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 Nov 2014
Ryan Bueler
Just wait to release your brilliance.
Hold on to it
...Just a little longer

Don’t let it get lost in the seas of irrelevance,
and drowned in the wake of your work

Let them feel your words
and taste your passion.
swirl it around in their mouths
and breathe it in
and rub it all in the pores of their skin.

Let them taste your genius
and ask you for seconds.
 Nov 2014

Winter’d wind doth cradle
O’ the daylight glow
Found to bend of spilling fragrance
Filtered o’er the earth below

Why the birth of seasons green
Claim yon saplings cast a’ ground
Brought o’er lonely sacrifice
O’ the whistling autumn’d sound

Splintering amidst the bands
Needles o’er the pines they seed
Following lo’ destined path
Of this earthen soil to feed

Days of time, o’er shortened length
Fell defeat O’ final stand
Feel the grasp on captured breeze
*Deeply held in autumn’s hand
Ok, I know, a little "olde world" just go with it.  :)
 Nov 2014
The Perfect Combination

A-1 on your sirloin
Butter on your bread
Chocolate on your ice cream
Or butterscotch instead

Cream cheese on your bagels
Jelly on your toast
Maybe peanut butter
Which do you like the most

Salsa for tamales
Lemon for your fish
Onion dip for vegetables
Delicious on your dish

Pinto beans in chili
Carrots cooked in stew
Bacon on your meatloaf
Chicken cordon bleu

Chives on your potato
Sugar in your tea
Pickles on your burger
Crackers for your cheese

Garlic for your pasta
Sauce upon it too
Milk poured in your cereal
Slices of fresh fruit

Gravy on your biscuits
Sausage would be nice
Cocktail sauce for jumbo shrimp
In a bowl with ice

Syrup on your pancakes
Frosting on your cake
Cream upon your peaches
A salt and pepper shake

Caramel on your apples
Seafood and white wine
Cottage cheese upon your pears
It’s so much fun to dine

Mayo on your sandwich
Ketchup on your fries
Dressing on your salad
Whipped cream on your pies

So many combinations
That we see each day
When we’re having dinner
Breakfast, lunch or play

To enhance each other
Nothing left to waste
Flavors come together
In the name of taste

There’s one combination
The best one I can see
Not to do with eating
Because it’s you and me

So perfect now together
Like ham on top of cheese
Lettuce and tomato
Onions in your peas

Wonderful together
Sometimes sweet or ****
Soft and always tender
This love inside our hearts

Of all the perfect pairings
Only one will do
This combination built on love
Forever me and you
A little Saturday fun.
 Nov 2014

My life is but a leaf atop an ocean flowing bliss,
on waves of firm conclusions built on reasons that I miss
I take each day as it does come in mystic falling beams
to fill the many corners of my multicolored dreams

Up and down in freedom form the open waters dance,
smooth the real transition to the tremors of romance
Vast the far horizons come to choose what they may show,
as I rest so peaceful within southern breezes flow

Timeless counted visions that do soar about my mind,
pictures painted perfect of the wisdom I might find
Stories told that hold the truth in words another writes,
entertainment spawned of many days and many nights

Now I float upon these waves to far off distance shores,
to hold the one of wondrous grace my heart it does adore
I shall come a calling on the eve of loving ways,
to know in calculation we have reached those endless days

Adrift amongst the numbers of the minutes that we see,
the tide shall come a waning as the moon brings you to me
Beneath these stars of evermore which brightly shine above,
sending forth the message of a true undying love

Lift me now my angel from this aqua blue marine,
gently for to cradle so that I might hear you breathe
Of this golden fantasy I come to see it’s true,
this love that I’ve been waiting for lies in the heart of you

So here along the foaming frame, an outline of the beach,
to know time is the student of the hours that we teach
I spend my life in harmony beneath blue skies above
*and share my world with you upon an endless sea of love
 Nov 2014
Joe Cole
I've put a lot of it together over the years
Tables, cupboards, display cabinets
Not been a problem
IKEA specials
Get them home and a few hours later
A work of art
Until this last week
I work part time as the handyman in a large office complex
Got a call "can you come in for a few hours"
Not a problem!!!!
Can you assemble those desks
Those cupboards
Those six foot storage units
Easy, done this so many times before
Opened the boxes
All the instructions were in French
Trying to follow line drawings
Cam locks, cam spindles, nuts, bolts, screws
Honor was on the line
Failure not an option
11 million pieces later and all was complete
And 755 pounds going into my bank account
It wasn't 11 million pieces but it sure felt like it
Never did figure out where all the left over screws etc should have gone
 Nov 2014
before the last breath I ask am I forgivable?
I in strength forgave those who laughed
i in weak times spat in their face
I was formidable in me.
I saw beauty, I played the recess with melody,
i forsook those who loved me. I gave, at
times what I did not have, I shared tears and cried and felt.
I carried those who could not walk.
Then, they carried me.
I fell down, got up. I went down to the valleys,
up  the hills,
played when I should have been working.
Lost I was most of life. I never lied down.
I had red in my veins, given by destiny, terrors at night,
visions. Deciding was hard, to be me.
I share with you my inner self
Finally, the day a year
people try to guess my costume:

"Oh, this is no costume, I'm just wearing this.
The date is a coincidence.
Still, feel free to guess!"
 Oct 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Supermodel Dreamimg
(Changing it up, a little more adult then usual)

I was walking down the street
It was just the other day
Came across a Supermodel
Who stopped and asked my name

At first I was a little scared
Not knowing what to do
It's not every day a Supermodel
Stops and talks to you

I decided I would play it cool
Act like it's no big thing
I think I made the right choice
Because it drove that girl insane

The Supermodel followed me
She kept asking me to play
Started taking off all her clothes
I didn't know what to say

I just stood there in such disbelief
As she slowly came my way
That naked bodied Supermodel
Began to slowly kiss my face

Well I placed my hands around her
Felt the softness of her skin
I sure was ****** when I woke up
From that dream that I was in

So I layed there in my bed
Closed my eyes and it began
Used the supermodel of my dreams
To help me clear my head

The anger it was beaten back
Useing only my right hand
I felt it quickly disappear
And fall back to sleep again

(Oh my God yes I just went there with a poem and the world did

Carl Joseph Roberts
Come on now my poems cant all be lovely, teaching, meaning and reach out. Sometimes you just have to explore the edges and press where others think you wont go. For those who really know me they know I would go much further than this but im pretty mellow in my Hello Peotry works. So if this one offends you compared to my usual style then simply pass on it as a blip in time and a one off. Still I hope as poets you see that there are many different subjects to discuss and in reality this really is not that controversial compared to so many other poets on here.  Anyway I hope you enjoyed the read.
 Oct 2014
You stand within a wooded glade
The air is still and calm
Your hand rests on a mighty blade
A shield upon your arm


You stand beside a castle moat
The water, grim and dark
To cross you'll need to find a boat
Or build yourself an ark


To build an ark would take a year
And lots of willing folk
(We wrote this whilst we drank some beer
That option was a joke)


You really think you'll find a boat?
You're not the brightest spark
You're meant to think, you silly goat
(Or maybe build an ark?)


You walk towards the castle keep
And fall into the moat
Lucky for you, it's not too deep
Since armor doesn't float


You're standing in an ogre camp
Three ogres are asleep
One looks like he's an ogre champ
(Perhaps you'd better creep?)

> **** OGRES

You draw your sword and take a stance
You howl a battle cry
The ogres wake and watch you dance
Then hit you and you die


(L)oad saved game  (N)ew game  (Q)uit? >_
 Oct 2014
W. H. Auden
Now through night's caressing grip
Earth and all her oceans slip,
Capes of China slide away
From her fingers into day
And th'Americas incline
Coasts towards her shadow line.

Now the ragged vagrants creep
Into crooked holes to sleep:
Just and unjust, worst and best,
Change their places as they rest:
Awkward lovers like in fields
Where disdainful beauty yields:

While the splendid and the proud
Naked stand before the crowd
And the losing gambler gains
And the beggar entertains:
May sleep's healing power extend
Through these hours to our friend.
Unpursued by hostile force,
Traction engine, bull or horse
Or revolting succubus;
Calmly till the morning break
Let him lie, then gently wake.
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