Hail, dark form!
Watcher of the sacred grove
Leaper of the Parapet, Ascender of the Divine Tree!
Shadow-crowned, render of helpless mammals
She of sharpened claw and blood-warmed fang!
Lurker and slinking prowler of the dark
Huntress of moon, terror of birds and mice
Watcher and waiter of the lunar jungle
Nocturnal priestess
Jaguar-goddess of Night
Puncturess of jugulars
Consort and matriarch of evening and dawn
Tree-Climber, Roof-Leaper, come!
We await your dread presence in shadow and starlight
Oh celestial pard and mountain-bacchante
Slayer of Dionysos,
We hail your arrival at the sign of padding paws.
Time for your Meow Mix !
We have a wonderful black cat.
Her name is
Petra Electra Perpetua