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Creepstar Mar 2016
Gimmie a thick ****
With a big ****
So I can nut
Before the deep cut

A pound of draw
Word I saw
Kick her out the door
Ain't seein' her no more

Drop that cold hard lyric
**** I give,call me a synic
I'm in it to win it
So gimmie a minute

Its not an apathetic mind state
I'm irate
Outlaw,land pirate
I'll drink a ******* crate

While I mastabate
During a mass debate
Over the fate
Of mans *******,but wait...

Check the chick tied to the bed
She give good head
But when I said
I'd rather be dead

Her jaw dropped all irrational
She needs to liven up,I'm a cannibal
I'm a fan of all
Each creature with a mandible

Strip flesh clean down to the bone
I'll leave your family alone
Cos they clean out my zone
I won't atone

For the thing I do next
Mandem is vext
When I don't get back text
left feeling perplexed
Creepstar Jan 2016
Under warm sheets
In a cold room
Nothing beats
You know whome

Snuggled up
Warm bodies contact
A coffee cup
Liquid all blacked
Creepstar Feb 2016
Commercial love day
What can I say
If you choose to only show it today
It wasn't real love anyway

What do you get?
A card,a gift?
Do you get your tempory lift?
Before you go back to a lonely life swift

Good luck to you all that choose to bow to corporate greed
Rather than fufilling one another's real need
Showing them love everyday plant a seed
And it'll grow if nurture and feed
Creepstar Feb 2016
I smell the scent of trouble
And war drums it does sound
Let raise it all to rubble
In for a penny in for a pound

I think its time to let the creep out
Into the night I shall run
Finding mischief,no doubt
Who's coming?let's have some fun
Creepstar Jul 2016
Why did God curse me,
With the biggest ******* heart.
And the worse ******* temper.

Why did I love you,
If I wasn’t meant to.

I already knew,
What love could do,
And I still fell for you.
Creepstar Mar 2016
Slip me betwixt your lips
As easily as your hips
Cyanide a couple drips
Haemoglobin a couple rips

Blood thins
Pace races
Death pins
To your faces

Easy exit,nothing more
For those who get it,here's the door
Creepstar Feb 2016
I like to hold your wisdom in each crux of a verse
And every day without you it seems to get worse
I couldn't stay strong from the moment of hearse
Knowing that your gone is more than just a curse

Knowing that it'll take until final breath
Because I can only be with you once I reach death
But it's not like I can just smoke some ****
And meet our final friend Seth

See you said,life is for living
You taught me that,so I'll keep forgiving
& I do what I can to stop reliving
The moment you left my world spinning

I miss you dad wherever you are
I know you're there,regardless how far
As in golf,always on par
So I'll raise this one to you,its your personal jar
Creepstar Mar 2016
If looks could ****
I'd be full of stab wounds
Face burried in the concrete
But my heart would still beat

A leer is no more than daggers
Flung from the mind of the broken
For all the things it haggers
Much less than words that're spoken
Take the hits
Move on
Creepstar Mar 2016
Are etched on the tablet of my heart
The muse of each line of art
And there is no thing more painful than to be apart
I have loved you from the start
Creepstar Mar 2016
The chinks in my armour have grown so wide I'm no longer protected

My faith has dwindled so much it fits in the cracks of the palm of my hand

My grip on reality had long since slipped into an abyss where I am disconnected

My life as rocks on a beach,beaten by waves so often that it has turned to sand
Creepstar Apr 2017
Hello words of often rhyming syncronistic beauty
Its be a while since we spent any time together but only a minute since I last thought of you
I'm sorry I don't write you as much as I used to
Do you still check the post for my words?
I look for you everywhere
While I eat alone
While I create works of art in skin
In the bottom of that empty bottle
And even in the cold space in my bed before I sleep
But I can't find you and it breaks my heart
Do you miss me like I miss you?
Please come home to me,it's been to long.

All my love,
Creepstar Mar 2016
I am death
You feel me breathing
I watch you
While you're sleeping

I have ambition
It'll consume your drive
Its my mission
To ******* you alive

I want your soul
I want your life
I'll take you whole
But you'll hold the knife
Creepstar Feb 2016
Slits right arm clean open
Wipes left hand in flood of claret
Slaps hand on paper
"Here's a ******* poem,
This is art don't you know?!,
What a ******* masterpeice
Obnoxious as ****
Creepstar May 2016
I hear that some have disposable income
Well it turns out my love is disposable
So where is the staple for them
I ask?
Creepstar Feb 2016
I can hear you
But I'm not listening
I can see you
But I'm not watching
I can feel you
But I'm not touching

*You will always be in my heart
Creepstar Apr 2016
Doubt is seeded
Then you feed it
Like you need it
When you should **** it
Even if it pleaded
Don't be conceded
**** out the doubt
Before it becomes a Forrest of mistrust
Force those ******* out
Elseways happiness left for dust
Creepstar Apr 2016
When copulating with a cadaver
Warm in a bath,with moisturiser slather
Its fine to cut a few new holes in
Providing once done you sew where you've been
They're better fresh unless you wish to gump
While they still have blood they give a better pump
To preserve like biscuits you'll need a cool dry place
And bodies dehydrate so you'll need botox for the face
Creepstar Feb 2016


*Nothing comes to mind,I must be numb
Creepstar Feb 2016
Magnificence to indifference
Being jolly to melancholy
Happiness to a mess
Elation to frustration
Inspired to retired
Required to back fired

*Why does my life have to be
Governed by the law of atrophy?
Creepstar Apr 2016
Can of super
And a fake smile
Tide me over
For a short while
To tired to explain
Not my style
This **** could taste better
A little less vile
Creepstar Apr 2016
One sheep
Two sheep
Black and blue sheep
And a new sheep

Won't hop the gate
Its to late
To evaluate
They tell me to "******* mate"

Even the imaginations seem upset
And I get
That I'm keeping them awake too
But I don't know what else to do
Creepstar Mar 2016
What god sits on your throne?
Will they save you when you're broken and alone?
Will they forgive you for things you can't atone?
Because my God produces endless love shown

His heart so big he adopted me as a child
And loves me despite being unruly and wild
He loves that I'm unique and self styled
He forgave my sin when I defiled

He believes in me even when I can't
He let's me talk to him even when its just a rant
He straightens me when my life is on a slant
He strengthens my faith when it is scant

He revealed himself to me and made me a man
Ask yourself is that something your god can?
Do you worship or are you just a fan?
When you need someone where have you ran?
Creepstar Apr 2016
I can barely contain the excitement
Of holding the one I adore
Love deep and unrequited
Her form what my arms were made for
Her smile brighter than the sun
Her voice a chorus of beauty
Her eyes deeper than the ocean
And ******* she's got one fine *****
Creepstar Mar 2016
Everybody has an expiration date.

How will you face your fate?

Face down in a drunk state?

Heart attack while you *******?

In a fight with spouse irate?

Hit by a car while you skate?

Depressed or while you elate?

Because from death,nobody can separate.
Life is a mist
It'll be gone in moments
Creepstar Feb 2016
I've fallen so hard for her
And it feels so right
I know she's the one
Because I can only hold her tight
I'll do every thing I can
I will try with all my might
To be good enough for her
The only woman in my sight
Creepstar Feb 2016
Pride aside,I try to hide
But its killing me inside
Leaving wounds so wide
I feel like I've already died
Creepstar Feb 2016
Finding words to convey
Hear me if you may
I'd love you to stay
Given its A sad cliche
But if I had my way
I'd display & say
"You are perfect every day"
Lest you stray
& stay away
Forsake us for foul play
All we had left in decay
As falling petals from dead bouquet
Creepstar Apr 2016
I sit and wait
For very little in return
So tonight,I'll set myself alight
And watch myself burn

I plan to party so **** hard
That my memories will turn to ash
I can drift further from this
And closer to the ****
Creepstar Jan 2016
I have spent some time now
Learning to read expression
Never knew how to take emotion
It caused such great depression

You see I'm not quite normal
High functioning,abstract,weird
I think I have said too much
As I twist more knots into my beard

Its odd being on the outside
When others seem so social
I don't know why I voice my flaws
Must be the liberation of being vocal
Creepstar Feb 2016
She's says I'm not as romantic
That I'm not the same
I think you're more distant
Like I'm just a pawn in a sick game

I want to be close to you
And open up all that I have to bare
But you choose to sleep with your clothes on
Its like you really just dont care

I want to have back how it was
With snuggles in the night
Instead I get your silence
And a passive aggressive fight

Has it really reached its peak
Did we try too hard
Because when I try to talk it through
Its like I need an appointment card

I need more than this from you
Before I give you more of me
I know you may not understand this
If so,just let me be

If it ends it'll hurt me
The thought twists in like a knife
Let's please try harder baby
What is this,**** my life
******* issues man
Creepstar Mar 2016
Break the ideal of life across my spine
Break my back and leave me a physical *******
Let my mind be,sully yourself on my physique
Just let my mind be,nothing is sacred
Its all erroneous, eroding our atomic fabric
Energy displaced,trapped in mortal phase
You live and die but once
But you stay dead **forever
Creepstar Jan 2016
If I had a couple thou'
I'd probably double down
Keep well what I love
But it'll leave me with a frown

I'm a clown
Creepstar Feb 2016
I'll take a rain check on saving for a rainy day
Spend all I got on getting wrecked and watch my vision sway
Problems for health it does outweigh
When I'm out I look like a ******* on display

On the bus I'll spew in ya handbag
With one hand down my trousers the other holding a glad rag
Spit some abuse at some mouthy dumb ****
When I'm drunk I'm harder to move than a wet sandbag
Creepstar Apr 2016
Of all the words I could describe right now
Only one comes to mind
And you might find
That these feelings haven't defined
Quite what I want to say
"Oh hey'
"Stay away"
I'm slack take me back
Just for a second
I becond
I want you here and near
And dear


**** does it hurt
To see you in pain
And I've Slane
In vane
Its insane


Its not just an action
But a feeling
Like the guy that's dealing
Ripped off
Torn short
For sport of your own game
And I'm to blame
****!,I'm sorry I get upset
Creepstar Mar 2016
I opened up
I told them that I'm mortal
That I'll die
Of some stupid virus
I'm too strong
what if I'm wrong?
What about my son
**** ****
I believe I'm stronger than this
Creepstar May 2016
I press hard,just to get close.
For one night would you **** me harder than life has?
Leave me a bruised and shaking mess?
Wrap your hands around my throat,make me choke,like all the time I spend inhaling cigarette smoke and dope.
Erase all the shadows and doubt in my mind,be kind and help me escape the hell that I've made for myself.
I want to remember what forgetting feels like.
I want you breathing heavy and making me feel like I'm enough and not just some passing phase.I know you dig pierced and tattooed skinny white guys,but you'll change your mind when you see what I hide inside.
So tonight,**** me until I forget,
Help me escape.
Just for one night.
Creepstar Feb 2016
When it comes to feeling though
I'd rather be left the **** alone
Memories I have,I can't atone
Knowing love,I should have shown
And the chance,I had blown
Since then,I should have grown
Being honest,I should have known
It's ******* lonely,on the **** king throne
The past is a blast,
But if you're a **** it'll never last.
Creepstar May 2016
I got my eye these golems
As they weasle and breed
See the lust in their eyes
As they watch eachother bleed
The sad sorry truth
They don't wanna be freed
Each wanting to be on top
Some heavy inhuman greed

No empathy or kindness
No truth heard audibly
I wish I didn't see it
Speaking honestly
But it is how it is
And its what they wanna be
So as my act of selfish want
I'll vent through rhyme odyssey
Seems the final goal
Gain wealth, lose your soul
Creepstar Mar 2016
From youth
To grace
Lines etched in
My face
Set at
A pace
When gone
No trace
Creepstar Apr 2016
How does it make you feel?
Is it real?
Because i'm so broken and alone
Lost in this zone
I can't atone
Lost In a mind set
I'm set,to **** myself
Creepstar Feb 2016
All the true talent is being impeded
Everyone seems to please the conceded
Narsasistic egos,why you gonna feed it?
Offer up your bank,so they can bleed it
Another sucka
Caught up in a game,your gonna loose *******
Collect up celebrity baggage and check out
Support the underground,fresh rhymes,no doubt
Real lyrisists with non generic beats
Making real music to be played on the streets
Not ******* hype getting sales from the tweets
Get down with real artists and support with your sheets
I hear an awful lot of generic beats and rhymes and its kinda sad the four true elements of hiphop have been lost.
Creepstar Mar 2016
The wind may howl harsh
The tree does not move an inch
As its roots are strong
Creepstar Oct 2016
Who are you?
Self professed creatures of the night.
Beg to the moon for something right.
What can you give?
Try as you might.
There is no fear,
Much,as creatures to the night.
Creepstar Feb 2016
One arm under girlfriend one against the wall
Only light from window covered it was abismal
Then three demons leered over reaching across bed
Fear clean ****** out of me,not one word was said
As I break up panting, girl growls at me
I thought to my self why can't they let me be
Why does this happen,oh for **** sake
Looks like for a little while I'll be awake
She rolls over, I close my eyes
Think of something like cats being wise
Then she starts to murmer "are we recording?" as if I'm not there
I wake and ask what she means,I just want her to know that I care
We have a giggle before I write this verse
Because when I sleep in the dark I have a curse
Creepstar Feb 2016
Adam was black
Eve was black too
Its hard too swallow
But I need to tell you
It wasn't until the fallen fell
That I met a skin colour like you
Its not like you can believe
But a realization you come to.
A third fell and white vision forewarn
And a brotherhood created was torn
From that to son of Noah Ham was born
And from that moment pigment each way was scorn.
We are one,I'm sorry we cannot coexist for we are one in all of creation.
Creepstar Jun 2016
Have you ever,
Had someone hold your head out of the gutter of your mind?
Have you ever,
Held someone so tight you want to leave it all behind?
Have you ever,
Loved someone so much you want to love you?
Have you ever,
Felt something so true?
Creepstar Jan 2016
I woke up to my girlfriend
And all the things that she does
As she got ready I stopped and stared
Fell even harder just because

She is so amazing
With drop dead gorgeous looks
When she turns to smile at me
Not as much beauty in a thousand books

I've never been so deep
And felt this kind of love
As I rise so steep
Into the clouds above

I could not image
A life where she's not there
I know a life without her
Would leave me torn and bare

Her name like the flower
Grows so wild and free
Aslong as im beside her
I smile because she chose me
Creepstar Feb 2016
In real life I find it ******* hard to speak
Mind frame is looking pretty bleak
Its not that I think I'm weak
But finding something worthwhile is what I seek

Pull down my six panel flat peak
Scarf over mouth, hood up looking like a freak
Strange looks but I don't care for critique
Hiding in a sea of people is my technique
Creepstar Mar 2016
The diary of a high functioning alcoholic
Breakfast gin and tonic
For brunch,*****
This ain't no love sonnet

Wake up already dressed
Check mind state,depressed
Check lifestyle,completely messed
Check mood,stressed

Coffee and a cigarette
Hold back I can't drink yet
What I do lastnight I forget
What's the name of the girl I met?

Oh well,on to another drink
Minds pretty messed up so I have to stop and think
Wear this shame like the rich wear mink
Drink so ******* much that I have to sink

I lie,"its comfy on the floor"
I don't wanna breath no more
Staring at the door
Yo,I been here before

Id like to be a better man
But I'll probably just drink another can
Find a new shop after previous ban
Can't believe faith in self just up and ran
Creepstar Mar 2016
I'm done representing demons
When angels hold me up
Its not about what feeds me
Its about what keeps me standing tough

I can shut myself in darkness
Burn myself with sorrow
I'll just come full circle
When I do the same tomorrow

So I'm walking out that door
Step into the light
I am craving more
Than desperation in the night
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