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  Oct 2021 ConnectHook
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

                                       Neither a King nor a Boss

A gas station close by the overpass
A display case of shiny knives and knucks
One of the knives features a naked lady
Some of the knucks are labeled “KING” and “BOSS”

But would the object of a metallic punch
Have time to read either the “KING” or “BOSS”
Before he fell among his blood and pain?
A legless man in a wheelchair rolls by

To his blue tarp and sleeping bag close by
The gas station close by the overpass
Maybe he was Jesus.
ConnectHook Oct 2021
Hail, dark form!

Watcher of the sacred grove
Leaper of the Parapet, Ascender of the Divine Tree!

Shadow-crowned, render of helpless mammals
She of sharpened claw and blood-warmed fang!
Lurker and slinking prowler of the dark
Huntress of moon, terror of birds and mice
Watcher and waiter of the lunar jungle
Nocturnal priestess
Jaguar-goddess of Night
Puncturess of jugulars
Consort and matriarch of evening and dawn

Tree-Climber, Roof-Leaper, come!
We await your dread presence in shadow and starlight
Oh celestial pard and mountain-bacchante
Slayer of Dionysos,
We hail your arrival at the sign of padding paws.

Time for your Meow Mix !
We have a wonderful black cat.
Her name is
Petra Electra Perpetua
ConnectHook Sep 2021
Aguarnica es una pintura hecha por Picasso
durante una guerra civil en centroamérica
acerca de un pais mitológico
donde todo está al revés;
un pais que provee los ricos del mundo con
fragantes puros de calidad indigena.

La guerra Nica es otra cosa;
en la primera obra mencionada
se trata de robos y opresión y ataques no provocados
contra la ciudadanía de un país pobre...
Pero la guerra Nica es un cuadro bonito,
primitivista, lleno de lagos, volcanes,
pajaros tropicales y colores vivos.

En la pintura de Picasso se nota lideres corruptos,
bajo el mando de un burro ex-ladrón,
los cuales dan servicio labial a un ideología en bancarrota
mientras saquean los pocos recursos del país
para vender a extranjeros, enriqueciéndose en el proceso.
Pero  sólo se trata de poesía . . .
ConnectHook Sep 2021
You neurotics, projecting your fears…
We have savored the salt of your tears.
Though he fell with a thud,
(yes, the man was a dud)
We still trolled you with Trump for four years.
He listens to Paula White.
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha--urk

(Choked on my coffee)
ConnectHook Sep 2021
1)  Francophone Africa:
Studied Marxism and existential lit.
Obtained work visa to America.
Whined and railed against U.S. imperialism and kapitalism.
Took job at major university bankrolled by Pepsi corporation.
Became U.S. citizen.
Still complaining.

2)  New England:
Affluent suburban life with loving parents.
Went to Ivy League U. Became *****-feminist/marxist artist.
Moved to the Left coast. Used her talents to undermine the patriarchy.
Met successful male entrepreneur.
Became soccer mom in Beserkley.

3)  Midwest cow-town:
Tripped on Leary and Baba Ram Dass.
Followed the dead in a colorful van.
Lived the wannabee hippie life into the 90's.
Traded tie-dye for business suit.
Now manages funds for major investment firm.

4)  Pacific NW:
Raised by single mom. ***-head at 14.
Punk-rock anarchist turned straight-edge Buddhist.
Now a Maoist kindergarten teacher with 401K plan.
Paid vacations to vibrant underdeveloped nations.
Still agitating for revolution.
To be human is to be a SINNER and a HYPOCRITE.
Welcome to the club.
Christ is the only (only) way to salvation.
  Sep 2021 ConnectHook
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

                                The Back Yard Museum of Art

Children are the truest arbiters of art
Finding beauty in the unlikeliest things:
A bottle cap, a rusted auto part
Metal washers, broken glass, cigar rings

A discarded knife with a broken blade
One dime-store earring with one rhinestone
A greenish bit of plastic – can it be jade?
And a real-life, genuine dinosaur bone!

Art nicely displayed along the fence row -
Adults think it just junk, but what do they know?
Art, like poetry, is where you find it.
ConnectHook Sep 2021
Flaky shape-poem
for your erudite perusal
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