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 Feb 2012
Desolate beings full of,

Awkward exchanges,
                         Empty glares,
Frigid collisions,
                        Struggling stares.

Disdained lovers with,

Vanishing memories,
                         Vain affections,
Impetuous attempts,
                         Impotent connections.

Familiar Strangers

We are

A promising future

No more.

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
Rendered helpless Amidst

The warmth of your touch
     The might in your grasp
          The softly whispered request

Kiss me T

Having not been...
     Touched liked that
          Needed like that
               Desired like that
                    In Years

I had no choice

But to Surrender.

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
You wanted...

To believe in Fantasies,
     Happily ever afters
And skies so blue.

To know the peace of,
     Warm embraces and tender kisses
From a lover that's true.

To feel secure,
   In the now,  hope for a future,
Trusting hurt would never ensue.


When faced,
With the possibility
     Of this being reality
You quickly flew.

There was just one thing missing
     From this love situation
You had to love you.

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
Lifted by your Love
     I was able to believe
          To feel, and to Value
     To know I am Worthy.

Freed by your Touch
     I Surrendered
          Completely,  Wholly
     To you Only.

You are a Blessing...

Stifled by your Past
     I can't Reach you
          Hold you,  Convince you
     To understand.

Rejected by your Fear
     I must watch you go
          Abandon it,  All,  Everything
     To Live Alone.

Our Love is Cursed...

Possessed by your Soul
    I am eternally
          At your command
     Awaiting your Call.

Tormented by your Spirit
     I cannot escape
          I cannot move Past
     Our Love.

For you are my Blessed Curse.

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012
Let me Love U...

     Like the first sip of a cappuccino
          In the early morning
     Leaving froth upon your lips.

     Like the passion of salsa music
          On a Saturday night
     Causing you to move your hips.

Let me Love U...

     Like the thrill of a roller coaster
          Playfully teasing
     As you approach the peak.

     Like a precision guided missile
          Causing an explosion
     With the target I seek.

Let me Love U...
     Like a cool ocean breeze
          Caressing your skin
     Inducing relaxation.

     Like a personal sun beam
          Warming you
     To complete satisfaction.

©  Tina Thompson
 Jan 2012
Pieces of you linger
  In my mind, causing random smiles and outbursts of laughter,
   But sometimes I cry

Pieces of you reside
   In my heart, placing me in sentimental moods and reminiscent flight,
   But sometimes I just cry

Pieces of you remain
  In my nose, creating fragrant blissfulness
Pieces of you stay
  On my skin, triggering spontaneous quivers
Pieces of you survive
  On my tongue, causing cravings for sweet things

  But sometimes I still just cry
Pieces of you are indelibly ingrained
   In my soul, intensely reminding me of love and love lost
   And I cry :'(

© Tina Thompson 2011
 Jan 2012
Alan W Jankowski
Thinking about the loves of the past,
All the loves that didn’t last.
All my loves of yesterday,
I wonder where they are today,
The close moments that we shared,
The loving words that said we cared.
I think about the ones that slipped on by,
I sit by myself and I wonder why,
One day they‘re here and next they‘re gone,
I understand that life goes on,
But still I wonder if it was meant to be,
Are they happier without me?

And if we ever meet again,
Could the passion be the same?
Would the old fires start to burn?
Could loving thoughts ever return?
Or are unspoken words left unsaid,
Should the past be left for dead?
Are they happier in their new life,
Watching the kids, being a wife?
I have to realize the die is cast,
Nothing can ever change the past,
But still I wonder if it was meant to be,
Are they happier without me?

 Jan 2012
Alan W Jankowski
I often wonder if what I feel,
Is just an illusion or something real,
For when these feelings begin to start,
I wonder if they’ll break my heart,
Or will they stoke the burning fires,
That masquerade as my desires,
And turn my inner burning lust,
Into something built on trust,
Because these fires always burn,
And so it seems I’ll never learn,
For when these feelings do begin,
I always seem to dive right in,
Again I’ll get my just desserts,
All the heartbreaks and the hurts,
Again I’ll heed this passion call,
And again in love I will fall,
And should this love come to an end,
I hope my heart will somehow mend,
So I can pick myself up off the floor,
And fall in love, again once more.

I'd have to say this is a fairly well liked poem...heck, I even like this one myself...
 Jan 2012
Alan W Jankowski
Though seasons pass and years go by,
They will not stop the tears I cry,
And though may fall the gentle rain,
It will not wash away my pain,
And though there may be a tomorrow,
It will not take away my sorrow,
For when you and I became apart,
You took a piece of my broken heart,
I only ask that you give it back,
So I can get my life on track,
And I can somehow heal this broken heart,
And somehow make a brand new start,
I don’t think this is much to ask,
A very simple little task,
So my poor heart can somehow mend,
And I can start to live again.

This cheerful little number is the seventh of the 67Goat poems...
 Jan 2012
Alan W Jankowski
All that we have been through,
All the time we shared.
The good times and the bad,
It always seemed you cared.
Now you’re growing distant,
Starting to tell lies.
You’re starting to go away from me,
I can see it in your eyes.

We used to love together,
Love like we were one.
Now we are apart,
Our love has come undone.
I thought we’d be together,
Make the perfect pair.
Always thought you’d be there,
Always thought you’d care.
Now I’m left with questions,
A thousand whats and whys,
You are no longer mine,
I can see it in your eyes.

I’m left with only memories,
Of good times that used to be.
A thousand laughs and smiles,
Will always stay with me.
But never again will I feel your arms,
Holding me at night.
Or experience your charms,
Or savor your delight.
You walk away and leave me,
We say our sad goodbyes,
Never to come back,
I can see it in your eyes.

This poem was written for my story of the same name...***/your-eyes.aspx
 Jan 2012
Alan W Jankowski
All the trust we’ve built together,
Bonds developed from the start,
Have somehow been ripped in two,
Like you ripped apart my heart.

Funny how you think you know someone,
Because you lie beside them in bed,
But it’s only their words you’ll ever hear,
Not what goes on inside their head.

Now you tell me you want to leave,
With barely a spoken goodbye,
Taking your things and walking out,
And I’m left to wonder why.

Haven’t I been good to you?
So loving and so kind,
But you say you’re moving on,
Just leaving me behind.

I just have to try to realize,
To you I never really did belong,
This is something you had to do,
It’s nothing I did wrong.

So much may happen in life,
So much I’ll never understand,
So many things I’ve had to deal with,
So much of it unplanned.

I just hope someday you realize,
As you’re sitting alone and sad,
That the one you chose to leave,
Was the best you ever had.

The twelfth published 67Goat poem, and easily one of my most popular...definitely in the top five, probably just after "We Started As Friends" which is really the only one anyone ever writes me about...:)
 Jan 2012
a kind of nostalgia
The fighting was inevitable,
as it had always been.
We found a weak spot, bit on, and tore.
We broke each other down.
They say that only time can heal,
But not even time can erase.
Copyright © Claire Shelton 2012
 Jan 2012
a kind of nostalgia
I don't believe in soul mates.


Copyright © Claire Shelton 2012

Not trying to be cynical here, but think about if everyone ended up with his/her first love.
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