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 Mar 2012
Your presence warms me daily
We flirt with anticipation
Of what's to come.

As you beam closer to me
I toss playful mists of eagerness.
Your caress drives me crazy
Every sense is heightened.

I arch towards you.

I am swelling with excitement
Raging wet with desire
Open to receive you.

You invade me

s l o w l y

Illuminating me to vibrancy
Of colorful ecstasy
Igniting golden fires
To radiate from me.

You drink my hues of your reflection

Returning each day
At sunset
For a time.

In those minutes
You are mine.

We are one

You are my Sun.

© Tina Thompson
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 Mar 2012
C G Andrews
I fell down
into a field of flowers today
I  found that the petals of the rose
looked more like the rotting limbs
of the putrid dead to me

The buds of spring
reminded me of hope
that would never bloom
even the fresh green grass
took on a hue of despair

I flew from the nest at eighteen
with resolve to never come back
I am thirty-four now, and
after too many women
too many heartaches
too many years as a soldier
I have collapsed back into that nest
my life has rebounded full circle
I am a failure
 Mar 2012
C G Andrews
Faded days of dreams are gone
You're letting go the precious dawn
Never again your name to call
While we dance inside the mall
 Mar 2012
C G Andrews
All my life, I had stayed
To myself, I had played
By myself, I have never
Wanted any, and forever
I chose to be alone
My heart has always shone
The hurt that I've endured
I have never said a word
Of the pain in my heart
For I've never been with you always apart

Now you come and bring to me
A choice of love or misery
Whichever path has not a shade
Of the troubles you have made
Why I ask I've never known
The chosen path I walk alone

I walk alone sore and bitter
I walk toward love, I'm not a quitter
I choose a path and keep on walking
I hear you laughing, see you gawking
Have you ever heard me moan
That all my life I've lived alone

You bring me pain I do not want
You take my love so you can taunt
Me forever, to leave me ever
In a dream to endeavor
My love in you for you've not known
How it feels to be alone
 Mar 2012
Without you I have no inspiration
You've always been my muse
But I guess without you, I've not much to go on for
You took the most vibrant, lovely pigments
And escorted my brushes to paint the most random of strokes on my enormous white canvas
Movements were rash and irratic but in the end it was the most beautiful thing I've seen
...second most beautiful.
But something had caught my eye
I had seen a work of art like this before
It was too familiar; I'd seen you paint a while ago
I misjudged your manipulation of my hands for guidance
Sadly this was all in your plan
To show me a symbol of your love
When it was much less than tangible

                       But every night, before I fall to sleep, I stare at the beautiful colors you turned my world
                                                           ­  And the light brush strokes are all but a reminder
 Mar 2012
Ryan King
Thoughts of you
Suppress my brain
With each thought
My heart gets a shot
Of pain

I hear you are moving on
Starting to date
I am glad for you
It is only me I can hate
I am the one to blame
I miss holding you
Watching the candle flame

Never knew
That both fires in the room
Would burn out
 Mar 2012
Be my novel tonight
Allow me to navigate the depths of your thoughts
and journey through the pathways of your mind while
merging in my imagination and infusing in my wildest
poetic fantasies.  Inscribing in our bedpost an
unforgettable bestseller.

Be my music tonight
Let me groove to the beat of your heart picking up pace
as I explore new ways to invoke melodious outbursts. I
want to sing a duet with you of synchronized moans and
pleasurable sighs.  Culminating with you belting out my
name in one final perfect note.

Be my masterpiece tonight
Permit me to trace my fingertips across every inch of
your frame as I find your sensually stimulating spots.
Armed with new knowledge and intent, sit back as I
stroke you with my brushes of desire and take you on a
creative adventure of twists and turns as I bring to life my finest
work of art and watch with all anticipation your love erupt.

© Tina Thompson
 Mar 2012
beautifully spun was this glass vase

all around, was nothing but space

and without a blow

the light vase swung to and fro

and though it fell down all too slow

it shattered to pieces

that in the light,

seemed glow

glistening like stars on a summer night

dear love, i warn you

dont pick up the pieces

along with the vase came down our chances.

try to mend it,

the jagged edges only cut you


and deeper

to think of what we’ve all been through

and though you know what i’d hate to do

on this note

i bid adieu.
 Mar 2012
In love
Its only natural to be                   P          U          S          H          E­          D
    o                    i     l                f            o      r      e             w  ­    y                e       o      e              
y    u            w     l                o          c       u      s             s      a                  b       f        r                  

                                  ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                  F

                                        ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­           A

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          L

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          L

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                            I

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          N

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          G

It's fine to stumble, but remain UNBROKEN
REFUSE to be torn by this
Stand TALL
And prove you're **UNBROKEN
 Feb 2012

Everything injected
Identity constricted
Breaths restricted
Fights enlisted
Words explicit
Pain inflicted


Withdrawing addiction
Half of me missing
Shaking commencing
Cold sweats kick in
Heartbeats lessening
Death's threatening


Suffocation retired
Individuality aspired
Stimulation inspired
Culmination transpired
Life long love desired
Exact dosage is required


© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
Grandiosely bragging about what you would do
While gently pulling my hair, adding emphasis to
Such a desperate attempt just out of the blue
I had to shake my head and feel sorry for you.

How very little you must think of yourself
To offer your body and withhold your mind
To quickly entangle and even faster unwind
Leaving countless diminished beings behind.

My sympathy should lie with every woman
That has welcomed your nothingness on chance
That has been lured by your lustful glance
To later be dismissed when they seek to advance.

All I see is a scared little boy, trying to hide
In superficial exploits because you're void inside
Casting lines of bait with all feelings aside
Giving no thought to others cause your soul has died.

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
Words expressed to the one I love
Selectively picked just for you
To show I am here
For all time

Placed together and presented to you
With an understanding of your past pain
To give comfort
For love

Letting you know,  no matter what
To the extent you determine
At the parameters you define
I am yours
At your command
No limits

These were not just words to me
I thought you knew that
I thought you could see
My heart
In your hands
No protection

But to my shock and dismay
No sooner did I give the words to you
Did you turn and give them away
How can this be

You say there was a different context
And I just don't understand
When you said the words to her
They didn't mean the same
For real

"In Any Capacity"....hmmmm
The meaning seems quite plain
If there is another definition
I wish you would explain

Regardless what the reason
This is what I assume
You had to give the words away
Because you hurt too much to consume
What they meant
That they were for you

If you knew that you were worthy
If you knew what their meaning could bestow
You wouldn't have thrown away these words
For someone you barely know
That which you feared

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
I got so use to not
     breathing you know...

Suspended in parallel dimensions.
Living in the Past, ignoring Present existence.
Conflicting realities and skewed perception.
Indefinitely waiting your return and attention.


© Tina Thompson
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