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2.0k · Mar 2015
Danilo P Cabrera Mar 2015
the pebbles on this beach,  
each one a memory,
reminders of the time,
that belonged you and me,

when we walked hand in hand,
with bare feet on moist sand,
into the horizon,
like the ocean does with land,

we collected these pebbles,
as jewels from the sea,
you liked the oval ones,
I liked all you gave to me,

I found some more pebbles,
unlike any I've seen,
I wish you could see them,
they're kind of aquamarine,

if love were like pebbles,
mine would blanket this shore,
endlessly forever,      
like I promised you before,

the pebbles on this beach,
I keep them here with me,
same place you left them,
right where they'll always be.
© Danilo Cabrera. All rights reserved
1.0k · Mar 2015
Past Love Sonnet
Danilo P Cabrera Mar 2015
Loved you like sunshine loves earth as it spins,
touched you as softly as shades feel your skin,
kissed you as much as seabirds grace the sea,
talked with you easier than the closest twins,
viewed you as a desert sees water beads,  
needed you as much as trees do their leaves,  
held you with care, as a nest keeps its egg,  
hugged you a lot, like a fruit does its seeds,  
thought of you as highly as sky can be,    
trusted you like birds have faith on the wind,
waited for you like gardens long for spring,  
yet you turned me into old memory.
© Danilo Cabrera. All rights reserved
884 · Mar 2015
I'm with you now
Danilo P Cabrera Mar 2015
please close your eyes,
they look weary,
your spirit cries,
it feels dreary,

I'm with you now,
I've always been,
by heart is how,
and from within,

inhale my love,
exhale your pain,
just glimpse above,
I'm here again.
© Danilo Cabrera. All rights reserved
780 · Jul 2015
mazes of the mind
Danilo P Cabrera Jul 2015
i find myself in mazes,
built inside my mind
after every winding path
you are the only one i find
i try and convince myself
that things like trees and clouds
are the same they were before
but after you touched them
somehow they are just not
and never will be again
my thoughts of you
are bright morning colors
that awake me
from my life in black and white
i see you everywhere, in crowds,
and in figures, in the night
i wait for you in meadows
full of buds that never die
because they hold a promise,
to bloom when you arrive.

— The End —