I have come to find this room
my salvation
here I can seperate the two
explore the side that rarely shows
where time does not press it's heavy hands
against my back
you let me know of your presence that first night
when you brushed the dollar bill from the table
as I had asked
you allow my return
I sense that you even welcome me
here in this room where you passed
to make that connection
does it mean that you are not really gone
in spirit?
do you even have that choice?
see the world through my eyes if you wish
walk beside me in the life outside this room
I am here for you my friend
I work in a very large Resort/Hotel and I was conducting an EVP session in a room in which an individual passed. My hobby is Ghost Hunting and this spirit brushed a dollar bill off of the desk in the room. Not only did it slide off the desk, but it turned in the air before ascending to the floor.