt or feeling offended. Speak up. It is okay to dislike what is happening around you.
6) Addiction is painful and very real. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty or unworthy of help. Do not listen to anyone who says they do not feel sorry for you. Yes, you have the power to stop it but you still deserve support and sympathy whether you caused it or not. And not all addictions are chemical...
7) Your scars do not mean you are thirsty for attention. Self-harm is a real issue. Do not question your own feelings because of what anyone tells you your motives were. You know yourself better than anyone else. If you are willing to hurt yourself, something is very wrong. Get help. You deserve recovery.
8) Just because you are an artist does not mean you cannot fix your problems. Getting better will not make your work less powerful. Pain is not the only way to create beauty. Safety is more important and security can be gorgeous, too. You can be dynamic and okay inside at the same time. Plus, your memories will always be your's to talk about and look at even when happiness is reached.
9) You do not have to follow the structure and time line of life that has been mapped out for you since day one. You do not have to graduate high school. You do not have to go to college or be in the military. You do not have to get married. You do not have to have children. You do, however, have to do whatever it takes to survive and be happy. You should do whatever the **** feels right to you.
10) You do not have to believe in a god or be part of a church to have faith. You can believe in yourself instead. The idea of karma should not be the deciding factor in all of your decisions. You should have the capacity to reason all on your own. You do not have to believe in your government or love your country. Seeing the flaws in the fabric does not mean you do not deserve to live here. The Earth is your's. It is man who draws the borders and makes the laws and you are just as significant and worthy as the people who are in charge. Act like it.
 May 2013 David Messmer

She keeps me from sleep.
Any other night it wouldn't matter
but tonight it's what I need
in order to memorize the memories.

Slowly I thought I'd lose her
so impulse became to consume me
and after she called my bluff
I rushed off to see her beauty.

If love is meant to be it'll come back.
Seven months did prove that.
Met her in [november] and lost contact.
She returned, showed interest and my heart crashed.

She's gorgeous and it's hard to believe
she chose me, and that
night I drove out to be able to see
the most astonishing smile
that was put there because of me.

In love again but surprisingly it feels different. T
he type of love one reads about.
The type of love I'm writing about.
The type of love we all dream about
and the type of love I'm experiencing now.

Appreciate every hour spent.
Right now we've spent around twenty two
together in five encounters and
the fifth was my favorite because
this love didn't become mine but ours.

It's way more than writing lines.
No coincidence that this poem
to you is number five.

Penultimate verse. I know you
understand every word.
For you every word in my vocabulary I've used
and yes I do agree that you are my favorite muse.

I've created a moment with her at last
and I knew I had achieved it when
she whispered after I kissed her that
her heart was beating too fast.
somewhere there's a graveyard
with unmarked tombstones
and a distinct absence of bones
and the space under each headstone
is filled with all of the words that were never said
all of the tongues that were bitten and held
and all of the mouths that stayed shut
all of the thoughts that danced around the periphery of consciousness like shadows flickering in the firelight
a mausoleum of missed trains and missed chances
an ardent arrangement of alternate realities
a collection of the opportunities and objects that slipped through the cracks.
an obituary of What Could Have Been.
i have forgotten how it feels
to have your fingers interlocked with mine
please remind me

i can't quite recall
the warmth of your head upon my chest
please remind me

i can't seem to describe
the singsong splendor with which words wander from your lips
please remind me

i have misplaced the memory
of the tantalizing texture of your lips
upon mine
please remind me

i have forgotten how it feels to be loved
please remind me
 May 2013 David Messmer
Looks: feelings THAT do not talk!!!
 May 2013 David Messmer
Me: Kelly likes you
Him: I wont date her because i like someone else.
Me: Whhhhooooooo
Him: a person in our class
Me: Well if it's not Kelly * unless you like men * hmmmmm Mariah?
Him: no.
Me: Me?
Him: yup
Me: I convinced myself that people cannot like me
Him:  you lied to **yourself
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