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ConnectHook Nov 2021
Strange blond O,
A strong blonde
Long-***** star;
Norse gal on BDT
Strangled boon.
England's robot
Bore St. Ann gold.
(London gets bra!)
R-angled Boston?
Strong A/O blend,
A ****-****** RL
Lost grand bone
Dragon B stolen;
(Dragon Ben lost)
No BT gland rose.
Nose (or BT gland)
Nor to be glands
Beg. Last noon Dr.
******, bro. . . Lent.
Blood rages. TNN.
Best ***** rol'n
***** loads NTB;
Stole grand ***,
Got ngrs on blade.
Strong leo band?
Stolen dog bran!
No globe strand
Orgone land bst
Abort son legnd;
Ron's ***** belt:
***** and T-logs.
Ron, let's ban God!
(No L.D. Regan-bots:
Lord gets no ban.)
Staged non-bro L
Steal goon bndr,
Set grand loon B:
Grade B loons, TN
(Or one's LGBT dean;
Be gone, old trans !)
God's banner lot
Non-blots raged. . .
Good bats lernn.
Non-brats: lo GED
Lots o' danger, N.B.

L E T' S   GO   B R A N D O N !
Semi-coherent word collage
based on finite choices
with infinite possibilities

Each one should have the same 13 letters used.

Come on. Admit it.
I mined this vein amazingly well
  Nov 2021 ConnectHook
Don Bouchard
This night stands at the death of summer,
Poised to catch the fall of leaves,
The deadened pulse of green things
Grown disconsolate in the hands of Frost.
Happy Halloween 2021
ConnectHook Oct 2021
Extinguishing all that is bright
darkness flows, to invade with the night
overtaking the towns
and usurping the crowns
of the powers that reign in the light.
Best Halloween Mixes ever:
ConnectHook Oct 2021

And so does my

Black cat.
Wallace Fard Moohammad
revealed this Halloween poem
From beyond the grave
ConnectHook Oct 2021
Darwin's  evolutionary theory is an untestable hypothesis

Trillions of dollars are unaccounted for

Abortion is not a right

Most comments are chatbots

COVID-19 is propaganda

There are only 2 genders

U.S. elections are rigged

Human beings are fallen and sinful

The God of scripture created the universe

Data is relatively important

Western women have it quite good

"Big Bang" is Genesis for atheists
See what happens
ConnectHook Oct 2021
In spite of all that has been done
There is nothing new under the sun.
Call it a woman; it's still a man . . .
Though you throw out what's left in the garbage can.
ConnectHook Oct 2021
Blue, blue is the grass about the river
And the willows have overfilled the close garden.
And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth,
White, white of face, hesitates, passing the door.
Slender, she puts forth a slender hand;

And she was a courtezan in the old days,
And she has married a sot,
Who now goes drunkenly out
And leaves her too much alone.
(trans: by Ezra Pound)

I was struck by the title ...
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