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Woe is me
What have I seen
The ****** dog peed
All over my DVD machine

Woe is me
And twice woe
I lost my balance
And I stubbed my toe

Woe is me
It just isn't fair
I looked in the mirror
And saw I'm losing my hair

Woe is me
I hate my life
I came home and found
The milkman run off with my wife

Woe is me
I chased a mouse
Knocked over the electric fire
The curtains caught light and burnt down the house
copyright Chris Smith 2010
She sits there alone
Head in her hands
Crying about the past
Of the hurt inside
She feels so forgotten

He is miles away
Forever being drunk
Lost in a bottle
Never forgiving himself
For what he had done

But there on the window
Long forgotten and neglected
Is a reminder of their love
But now faded and died
A vase of rotting carnations

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
He was the man who would terrify me.

I would be lost in the madness of his eyes.

I would enjoy how he would scare me.

He would creep up on me by surprise.

Hearing his voice gave me a chill.

His horror would make me shiver.

Watching him was always a thrill.

Waiting for the lines he would deliver.

Now he has been taken away.

His movies are timeless forever.

I always loved what he would say.

His wickedness seemed so clever.

I will always watch you, our Vincent.

You were always the master my friend.

I for one thought you were magnificent.

I will continue to watch you until the very end.
copyright Chris Smith 2009
I drown in a sea of sorrow
Dragging me down to follow
Never finding the words to speak
A cold crystal tear on my cheek

And the sea continues to flow
As it takes away my very soul
On the distant show of the land
He refuses to offer a helping hand

And I can hear him laughing at me
A laughter that leaves me now empty

I suffer the pains of knowing rejection
Never being one to be picked for sellection
I feel myself going under from the waves
Another unnamed victim in unmarked graves

And they watch as I float on the ebb tide of life
Trying to keep my head above the current of strife
They fail to throw me a life line to hold on to
Leaving me floating with not knowing what to do

And they are laughing at my own misery
They continue laughing for everyone to see

And when I had been long forgotten to the past
I came back to take my revenge at long last
For all of those who thought I had fallen from grace
I came back, and on them, I etched my own face

Like the phoenix of old, I arose from the ashes and was reborn
I proved that I could return, when they thought me gone
For every man and woman that had been cast aside
They joined the rebellion gathered at my side

To fight, with words, and take back that which was once ours
We battled to win, counting the days and the hours
For a better world, we were heard, they listened to our voices
For all of time, we took our options and took our choices

But still in the distance, I hear the laughter coming back tomorrow
I hear the laughter, that will drown us in a sea of sorrow

copyright Chris Smith 2010
For all those who feel the pain
Of a tireless job, again and again

I salute you

For all single mothers all alone
Working and aching to the bone

I salute you

For all the soldiers away from family
Risking their life against a common enemy

I salute you

For all the nurses doing the hours godsend
Doing the night shift that never seems to end

I salute you

For the people reading this and relate
Knowing life can sometimes be a desperate state

I salute you

For all of you who find life can be a test
When you are out there and doing your best

I salute you
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Hush momma, please do not cry
Hush momma, please do not die
Please stay from deaths' cold touch
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, I am here
Hush momma, do not fear
Into Heaven do not rush
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, you are cold
Hush momma, you I hold
My heart is going to crush
Hush momma, please hush
Come along sleepy head
It's now time for bed

You're yawning still
So up the wooden hill

You stayed up late
So dream land does await

Clean your teeth, comb your hair
Little one, your bed is there

So come along, sleepy head
Just now, in your bed
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Excuse me, Sir

Did you have to order
The most expensive food
That is on the menu

When outside the window
A hungry child looks in
Only dreaming of this

You waste half the plate
So it is thrown away
But never a scrap for us

Excuse me, Sir

You buy for your own sake
Not really needing it
For it is left to be forgotten

Never thinking what you could do
Sparing for the needy with nothing
One percent of your money is too much

You do not believe in charity
Millions wasted for your own good
The rich always rob from the poor
copyright Chris Smith 2011
You can never turn back
The past has been and gone
Now the future awaits ahead
So take that step forward

If you lose your self control
In a game you never chose
Then you can never win
No one will try to listen

So those stories they tell
It is only side being told
Bite your tongue forever
You know what took place

Another day seems better
Away from what used to be
Just keep holding the good times
But you must never turn back

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
I walk the edge of darkness

And fall deep into the pit

I am surrounded by the blackness

All around I feel darklings sit

Who will help me out of this despair

As I sink deeper into this nightmare

In the void of my mind, who is there

Only my shadow, my sadness I share

But she comes and shines so bright

She takes me by my hand as I cry

She has come, my reign of light

Up from this dark place we will fly

I feel her goodbye kiss on my lips

And she falls down against my will

Back into the blackness she slips

As I cry, she is in the darkness still
Shuffling in broken down shoes
Where people blink blindly by
Thoughts are ruined by today
Tomorrow seems to be no better

Why does humanity dwell in death
Where children are taken away
Snuffed out like a candle flame
As leaders play in their war games

Souls are burning in crying shame
If only words could heal as before
But nobody wants to try to change
Innocent blood spills unnoticed

The last great poet has shut the book
Scratched out his eyes of the unseen
Broken his fingers of all around him
Alas, that great poet will never be me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
We look for the glimmer of hope
Some are looking for it still
They find it very hard to cope
Stripped of their own will

We sometimes face ourselves
Rising up, only to fall
Life is like keeping empty shelves
Talking to the shadows on the wall

Life really makes no sense
We try to figure it all out
Paying for it at our own expense
Never heard when we shout

Loneliness can be a curse
When no one heeds our call
Never getting better, only worse
Left talking to the shadows on the wall
copyright Chris Smith 2010
My mind breaks down, screaming
The pain increases, always hurting
Wish it wasn't real, only dreaming
All my thoughts seem to be deserting

Hands held to my head, no escape
It's pounding, just building inside
Hear me shout out across the landscape
I can never escape even if I tried

Knocking at the door, knocking more
Thumping, taking me to the floor
Knocking at the door, head so sore
Save me from this migraine, I implore

copyright Chris Smith 16th December 2010

For all those who suffer the curse of a migraine.
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