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Lori Carlson
Lori Carlson   Creator
Writing has always been my canvas and poetry my paintbrush. My muses whisper beautiful colors in my ear and I create them into a masterpiece …
I was born and live now in Odessa, the most beautiful city of Ukraine. I've graduated Odessa State University(English department and Russian department) and taught …
Amy Russ   Editor
I write what I feel
Elemenohp   Member
Canada    26 letters thrown onto pages.
Nicholas Laurent
Nicholas Laurent   Member
After showing promise as a writer at a young age, I took a decade away from writing ANYTHING after high school, suffering from good ol' …
rachelle bromley   Member
Kayla Wozniak
Kayla Wozniak   Member
30/F    Hey everyone! My name is Kayla. I have written for as long as i can remember. Writing helps me express what i truly feel about …
Perig3e   Member
Appalachian mountains    Under development :-)
Lori Jean
Lori Jean   Member
Our souls intertwined He asked “Who are you?” “I ride on pink wings” “I am the words I accrue”. Hello. My name is Lori Jean. …
Victor Thorn
Victor Thorn   Member
Oklahoma    Omni-interested.
mizznallely   Member
Living in constant mayhem and change. Been writing only two years. socially awkward, everytimeI feel unconfortable around people I just grab my notebook and start …
Sarah Johnson   Member
I am impossible to forget, yet hard to remember. I am everything and nothing all at once. I am like no one that you have …
Emanuel Martinez   Member
Born in my native country and forced to transition into a different culture as a child. Today, I see life through a very unique perspective …
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams   Member
her   Member
31/F/galaxy    29. sometimes life is beautiful. sometimes it is not. still, i live.
Samuel   Member
27/M/Fremont, CA    Write me a picture.
Thelma C Cunningham
Thelma C Cunningham   Member
Thelma Cunningham was educated in the Baltimore City Public Schools and graduated from Mary E. Rodmand Elementary and Gwynn Falls Park Junior High. She graduated …
C G Andrews
C G Andrews   Member
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream by night" - Edgar Allen Poe
kaylee adamz
kaylee adamz   Member
i am kaylee and these are all the thoughts i had before. my words sort of fall into poetry mostly. i hope you like what …
Jishad Mohammed
Jishad Mohammed   Member
JK Cabresos
JK Cabresos   Member
M/PH    Hands are stained with poetry. / Romanticist
Rob Urban
Rob Urban   Member
New York   
N23   Member

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