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12.7k · Jul 2014
The Girl behind The Mask
Crystal Jul 2014
The girl behind the mask wasnt who she seemed
She made everyone fall and come to believe
That even the saddest people could be happy
Just for a while until things became sappy  

The girl behind the mask tend to laugh alot
At jokes she found were funny, or maybe not
She showed everyone how lovely she could be
But in reality all she wanted was to go and leave

The girl behind the mask was bullied all day
Very few times would the kids let her play
But as the years past, this just proceded
And made her think that death should be succeeded

The girl behind the mask was soon no more
She discovered the ropes would make her soar
Through the clouds in heaven that would go so high
Now she was finally happy to really be alive

The girl behind the mask was living the dream
While everyone on earth soon began to greave
Even though she thought no one cared for her
Life without her quickly became a huge blur

The girl behind the mask looked down one night
To see that her sister had goined the flight
She came up to her and asked why she was here
And she answered this is suicidal girls only good fear

The girl behind the mask did not understand
Why her sister had goined this holy heartland
Then she realized that because of her choice
Her sister decided to leave earth to hear her voice

The girl behind the mask began to cry
She ended her sister's life so that she could come to fly
She discovered that maybe instead of having to say goodbye
She could've gotten someone to help her stay alive

The girl behind the mask soon did find
That maybe suicide doesnt help fix the bind
She went down to earth and gave it her charity
And said im sorry to all including her family

The girl behind the mask looked as she saw her mother
Clutching to the robe of her suicidal daughter
The girl had finally saw what she had done
So dont make the same mistake and dont grab the gun
Dont be the girl behind the mask :)
Crystal May 2014
The evil demon haunts the night
Giving the world one heck of a fright
They slay they slaughter
They cause big fires
They destroy the soul with words left unspoken

The holy angel praises and sings
It's beautiful voice makes rings and dings
They nurture they heal
They are a big deal
They save the lives with words left unspoken

The fallen angels are confused
They feel hopeless and used
They **** and they save
They set free and they slave
They love and hate with words left
So who do you think the humans are?
903 · May 2014
Foolish Girl
Crystal May 2014
Foolish girl,
You were to scared to say anything to him
Too self conscious
To afraid that you were going to ***** something up
So you just waited until you were ready
But sadly
You waited too long
Time passed
Soon it becomes days
And you still didn't talk to him
You never have
He left and moved on while you were still stuck to him
Stuck to his charm
His smile
His mind
His personality
His niceness
But foolish girl,
You waited too long
You lost the love you loved and the dream you dreamt
Too bad it was all a fairytale
Too bad you didn't say anything
Maybe if you did
You wouldn't have to miss his charm
His smile
His mind
His personality
His niceness
And more
Maybe you would be happy
Maybe you could look at him and smile instead of stare at the ground  when he walks by
Maybe you would have the courage to say "Hi" or "How You Doin?"
But foolish girl
You waited too long
And now he's gone
Dedicated to
Nick Turner
Crystal Jun 2014
There's an element to every person
Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty, Responsibility
But what if it's not good
What if it's bad like
Treacherous, Demonic, Dark, Evil
What do you do then?
What happens when the Kind person meets the evil person
Who will win?
What happens when the Honest person meets the Treacherous person
Who will take over who's mind?
What happens when the Loyal person meets the Demonic person
Will they become loyal to demonicy?
But what happens when the responsible person meets the Dark person
Will they stand and take responsibility, or let everyone else fall into the shades of evil?

— The End —