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 Aug 2014
Richard Riddle
My wife, Karen, looked out onto the patio, "why do they always come to us?", speaking of mama and her kits, newcomers they were, but apparently enjoying the food and shelter of this "safe house". Just some, of the many, that had blessed us over the years  with their magic , showing up unannounced, cats, dogs, raccoons, possum, to name a few. Some stayed, some left.

You see, it is our firm belief, that God's closed fist, with index finger extended and pointing downward, looming over our rooftop, wherever we happened to be, is a "guiding star"for them, and only the animals are capable of seeing it, telling them to "go here, for your safety, shelter, and food".

God has many such fingers, in every city, town, state, province, and country on this earth. Why, I would bet that right now, he has a cat(s) asleep on his lap, as a way of saying, "thank you, Lord, for helping all of us."

copyright May 18-2014 richard riddle
 Aug 2014
I pour my sorrow into words
My pain into paragraphs

My blood bubbles
between layers of skin

My tears
cascading down
bright red cheeks

But, just a glance at the screen
I feel boulders
lift from
these tired,
slumping shoulders

Her words are so sweet
Innocent and pure
She wishes faeries
and flowers
and sunshine

My cynicism softens

My hard shell bypassed

Tears stop
Blood clots

I remember
that there is still
and faerietales.

And life, I can suddenly bear.
For Marian.
 Aug 2014
how wonderful to be sent" Hugs"
when you know have not earned them
when they are free gratis
From a pure Heart
Free Giving And Concerned
For such a wretch
 Aug 2014
Anon C
Little Sunshine Fairy
Appreciates all the little things
A kind word with every breath
A sunset waving goodbye to the day
The rain caressing her rooftop
The trees telling her sweet little fairy secrets
The flowers always dance when she looks
She is little Sunshine Fairy Marian
And she appreciates all the little things
Which is what makes her so lovely!
Have a lovely day Marian. I love that you write for all the lovely things in nature and appreciate them so much. Keep dancing Sunshine Fairy
 Aug 2014
Sweet daughter of mine
I love you so very much
You are a jewel.*

Haiku for my sweet daughter, Marian
 Aug 2014
She came to us on wings of Spring
Of Marian the birds did sing
Her cat-nipped tails tells tales
Do make hearts swell
And to her a sweet refrain
Happy Birthday, Marian

r ~ 20Apr14
Happy Birthday, Marian; and many, many more.
 Aug 2014
cheryl love

This tiny fairy, let us say has attitude.
Most little things get on her pip!
Sitting amongst fragrant blossom
Is not nice, no pleasure trip.
She has to put up with frilly petals
Leaves and the odd red spider.
It is the constant supply of buds
That to her is the decider.
She would like to go and pray
With the other fairies at the chapel
Not sitting amongst blossom
Waiting for the inevitable apple.
But as with all other fairies
She has her work to do, her duty
To sit there all pink and frilly
Feeling fresh and very fruity.
She tirelessly waits, and she waits
For the blossom buds to flower.
Then it is another waiting game
For the apples to appear very sour.
She once considered jumping ship
And sitting with the Fairy of the Douglas fir
But after some serious and careful thought
Decided that it would not really appeal to her.
But she is happy I suppose
But still would like to alter direction
Is it little wonder then that this Fairy
Has such a rosy red complexion.

— The End —