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 Aug 2013 cursed
 Aug 2013 cursed
"Today is a Tuesday but to me it feels like Sunday evening
and every day feels like the day you left.
It’s raining, and it fits my mood.
If you were here you’d tell me to smile, but what good is smiling
if you’re not here to return it with your own?
I never really understood heartbreak until I gave you my heart.
Because I guess I forgot to mark it with “return to sender”.
Unless you just wanted to keep it for yourself.
For all I know you could collect girls’ hearts like
you collected the vinyl you couldn’t play
because you didn’t even have a record player.
I got a call from your mom last week.
She said she missed me, and then she told me the news.
I guess I should have seen it coming.
But like everything, I put too much faith in the universe.
I never thought that it would really take you away.
I miss you like it was yesterday but I was lying before.
It wasn’t last week that I got the call,
it will be four years in the fall.
And everyday feels like the day you left.
Sleep sweetly."
 Aug 2013 cursed
izzat haziq
have you ever been in an isolation tank i wonder how does it feel to be in there our body no longer feeling anything no longer stimulated no longer contaminated no longer tainted?

have you ever wonder how it would feel like to be choosen to partake in such a macabre experiment where one human being  voluntarily  floats **** inside a dark chamber dark blinded deafen and numb?

have you ever worry that one might loses his or her soul because of the prolonged silenced smothered in epsom salt floating not only a human body but also leaving a weightless soul to travel its way towards the astral plane?

have you even considered that the isolation tank is an insidious yet subtle way for someone who is suicadal to detach his or her soul no longer feeling the weight of the world only leaving his or her weightless spirit (conjured by a godly apparition) to join Him in his throne?
Drawing blinds across our eyes
we are blinded to the beauty
trapped inside.
sideways,all ways and
in days of darkness we cannot see
and blinded as we are
we'll be
forever bound by that impotency of being in, yet still without,being a part of,yet still not seeing
this humble being begs to let the light in,get the blinds pulled,cull the nights that **** him,nights no longer thrill him or will him to deliver goddesses to altar tables.

Beds and fables
stories now, but I am still unable to forget,
more than millstones 'round my neck and iron ***** placed on my ankles designed to slow me down,
Oh how it rankles.

Time was,
life was younger and in that hungering I ate my fill and how the darkness of the night did thrill me so
to and fro.
A see saw ride
a fairground slide to my demise and somewhere now,behind the blinds inside and written on the signposts,hosts to my dependence on
the days long gone
where I had shone my light,
there sits a frightened child with wild abandoned thought, untamed adventures I have sought and fought against society
but now I'll be
the child that waits within for me.
 Aug 2013 cursed
Krusty Aranda
"Why won't you be mature?" she said.
"You are 20 years old!" she said.
Dear mother, don't you know
I don't wanna grow just yet.

I miss not having to worry about things.
I want to still run under the rain.
Can't I change a car for a bike?
With training wheels so I don't get a scar.

I like to go crazy at random moments.
I like to act stupid while watching cartoons.
Play Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh all day long.
Watch Dragon Ball Z all the way to GT.

So please mother, let me be a kid inside.
It won't be long 'till that kid dies.
I know you'd like to be a kid again too,
so stop hiding her. Let her come out too.
Who actually wants to grow up?
 Aug 2013 cursed
 Aug 2013 cursed
Brilliance in mode and tone
Elegance without loquaciousness
For language is her gift to all

Poetess your evanescence
Shines eternally in your verbiage
And the imagery that lingers

Sincerity, essential themes,
A labyrinth of life altering morals spun with
An unadulterated touch oh humor

Poetess, you are admired
Humbly honored in this plebeian's
Pedestrian attempt at articulation
This is a respectful tribute to you, poetess. You know who you are. Fun with language!
 Aug 2013 cursed
it's been a long time since i strained my mind
tried to make words and sentences
and i think i forgot how
i can only remember the late nights with my christmas eyes and throbbing hands
now my veins are fit to bursting
although it's been so long
truth be told,
i don't think i feel enough any more
mild annoyance
and the occasional bouts of apathy and despair
i'm a one-way train and i'm going in circles
there was an episode of the twilight zone, where a couple had been dropped in a mysteriously empty town
and it buzzed with the sounds of silence
a child’s laughter echoed above them
and they were frantic little rats, the **** of a human-napping
there was a train they rode, an empty train, that moved in circles,
it was their last salvation, it was to move them from the eerie town to their own home
instead in drove them in a full circle
it turns out they had been abducted by aliens but that's beside the point
i'm a little train
leading myself to hope and wonder and safety
instead i'm back where i started
the only difference being the fear ridden needles pricking at my stomach now
i can feel them going deeper
i can feel them getting sharper
they'll be unbearable soon but i don’t think about that
instead i think of the promise lands,
of ice that isn't hot and a grand estate and a playground that doesn't smell like old french fries
a permanent state of dawn,
filled with pastel and richness and unadulterated beauty
there's a toothpick lodged between craggy teeth
it's dead dead dead but it's so beautiful
the rising sun that embodies the word majestic
and there's a pair of strong hands can guide me through my time
a constant plane of calm and a constant feeling of happiness
it's such a nice feeling, warming as it pumps through your blood and explodes in your chest
spreads fast it's content and it shakes me to my core
it runs so fast, just there and gone

i'm in the station again now
bags packed
eyes duller than a broken doll's
i’m ready to go go go go go
take me on another circle i need the closure
 Aug 2013 cursed
I love the smell of your hair after a shampoo
I love how the sound of dogs barking ruffles you
I love the sight of the scars on your hands
I love the way you try to hide your legs
I love your vampire teeth showing when you reluctantly smile
I love the way you heartily laugh at my jokes
I love the way you strum nothing into a tune
I love your random songs and play on my name
I love your hold on my hand and warmth therein
I love the hugs and cuddles and nuzzles you bring
I love the feel of your fingers against my skin
Just one more reason to show how you are endearing
The tingle I feel every time our ***** lips meet
Makes it difficult to continue working when you’re there watching
I love how you speak of Higgs Boson so intimately
No other person I know can quite grasp this theory
I love the way you play with Vladimir and Kimmy
Your kindness and concern shows, amidst playfulness,  it’s so funny
I love your mean pancakes and your hot morning coffee
I love most things about you, why don’t we marry?
 Aug 2013 cursed
the locked, glorious empire emboldened with gold and silver
adorned with the flowers grown from the Garden of Eden
within the lingering scent blended with the thrilling chirping of the bird

the haggard man in the darkest corners of LA's scariest
trying to breathe despite the strong odor of ***
licking the burnt part of the cinnamon roll dropped accidentally from a red coat's pocket
only possession being a rusty old key from his father years back

the secret palace: the new buzz in Hollywood, New York
billionaires spending millions looking for this key
a peculiar shape, indeed, impossible to mold
just one key, the world is upturned

the man, living on months-old underwear and torn coat
broke, tired, poor, hungry
until a red coat offers him something else,
a hand, a place to stay, and a day's meal

red coat, lives in the ghetto
still with a roof, a table,  and a book
the red coat is happy with the minimum wage at Burger King

In return for the kindness
the man gives the red coat a key
not much, just to show gratitude
***** and rusty
a peculiar shape indeed...
this one is for Roald Dahl
 Aug 2013 cursed
Daniel Magner
 Aug 2013 cursed
Daniel Magner
Isla Vista
twisted you
like a warped Twizzler.
You miss her,
but the Xanex and K-pins,
the fifth of gin
that brought you to your knees,
spinning in the throws
of ODing,
kills everyone,
not just yourself.
Maybe your first breath
after being an inch from death
tasted brand new,
I can only hope
that support from us all
will keep another bottle of pills
from disappearing
Daniel Magner 2013
If only these words were enough...
 Aug 2013 cursed
Cider Sky
 Aug 2013 cursed
The music that’s been formed by his voice
Is lifting my body to the sky
Merging with the carnation pink clouds.
As my body sways within the northern lights
Dusts from the fairies of the north
Brightly gleam my face.
Stars are seducing us
And formed a line
Of a sensational beauty.
Light danced on the waves
Of the arctic oceans as they did
In his eyes.
His hands moved with feelings,
In emotion.
We floated among the words
That bounced between us.
Two drops of Jupiter
Looked at me in a way so heavenly
Oh darling ,let me float with you.
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