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  Mar 2016 Daniel Hassan
Lily Siegel
I, myself prohibit
myself to reveal our secret,
to say your full name,
or even write it when I write.
A prisoner of you I am,
Searching in the shadows the caverns of my agony.
When I invoke you when I am alone,
In the dark rock I touch your impassible company.
  Mar 2016 Daniel Hassan
Lily Siegel
O Yirushalime!

How beautiful are your white buildings,
How great are your walls,

The city that has a person from every part of the world,
The city that every person cares, loves, and claims;
The city every person feels a connection to.

O Jerusalem the eternal city!
After arriving to visit family the city has taken my breath
  Dec 2014 Daniel Hassan
Lily Siegel
Why hide if one can be seen?
Why run if one can fight?
Why kneel  if one can stand with a head held high?
Why surrender if one still has strength?
Why cry if one can still smile?
Because struggle comes before one overcomes the obstacle.
Shall I overcome?

— The End —