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 Mar 2014
The Anonymous Joker
A tired looking lady
With eyebags
Crumpled, wrinkled clothes
That are too big for her
Disguise whatever
Little curves remain
Her eyes

She is drenched
Striding inside
Without a care
Like she belongs
In her shabby, shabby clothes
With her hair
A complete mess

She is soaked through and through
The thunder roars again
Muted due to the glass and steel walls
She walks in
A tiny spark
A flash of something
In her dull, dull eyes

People gossip
About perhaps an affair
A failed marriage
A mental breakdown
For one of those reasons
Maybe all of them

Generally, she comes
In the subway
Very particular
About umbrellas too
Today, she carries none
Little Miss Particular

She walks into
The manager's office
A letter neatly typed out
Black and white
Shielded by her brown
Worn coat
Three sizes too big

She has been working
For seven years at the firm
She puts it on the table
Says a polite, 'Thank you,
But I cannot do this anymore.'

And, she is out
Onto the streets
Her eyes
Still dull
A lady with crazy hair
The rain pelts down
As she disappears
Into the fog
I hope she found
What she was looking for
overcompensate and
so exterminate
 Mar 2014
Poetic T
Place a word
On the page
Entice the words
Make them flow.
 Mar 2014
B ecoming

E sthetic's

A dequate

U nderstanding

T hrough

Y ourself
 Jan 2013
- K T P -
When it comes to strong form
When angles are always precisely norm
Grows an alluring mathematically touched creation
Inspired by pure calculated scientific divination
Such an alluring symmetry to behold
Causing the circle’s envy to unfold

For this angled beauty’s strength enforced
Its sold core mass equally divorced
It’s rigid looks captivating us all
Luring architects to its enchanting call
Ancient Greek hands carving stone shrines
Securing their beauty for all times

Its slight outer angles enduringly tease
Yearning us to brush with ease
Who came up with such design?
Was it indeed a gift divine?
However it did come to be
We all can enjoy with glee

Well all but rectangle and square
As they sulk with envious glare
Murmuring curses over hexagon’s slight curve
Endlessly plotting to mathematicians they serve
Scheme upon scheme developed to suppress
The sheer allure designed to impress

Despite all this the hexagon persists
Engaging us all in mathematical trysts
Never will we lose an eye
No matter how hard we try
For the beauty a hexagon reigns
Over the kingdom of geographical gains

Forget not what you see here
Our ancestors have made it clear
Line upon line attached in twine
Measured precisely from sips of wine
The hexagon is a wonder indeed
Allowing us our own mounted steed
I am playing with a six line, six word, six stanza style to mirror the structure of a hexagon.  I hope you all enjoy the outcome!
 Mar 2012
Cassie Mae
is how I remember feeling when I
saw your eyes sparkle in the fading light,
too young, so naive,
remembering that summer is
accompanied by a rush of emotion,
complete with lust, regret, and it
taught me so much,
even to this day I find myself
© Cassie Mae Writings 2012
 Mar 2012
Cassie Mae
never thought I'd find someone like you
carefully avoiding this situation
creating a fantasy in my head
evaluating the consequences
sick of myself for the thought
someone else's husband
I** could never do that to a family
believing you're not that kind of man
leave it alone
entertaining the thought
© 2012
 Nov 2011
Johann Mitterhauser
Join the ranks of victory,
ArAde through the streets triumphantly.
HeRent is the thirst for ascendancy.
War is **M
asked fear, hidden below bravery,
out over Yonder, few are pleased with their destiny.
 Nov 2011
Johann Mitterhauser
Friends can turn faster than the tables,
Re-creating the truth, giving birth to fables.
Irresponsibly blaming others for their evil deeds,
Easily bought by the lure of greed.
Nursing the wounds of those they've betrayed,
Eliminating courage from the hearts of those afraid.
Mounting lies on half truths to find alibis,
Y**earning for a 'friend' to hear their cries.
 Apr 2011
As long as you're here with me,
Rest in my arms, and I'll be free.
Vanity, will never be tangled,
In cases that you cannot see.

Love that have raised bars,
I* am much deeply honored.
Love is what you've offered
Overflowing and such a reward!

Victory is with me,
Every moments seized.
You and me is a dagger
On each one's kiss.

Unified by love, for real, Happiness.
(c) jcjuatco - 4.22.2011 - How's your heart mate? - .
 Mar 2011
Bellis Tart
I** will look for you in the faces of those I pass by forever

Moments pass when I can't disguise it, even
If I try to shake those tears out of my head, I know
Soon I will break, if I can't push it back
Someday, hopefully I will be stronger

Your were gone before I even got to know you,
Out of my life you were ripped
Uselessness of memories, that only serve to remind me of what I no longer have
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