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David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Harry don't burn the house down
Alcohol has rottended your brain
Try to give up the drinking
By replacing your niacin

You can't blame Victoria this time
And I know equally of all your pain
but no amount of police friend protection
Sometimes you have to cure with restraint

Harry don't burn the house down
Remember **** hits, when we were kids
We didn't have no crack pipe
We were lucky that way, no sh*t

And don't crap where your mother might live
Harry don't burn the house down
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
I remember prenatal
The feeling of warmth
And mother puking
I remember six weeks old
And mother throwing me
Down a flight of stairs
I remember one
When mother threw me
Out of her VW's sunroof
I remember year two
When her mobster
Boyfriend ***** me
I remember three
When I was locked
In the basement with the rats
I remember four
And moving
to Nevada
I remember five
and Kennedy
I remember six
And learning
I remember seven
And learning
I remember eight
Mother beat me
With a belt buckle
I remember nine
and lying there
I remember
Happy mother's day
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
I never knew a thing before
And now I
Hear the ocean's roar
I hear the
Clatter of your
But keep going
And I see
A road that
Never ends
And it floats
It could learn
It just lies there
In the sun
Like a lizard
Gathering warmth
And our minds, Hazel
Gaze into each other's peepers
Become one
The answers
Become wordless
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
Headed for hard
Hard time for me
I know where I'm headed
It's no mystery

I'm headed for hard
I will not live free
I will not back down
From thyne enemies

Who torment and taunt me
Since I was three
Don't know where they're headed
Know only 'bout me

I must track them down
Put them in defeat
But, do not know how
To do this legally

The crime families torturing
Me all these years
Will die in a blood bath
I'll draw from my tears

My parents and siblings
Who've stolen my wealth
Will soon live in fear
When their beaten with belts

My rage will continue
Upon criminals
Who pretend they're important
With Badges; In robes

Then I will burn down
All celebrities
Homes if they're drunken
Or ****** babies

Living politicians
Will not be safe at all
When I chain them then, drag them
Down what's called the mall

The fat cat and kitty
I've told you before
Will die with their doorman's
Blood on their door

No one will be safe
Once sent out on my rage
I'll just "**** 'em all"
'Till I'm thrown in a cage

No one will learn
The world will not change
But, I'll have my vengeance
And justice some day

I'm headed for hard
I will not live free
I will not back down
From mine enemy

I'm headed for hard
It's hard time for me
John Law will find me
I'll never be freed
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Let me try again
Try to explain
Just how I feel for you
In sickness and in pain
In wellness and in health
With fat or with a belt
Being sound, an able mind
or just too crazy to unwind
But, this thing happens every time
I look at you and hear this chime
It's like a carnival with all the rides
And cotton candy stacked so high
The colored lights and happy faces
When your presence gives me graces
Cartwheels and somersaults
And big pink bunnies that you win
It's like a wheelie over wheelbarrows
That I never want to end
A tumble-set 'til summer sets
Then somersets again
David Ehrgott Apr 2015
She's got 300 dresses and tells me
"I can't find anything to wear."
"You have 300 dresses."  I tell her
"Yes!"  she ***** back
"And none of them match my new pair of shoes."
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
In Norwood, New Jersey
Just west of
the southbound side
of the Parkway

There is a house
occupied by 17th century werewolves

They do not mean harm to anyone
Nor do they mean to frighten you
And at times

so inviting

that you'll just have to laugh along with them
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
Secretary Clinton wants you
to believe that a womanizer
would make a terrible leader

She is sooooo forgetful
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
I was on my way
Sailing up high
Happy thoughts or destiny
I never will know why
How or where  
She came from
But I never will forget
The day that Tinkerbell hit me on my head
Woke me up to wondrous dreams under my bed
Now every time I turn around I dream of her instead
The little boy inside of me, the tenderness/the dread
Oh, Tinkerbell went on vacation but, she worked from here to there
Sometimes near Miami and sometimes near Bel Air
And although I still see her smile here from time to time
I miss the sparkle in her eyes and her blonde hair that would shine
So hit me on my head and give me life
I would rather dream of you, then face brimstone and a fire
C'mon tinker with me, please again
So I can get to my one true heaven
And Tink, she thought that everything I wrote was just her
Well, sometimes I use the words that no one should ever hear
So I'm still protective, It's only because I care for you
To be with me from here on end if you ever dare
To hit me on my head again and dream
Dream up all those happy thoughts, dream of only me
Throw your magic dust again on me
I've been waiting all my life, just like I said
Waiting ever since I was a kid
You're majic in my dreams
And your thoughts are in my head
The many times forgiven you
With your ***** tricks
Everything's not right inside your head
But, that's okay 'cause we can find the places that we've been
So hit me on my head again and dream
Dream up all those happy thoughts
Dream of only me
Throw your magic dust again on me
I've been waiting all my life just like I said
Waiting, ever since I was a kid
Ever since I was a little kid
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
The midnight alley cats sing harmony
The fire and police
Lay down the backbone and the beat
to summon music from the street
The ambulance then takes the lead
they drive Daly away
They could have just called up a hearse
the stench of death will stay
The dogs are barking
Howling wolves can hear it far away
No need to light a river fire
was ninety-eight today
too many homeless died last winter
too many homeless in the seat today
David Ehrgott Mar 2015
Jack and Jill went up a hill
Walked all the way to Spain
Jane stayed home and
made a t.v. dinner
David Ehrgott Feb 2015
Mama told me to stay in school
But, I couldn't take those teacher's rules
Papa said "Son, won't you listen real quick.
School was a drag, so I quit."

I got the homework blues
Baby, they're mean
I got the homework blues
Well, I had to drop out of school
When I got them blues

Couldn't get a job, so I got a career
Driving a truck and drinking a beer
I've seen the country from coast to coast
Never got a flat but, I broke some spokes

I got the homework blues
Baby, they're mean
I got the homework blues
Well, I had to drop out of school
When I got dem blues

Got a wife, got a kid
The kid goes to school
but, he wants to quit
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
Half of reality is make believe.
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
Carolyn Sara Echo Bonnie
Helena Su'ze and Faridi
All my babies cry and tease me
All you had to do, drop them then please me
Who knew that hawks could fly at night
Fell off my bike, retired for life
Greenbriar boys will try to tell ya
"I ain't tryin' to gaslight no one fella"
Hey all my girlfriends round and rounder
I'm so glad I grabbed and found her
Here we go, here we go, Big Blue Diamond
Telling everybody I'm one loose cannon
Choo-Choo  Choo-Choo  long train running
Look at that ******, he's still gunning
Rich man, Rich man, overpaid me
******* off ****** going to save me?
Carolyn Sara Echo Bonnie
Helena Suze and Faridi
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
About a year ago, before the candidates were in the running.  The headlines read "Hillary defeats Satan."  I , at the time, could not understand this.  "How could this be?"  I questioned myself.  After all, wasn't she the one that handed over the POTUS position to a muslim/socialist?  And wasn't she caught with a truckload of articles that belonged to the United States when she moved out of the White House?  Yet, some women groups still believe she is the right person to steal the office.  (Remember Dickandbush, no one voted for them either. Remember?  REMEMBER?)  The Presidency is not a position that is voted by the people anymore and hasn't been decided by the public in a long, long time.  As a matter of fact, the whole election process is merely a choreographed dance or ******* if you will.

  Now to the matter of topic.  How she does it.  First she gets a crazy old man who preaches socialism is the answer to be her opponent.  Is any one in their right mind going to believe that socialism belongs anywhere on THIS PLANET!  Listen friend, if it didn't work for the Russians and the USSR then how in the hell do you think it would work here.  Some one PLEASE purchase a one-way ticket to China for Bernie boy or maybe send him to Mars.  Maybe it could work there. Okay?  She has the Democratic ticket.  In like Flint.

  Now the other side,  the Republicans had so many choices and only one of them had the nads to challenge the SUPER-PACS.   (You remember those nice scumbags that pay politicians so much money to destroy the country that they (the politicians) just have to take it.  Let's see, there once at the time was about eighteen of them.  And not one of them could match the evil wits of Satan.  I really believed at one time that he DID have a chance to beat thunder-thighs.  Then he did this.  First he stated that he was good friends with Hillary and has known her for a very long time.  Then, he did the unthinkable.  He hired the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to tag along with him.  You remember him.  Don't you?  The guy who not only single-handedly bankrupted an entire city.  But, also gave the State of New Jersey a $384 BILLION deficit.  Great choice Donald.  Why don't you just meet Hillary in a motel for three days and you can be the next leader in about eight years or so.

  The other Republican hopefuls were 1.  Pretty Boy (he could get the eighteen year old vote but, that's about all.)  2.  *****-Nilly (just not leadership material.)  3.  BUSH? 4.  Some guy whose name sounds like a ****** disease.  5.  The Penguin, or as he put it Dracula. And other fiends of Hillary.

Sorry Folks,

The fix was in from the get go.
It's in the bag.

Let's just hope that thunder-thighs doesn't squeeze us too hard.

Oh, just one last thing.  If we limit terms in the Senate, Congress, and most importantly Supreme Court.  Then, and only then will we have an uncorrupted government.  You can thank me later.

A Poet
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
Darkened winded whirlpools
Tearing up farms and homes
Swallowing whole towns
David Ehrgott Oct 2014
I am a poet
Like the rest of the world
I write of living, loving, and dying
I am  a poet
Like the rest of the world
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
This is a song that I call
I beat the mountain
And it ends
with I am dead

I beat the mountain yessir
I beat the mountain
Don't just pretend
that it hurts

I beat the mountain dallas
I beat the mountain
I beat the mountain alice
I beat the mountain
I beat the mountain
I beat the mountain

There's a place in this world
Where you can go to climb to heaven
It's in the Himalayan Mountains
in south, east, central asia

It takes a week to walk to the mountain
And one more week to reach the air
And there is no air at the top
And you freeze your face off there
And so I walked to the mountain
And I reached higher ev'ry day
And I breathed in the air
And took pictures of the mountain
Now that mountain presents a challenge
Says "Don't come near me if you dare"
For I will slay you on this mountain
I have before ; I will again
Uh-Oh the challenge of that mountain
The challenge in the air
The challenge of that mountain
The challenge of that mountain
And I climbed the mountain
Yes I did, I climbed the mountain
I climbed the mountain
I climbed the mountain
You think the sun, when it hits your head
That you're blinded or you're dead
You think the sun, when it hits your head
It warmed your head but, it didn't
But I kept climbing, I kept ahead
Going higher and higher, no more air
But there's more mountain, so there
It's all a joke, just on you, not all of humanity
Most people know better and
Stay away from the mountain
It bites off your head
Takes your fingers and toes
And nose from you and leaves you dead
Takes your brain, makes you delirious
Makes you crazy in the brain, I'm serious
So stay away from the mountain

Stay away from the mountain
Stay Away!  Stay away from the mountain
Stay Away!  Stay away from the mountain
Stay Away!  Stay Away, Far Far Away!

Cause I climbed up that mountain
Yes I did, I climbed that majic mountain
Yes I did, I climbed the mountain
I'm full of dread 'cause I am dead
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Look at the Canyon
Wonder how it got it's start

Grandioso Splendor
It is Deepness
and spread far apart

From just a trickle
off the ice that was so cold
it burnt the earth apart

Make a libretto like Mozart
or just laugh a lot

Ignorance spreads
like a wild fire
Others create art

Pretend you're my friend
but in the end I can see
Through your finely disguised plot

She came to me a kitten so cold
I had to hold
and warm her heart

Her beauty that of skin deep
as it turned out
she really didn't have a heart at all

Nothing there but
deceit, vengeance, & cruelty
Everything beneath
the acts of humanity

An Icy stare
so cold
It burns a hole right through your soul

A man-hating *****
kills and robs millionaires
Trains middle school kids
all the hatred that they deserve

Because of what her father did
She can't let go
And all the men she loves
Pay for all her sorrow

An Icy stare
So cold
It burns a hole right through your soul

I tread muddy waters now
watch now
hear what I know

Imperialist or Socialist
appointed - no choice
That is what we get

Supposedly a free place
Isn't a free place
even when we pretend

Cops **** are children monthly
and the army does the same
and we just watch the t.v.
we haven't any brain

to stop and change
the wrongness
that's been going so insane

take a look old faithful
we can time you
and we know when you blow your steam
with every time in wonder
of it's gleam

Well look who started Lucy
beating five old kiddie brains
and lookit charlie water bomb
We look up to them

We love the way they look
in technicolor
or so were we trained

Burn it down
burn their world
someone has to make a change

I turn the mirror on your faces
say "look at what you have done"
You cry "No Fair. we can't look.
Don't make us, please"

What comes around still goes around
Miss Meunter are you done?

A trickle off the ice
so cold it burns a hole
on planet earth

The waters now so low
they flow then dry up
like the old

An icy stare
can cause a glare
that burns a hole
because it is so cold
so cold
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
The life of the party
Yeah, that's me
Nobody wants to hear that
I should have kept
Those stories to myself
or kept them upon a shelf
A pity *** pile of you know what
A waste and
Not even a man
Get on with your life
And get over it
Don't ever think that you can't
I finally quit drinking
I finally quit smoking
Yes, I have
And given the chance
I may smile again
I may smile again
But, I've had such a life
That I can't pretend
That this torment will ever end
So I try to erase
All the pain I have seen
Close my eyes please
And leave me alone
Because I cry alone
Because I cry alone
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
All the times you've loved me
and I didn't hear a one
like a rail-man drunk on brandy
I couldn't hear your love

Now, If I had be listening
Soft bluebirds in thin air
Would let me know where heaven is
That is in front of your glistening
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
I got a rainforest full of tears
without you
Thought that after all these years
I'd have you
But you found out I was dumb
dudn't matter how I'm hung
I got a rainforest full of tears
without you

Ashley, Ashley all fall down
ring around the rosey
The whole **** world just brings me down
I got a rainforest full of tears

Open wide and 'wirl around
I love my midnight floozie
I hope you're here-You're not around
I got a rainforest full of tears

Kung fu Raggedy Andy war/s
got sent back to China
Salmonella on his brain
I got a rainforest full of tears
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
I killed the Santa Claus that died last Tuesday
He was a *** on 6th and 33rd
Ran over him in my bosses beat up limo
Headed for garbage; headed for out of town
Picking up airports on Christmas eve
Twenty-four hours, it isn't a breeze
Falling in potholes and falling asleep
Hunting down deadwood and making a dime
I killed the Santa Claus that died last Tuesday
He was a *** on 6th and 33rd
Ran over himin my bosses crummy limo
Drop off the garbage; Headed out of here
Now I got an ounce, that's 27 g's
Of the finest coke/blow on the street
Look out for me I'm a loaded gun
I've been on the street, not a ton of fun
I killed the Santa Claus that died last Tuesday
He was a *** on 6th and 33rd
Ran over him in my bosses beat up limo
Headed for tunnel; then headed out of here
Now Santa Claus ain't no peace cop
And sometimes I don't give a dare
But, you can imagine reaction
To killing a Santa Claus around here, and
I killed the Santa Claus they found last Tuesday
He was around like light on a tail
Ran over him in my bosses beat up limo
Headed for trouble; Headed out of here
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
I think I'll be a music man
Travel across the land
Sing to all the losers
Give them a helping hand
I'll be a *** with money
But a rich man with my song
Thumbing across the country
Living all life long
I'll play the cities like L. A.
For a day or week
Then when I am tired
I'll move to Boulder Creek
My legs may be quite tired
My eyes can barely see
But, no one can tell me I'm chained
My mind will always be free
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Nobody's perfect
Poetry is an art
Form that must be practiced
Nobody's perfect poetry is
an art form
that must be practiced
Poetry is an art form
that must be practiced.
Nobody's perfect.
David Ehrgott Mar 2015
Luann loves me, yes she do
I love Luann
And I love her all I can
I love Luann

Will you buy me diamonds dear?
Fast as I can
For you know that I love you
I love Luann

Luann loves me, yes she do
I love Luann
And I love her all I can
I love Luann

Will you marry me my dear?
Fast as I can
For you know that I love you
I love Luann

Luann loves me, yes she do
I love Luann
And I love her all I can
I love Luann
I love Luann
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
I'm not a hippie she non sequitured
as I asked her questions
I'm not a hippie
I'm not a hippie she vociferated
It's okay I'm not a hippie either
I overly averred
Then we talked and agreed
and got warm
and got wet
Two years later we met again
It's like that sometimes for the jet-setters
"Hi" she smiled
"Hi" I returned
Did you hear the new (hip hop/rap star) album
she inquired
I'm not a hip hopper I stated
"What?" she questioned
I'm not a hip hopper I re-replied
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
I'm sorry to everyone
Who reads of my smithings
Poetry should not
Be grotesque or be gritty
It should be filled with love
And of words that are pretty
And laughter or other
Kind words or the silly
But never should anyone
Read of my hurt
The pain and the suffering
Or of my bleeding shirt
I'm sorry but I
Still have to tell you the truth
For hiding it
Just makes it uglier too
The butterflies try
To make it go away
But ugly is ugly
I'm sorry today
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time

In a little time
  gonna spend some time with you
In a little time
  we'll make all our dreams come true
In a little time
  no more turning back
In a little time
  no more time for hackensack
In a little time
  that's real soon
In a little time
  Me and you

In a little time
  not real fast
In a little time
  Forget all the past
In a little time
  Made for you
In a little time
  Dreams come true
In a little time
  No more livin' the blues
In a little time
  Me & You

In a little time
  In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
  In a little time, In a little time
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
Wishing on a smokey evening moon
for all the things I didn't get in june
A warbly glob thing prevented me
from uniting with my ev'ryth'ng
Wishing on a smokey evening moon

Wishing on an independence moon
The fireworks they made an awful boom
Jumped out of seat and moved my feet
But inside all I did was weep
Just missing you on an independence moon

I wished upon the moon that you'd be here
to celebrate the colors and the cheer
You're brave and bold and left me cold
I'm mindfuckt by your science so

I'm wishing you'd be here on
Independence day Mc Chievious
July the fourth in o'nine
Wishing on a smokey evening independence day lit gorgeous twilight moon
David Ehrgott Mar 2015
The other day we played here
Better days been here
You could reach in your pocket
For a bucket of fine dears
This all excitement is driving me to fear
Well, all I need is a gold bit drive in my ear

I need a Lulu
To beat four of a kind
I need a Lulu
She sure is fine
Find me a Lulu
She's one of a kind
I'd like to dine with a Lulu

She's buying diamonds
She's buying gasoline
She's driving, always driving me
She keeps her shirt on
She's really kind of mean
She keeps me feeling that I'm so unclean

I need a Lulu
Beats four of a kind
I need a Lulu
But, what a find
Find me a Lulu
She sure is fine
I'd like to dine with a Lulu

Lulu I still love you
And I always did
That certain kind of feeling
That just drives me with a kick

I need a Lulu
Beats four of a kind
I need a Lulu
But, what a find
Find me a Lulu
She sure is fine
I'd like to dine with a Lulu
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Mary had a little lamb.
It just wasn't enough.
"More!  More!"  Mary would demand.
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Left out in the cold
             in the cold
Left out in the cold
             in the cold

He used to be a fighting man
              in the cold
              in the cold
or in the sands or
              in the cold
              in the cold

in the cold, in the cold
left out in the cold
in the cold, in the cold
left out in the cold
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
I can not sleep
And I want to eat
My heart keeps beating
And I still keep working at
Defeating my dues
To make a new
World in order to
Survive all my nightmares
In the dark
In the dark you screamed
In the dark
In the dark
I thought that you would never leave
You were mean in the dark
And I screamed in the dark
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
What's the hurry in you
What's the hurry in you
This cold December morn
Why you hurry
Why you
What's that inside you
Waiting to be born
Walk some time with me now
Walk some time with me now
Sheltered from the storm
Come on and walk with me
Now, come on and walk with me
Now, before we get to drawn
Why don't you spend some time
Why don't you spend some time with me
In the dawn
Why don't you spend some time with me
Why don't you spend some time with me
In the dawn
Why don't you spend this time with me
Why don't you spend this time with me
In the dawn
Why don't you spend that time with me
Why don't you spend that time with me
In the dawn
Why don't you spend this time with me
Spend some time with me
In the dawn
Spend some time with me
Spend some time with me
In the dawn
Spend some time with me
Just spend some time with me
In the dawn
Spend some time with me
Spend some time with me
In the dawn
Spend some time with me
Spend some time
That easy time in the dawn
Spend some time with me
Spend some time
That crazy time in the dawn
Spend some time with me
Spend some time with me
In the dawn
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
I hear a lot of bad talk about bots.
All people do is bad-mouth the bots.
I, personally, don't think it's right.
I mean, exactly what is all this bot-bashing
about?  Bots aren't bad.  What are ya
jealous 'cause they're smarter than you.
Ya'all betta watchit.
Some day they'll be able to hear you.

Then what?
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
In the hole of my sock monkey heart is a void where you used to be.
David Ehrgott May 2015
soft imprisoned snails
emerging, thus escaping
the frowning decay
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
I'm a teenage ******
I stole my uncle's rifle
I took it to school with me one day
to show all my friends
what I can do

I said "Yo, Roger!"  BOOM!
***** you
Look what I can do
I said "Hey, Nancy"  BA-BOOM!
I can't meet you after school
Not today

I see more friends
I shoot them too
I really don't know what I am doing
and could grow up one day to
see how foolish I was but

That is not going to happen
as I point my weapon at my head
and escape
the misery
in this world of madness
David Ehrgott Mar 2015
Well, they got some of it right.  Her grandmother did live in the woods and the girl's name was Robyn.  But, she never owned a red hoodie.  As a matter of fact, on that particular day, she was wearing a white dress with a floral print.  Upon being frightened by a wolf, she reflexxedly pulled out her Bowie knife and gutted the poor thing like a fish.  Then, she slit its throat to drain out its blood, grabbed the creature by its hind legs, and dragged it to her grandmother's log cabin.  Upon arrival, Robyn announced herself.  "Grandma, ya home?  I picked up some dinner on my way here.  Are you hungry?"  Inquired the young miss.  "I could eat a horse"  replied her grandmother Tess.  "Great" her granddaughter shot back, "I'll start a fire."  "I'll bake some bread" replied Tess.  And the two of them ate wolf for a week while telling each other stories and laughing and laughing and just enjoying themselves having a good time.  The End.
You always get the real deal here.
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
She's right smack dab
                in the middle of it
They are bombing all her neighbors


As I sit here feeling helpless


There is nothing I can do


So far away from


So far away from her

There there my new found friend
My love
My dream

I have prayed for your safety
I have prayed to Yahweh
I have prayed to Abraham
I have prayed to Jonah

I pray to them all that God
will save you

It is all I can do
So all I do is
and hope that God can hear me
David Ehrgott Apr 2017
At the laundromat today
I witnessed a little girl
maybe two or threee
years of age strapped
into her stroller and
playing a game on her
smart phone

I thought to myself
what a spoiled little
toddler she is because
when I was her age all
we got was an egg
filled with silly putty
to play with and we
couldn't wait until
Sunday so we could
roll the silly putty over
the comics and copy the
images on to the funny clay.
silly, wasn't it? Mother would
worry that the ink from the paper
would be harmful to us but,
we didn't care.

Today's toddlers are much more
smarter than we were, heck when
you think about it, their phones
are smarter than we used to be

much more dangerous too.
all they have to do is drop
that thing and lookout! Now
it's leaking radiation. Hey moms,
how do you like having a phone
so smart now?
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
Hazy dreams
of you
I had
When I was
but a teen
I wished for you
to come to me
I even used
Black Magic
Wishing hard
I got my wish
And there you were
I stare towards your glow
I stare towards your glow
I stare towards your glow
I stare towards your glow
You're glow
And I am
En Agape
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
It's a lonely city, new york
In the summer of 1976
The serial killer son of sam
was killing off all the blondes
When the media leaked this information to the public
Six hundred thousand women dyed
their hair blonde overnight

It's a lonely city, new york
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
The pronouns are always paid well while
the amatuer nouns make practically nothing.
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
Open the ice-box take out some ice cream
We're going to play some ice hockey
And when all the fighting's done
Ice packs are what we will need
The ice cap has no lice, mice, rice
Heard Bo Bice's vice was dice
The ice age was a time not nice
Ice breaker or an ice-boat
They both let ships move forward
The ice that's in the ice-house
has icicles that formed
The baker's work is now complete
Icee or Italian ices
The icing's on the cake.  Too sweet?
David Ehrgott May 2016
Can a blind man
Become a poet
How can one write
about the things
they have never seen

Could a deaf man
Write poetry
How could he express
the sounds of things
He has never heard

Would a dolt even think
About writing poetry
and if he COULD put down
on paper what he feels
Who on Earth would ever listen

There's a professor at Harvard
Who teaches poetry
left, write, upside down, and sideways
but, she was never
Write for me
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
Sometimes I dig deep, way inside
But there is nothing there that is left
Except for the excruciating pain you gave
Me, I have other kinds of debt

You knew the rules before you popped the pills
And mass hysteria set in
A cold cup of hard scotch made it
Made it difficult to live again

You can not escape all you have done here
If you're lucky, only half of what you did
Look here, I'm running off the track again
And I don't even know where this train will end

Everything that is real has an ending
Sometimes sad but, that's the way of life
If we took away the hurt and pain & suffering
There would be nothing we could write about
Nothing we could write about in the end
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Mary had a little lamb
A little bit of pork
And some roast beef
If there was one thing
People could say about Mary
It was that she really loved her meat
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Mary went bankrupt.
Betting on a lamb to win a horse race just wasn't a wise decision.
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