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On a cold rainy night
The streets are walked
Not by me, nor by you
But by death itself
Watching over all

Death peers through windows
Into the homes, into the lives
Of people going about life
Kids, families, lovers
Seeking out company

Company to fill lonely nights
Down in hell, where screams rule
Not out of pain, nor loss
But how cruel life was to give them hope
Hope that good things last forever

But death stops and looks into a window
And tears fall down its face
As he sees a happy family
Knowing what’s to come
The pain of grieving parents.
Beyond she is,
Apon her throne she sits
Stretching and clawing
Her eyes locked on prey

Her red hair,
Long and pure
Of fire and ember
Burning brighter than the sun

Her body a landscape
Each piece of skin a story
Every scar a prize,
Her eyes the height of the world

Bats protect and watch over
The queen they serve
Horrors they bring,
A pain so pleasant

Her prey grateful
Lining up to be devoured
A meaning to life
To die for beauty to live
To the one I'll never have
I tried to stop time for you
But you were gone by the time I came through
A thousand failures and counting
You die no matter what I do

Death always prevailing over me
Leaving me with blood on my hands
On my knees in the snow
Your blood melting through the snow

It seems each time I'm destined to fail
Seeing your face in pain staring at me
I'll meet you in the clouds next time
Where we can be free and love without limits

Where you, my pretty thing
Can hold me like you did before
Before you were unable to walk or run
And I'll kiss your cheek while you blush
Theres a pretty young girl
Watching me, seeing me
Those eyes put galaxies to shame
Makes me wanna be a better me
Theres no limits with her

She's doing pretty young things
All new to me, scary to me
Never felt like this before
She's got what I need
Hope I got what she needs

It's like living in a love movie
Hopefully we'll meet in the end
I'll kiss her in the rain
She'll wrap her arms around me
And we'll go off into the sunset

She's the girl from the songs
The one knights fight for
Whose beauty can't be measured in a poem
My heart is heavier because of you
You keep me down to Earth

Her glance turns away from me
Away from the crowd I'm in
The camares go off, the screen goes black
The light hits like a electric shock
That's all it seems be to...
I'm never alone
Just taking my time
Theres more than me in my mind
Feeling like my life isn't mine

Time to head outside for once
I don't even know why
Theres things out there
Walking on two legs

Screaming at me, looking at me
Do this, do that
Go here, go there
Cant be myself, gotta blend in

I'm never alone
Just taking my time
Theres more than me in my mind
Feeling like my life isn't mine

I don't wanna be alive
I just go right now
Go into the sky one day
Where I'll learn to fly

Oh dear, whyd feel like this
Come here, right now
Let me hold you, kiss you
Keep you safe forever in my arms

I'm never alone
Just taking my time
Theres more than me in my mind
Feeling like my life isn't mine

And it's the first kiss after a heartbreak
The first breathe after drowning
Being alive, being here right now
Don't leave right now

Love is a prize, a privilege
Its anything you can imagine
But it feels the same
Like this here, this second

I wanna be alive
I finally wanna be alive
Just never let go, never let go
We'll be alive, we'll be alive
Is there even such a thing
To which I touch my sweet tooth
A last everlasting hope
Of a heaven once seen in great stories

A shivery wine
Tastes of which grant satisfaction
Flowing over and beyond
To which cleanses and renews

Creating new and opportune
A strong ******* overture
Filled with warmth and love
Allowing life I meaning unseen

Perceiving a view from halfway down
After ongoing trials and challenges
A last burning failure, a pain, a meaninglessness
From the palette of the Grim's tongue purify
When you arrive in hell
And seem confused
Come find me
I'll remind you why you there
And what's waiting for you

In a field you'll find yourself
Never ending gardens ahead
Animals all around
No hate, no violence, no inequality
But paradise
A place to be free
A new life ongoing, for eternity
An afterlife worth all the pain of life past
And so you'll live, in a beautiful peace
Until a wounded fox walks to your feet
From then decay sets in
The gardens will burn
The animals will perish
The green grass will turn to thorns
Everything will die
Non stoping for eternity
Happening again and again
Escape brings more life to die
And there I'll be watching as you helplessly
I'll offer no kindness or comfort
I'll simply stand there
Beating me to death will cause two more to appear
The hydra of your hell
And at the end of eternity
All there'll be a death and a field full of me standing there
Going on and on...
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