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 Jul 2015
Who am I?

I realized today
I was just a guy
Walking in mountain suburbs
In a black t shirt
And blue jeans

A purpose to this life
I have not yet found it
It seems

Is life real
Or am I just
Living in a dream?

I came across a black dog
By the yard fence

I came to close to pet it
But thought again
And made the right decision
By not sticking my hand in

Good bye doggie
I think I said in my head

And tonight I am thankful
To sleep in my warm bed
 Mar 2015
Spring breezes on a lazy day
Blows dreams across the air
Waiting for tomorrow
Hoping wishes do come true

Just a simple poem!! :) ~~~~<3
I was sitting here thinking about my birthday
Coming up on March 20 and that's what
Inspired this random poem!!! :) ~~~~<3
I'm wishing for something extra special this year!!! ~~~~~<3
 Dec 2014
You were probably my very best friend
So far in all my life
We would cuddle together on the porch
There was no need for words
But if there was something I wanted to say
I would whisper it in your ears
You’re not here now
And summer days are spent reminiscing you

For the neighbor’s dog. (He was a Dalmatian.) I wrote this today! I really miss him since he was hit on the road. It didn’t really hurt me until years later. He really was my best friend. RIP, Dallas. <3
 Nov 2014
Elizabeth Squires
pets are hours of fun, feathered finned and furry ones
pets are hours of fun, feathered finned and furry ones
their antics do amuse, owners love them to bits
their antics do amuse, owners love them to bits
owners love them to bits, feathered finned and furry ones
their antics do amuse, pets are hours of fun

**** playing with a skein of wool, Rufus chasing his tail
**** playing with a skein of wool, Rufus chasing his tail
their capers never fail to get a laugh, what a show he puts on
their capers never fail to get a laugh, what a show he puts on
what a show he puts on, Rufus chasing his tail
**** playing with a skein of wool, their capers never fail to get a laugh

behind the air filter goldfish dart, such a jovial spectacle
behind the air filter goldfish dart, such a jovial spectacle
budgerigar hop scotching on her perch, they're natural born entertainers
budgerigar hop scotching on her perch, they're natural born entertainers
budgerigar hop scotching on her perch, behind the air filter goldfish dart
such a jovial spectacle, they're natural born entertainers

they're natural born entertainers, feathered finned and furry ones
their antics do amuse, pets are hours of fun
budgerigar hop scotching on her perch, **** playing with a skein of wool
behind the air filter goldfish dart, Rufus chasing his tail
such a jovial spectacle, what a show they put on
their antics never fail to get a laugh, owners love them to bits
 Nov 2014
The house I went to
Had a mean Rockweiler folks
Which bit my hindpots!
How I wish this was not so,
I still have those teeth mark scars!

{ Weasel }
This is true.
I wish it weren't though.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 21.
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
 Nov 2014
We take a shortcut
through the narrow walkways
of the old village

across the cobblestones
and by the white-washed tabby wall

to the waterside where slave ships
once plied their trade

My dog lingers nose down
as if each stone has a story to tell

and ***** an ear to the wall
where the auctions were held

She looks at people differently now.
r ~ 11/29/14
 Nov 2014
tiger, he was,
could not honestly,
tell you the breed...
he was a mispent afternoon's produce....
but by the stock of his body
and the smile on his face
some one's prize corgi,
was now in disgrace...

allways a smile and a little
he was my childhood,
of running and jumping,
just because, we could.
the picking of blackberries,
the finding of mushrooms,
wandering along creeks
and afternoon naps,
with his soft furriness,
under my palm....

mottled through, ginger
and blue,
with an under-carriage,
supposedly white,
but more often muddy or dustily brown....

a co-conspirator of the highest degree....
would  sit under the table
and eat pumpkin for me.
but not the beans....
they made him smell...

his tongue so long and pink,
his ears ***** and mobile, tail was docked,
but his *** it did wag,
with such a unique style.

he was my childhood,
but then,
he was gone...
off to chase rabbits up
on the farm...

good boy tiger....good boy
you where my protector
with you i came to no harm...
marian....again you have given me the gift of childhood memories....
thank you.

— The End —