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 Feb 2011
Louis Brown
I looked around me                                              

For a noble man

Someone who could lead

A man a child could trust

Some man who never cheated

A man not owned by money

Some man who wouldn't lie

A man a child would trust

Some man that loves his God

Well he was hard to find

I looked at all the presidents

In the past United States

I evaluated judges and lawyers

I checked out sailors, doctors and  farmers

Just for one honest man

But none of them met the criteria

Until I remembered

Perhaps there is one

Just maybe…just maybe…

Barrack Obama

­I believe time will bear that out.
That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.
Copyright Louis Brown
 Jan 2011
Anthony Moore
Over royal tombs and palace walls,
moonlit dreams spread whispers of the rising sun.

Come to me says the sirens song
Come to me, lay down your sword, lay down your shield
Come to me

Shadowy figures gather within the dark spots of her eyes
to share secrets of why she can't see.
Vision stolen by the greatest of thieves,
capable of stealing things that aren't yours to begin with;
Nor anyone elses.

But when the stars come down to kiss goodnight
and she rests her head on the softest planets,
sprawling across galaxies, wrapping her body-less soul in a warm nebula,
the sweetest dreams will cradle her new born thoughts,
tugging at the strings to her wings,
drowning out every siren that sings and brings their destruction
with out having to touch them.

Standing on rooftops chanting paganisms toward the heavens
like a heathen taunting the sky fire.
And it comes,
like the rain from home it comes;
It always does.

And as the gentle sunrise graces her face,
lighting up and opening the windows to her soul
I see that it's burning cyan-hazel flames;
Make moonlit dreams become sun soaked realities
Anthony J. Alexander 2010
 Jan 2011
Allen Smuckler
Make that putt
he yelled
from the
jalousie window
Make that putt .
I may have
given it
to you
but your
know you well.
You missed
a foot
what makes
you think
you’ll make it
coming back.
Make that putt.
Don’t pick it up.
I haven’t
given it
to you.
Make that putt.
Earn the right
to pick
the ball up
on a gimme.
Does the rest
of your game
****, too?
Make that
putt, will ya!!
January 25, 2011
(Deerfield Beach, Fla.)
 Jan 2011
Asther Dela Fuente
All troubled and all alone
Taking this road so unknown
No lights, So dark and Lonely
Then I close my eyes, It's you I see

Take me to your Rosary
Bring me to our sanctuary

Though I'm alone, traveling this road
That from this, I feel my head will explode
I know that at the end of this journey
You'll be there, Smiling, waiting for me

Sail the sea, and climb the mountains
In the desert, You'll be my fountain
La fuente de mi amor
Vivid feeling, I won't ask for more
I will come with you if you take me
And fly away to your 'Rosary'
 Jan 2011
F White
Learning how to be alone
is an art.
I do not mean
with, without
a lover.

Learn how to
be alone in
your self.

feel the skin
the way your soul
fits in
your bones.

rest there

like water
and stay as
it tugs
for the
longer you
can stand

the stronger you
will be
when you
journey to
Copyright FHW, 2011
 Jan 2011
Nicholas Laurent
The vaulted door.
A secret to shatter your most treasured,
secured, and honored convictions.

The iron lock.
A revelation to unbound you, to uncoil
the creature concealing your true face.

The inflamed key.
A conclusion you never wanted,
yet were unable to seek otherwise.

© Nicholas Laurent 1/14/2011
 Dec 2010
Andreas Andersson
In the attic we come across
winters long gone. By light
from a bare light bulb
we learn what life makes
of children all grown up.
 Dec 2010
Allen Smuckler
“Nella’s back” the town folk scream.
No one’s sure if it’s real or dream.
Even old Nella has her doubts.
She sees what reality is all about.
Nella’s back, it’s good to see.
She’s on the road to recovery.
Her bottled heart is almost free.
Pouring out as it grows,
watching as the water flows.

Rhyme and reason, wasted season,
nature goes to court for treason.
Flooded cities, crowded mind,
countless dying, life’s a grind.

She won’t know and I don’t care,
let the people stop and stare.
This I’ll always grin and bare.
Nella’s back, and here to stay,
at least to see another day.
copyright June 23, 1972
 Dec 2010
Mc Haley
It's suicide to own you forever,
Time is just offering now or never.
I bet my life just for this season
Just to feel you even for millisecond.

Once you smile I sight the other side of universe,
then if I could lose you now,ill be stucked in reverse.
I can be one of your star love,
Just assure me You're my moon

I can't breathe now
I'm gasping,
I need your second
I can live to your millisecond.
For Raks Paul with Love♥
 Nov 2010
v V v
I live in my skin
acutely aware
and suffer a voice in my brain,
a demon or such
who’s there to deceive,
his goal is to make me insane.
He leaves those alone
who don’t seem to feel,
those zombies who live in a dream,
He mocks their dull lives
and simple retreats
while I bear the weight of his beam.
His whispering thoughts
are constantly there,
they haunt and they curse late at night,
while zombies asleep
on opposite sides
of chasms are dreaming they’re right.
To narrow the gap
of this great divide
I must find a place in-between,
to build me a room
with comfortable chairs
and settle my soul with routine,
The problem it seems
is “see-saw syndrome”,
there’s no stopping once in the air,
I get to the point
where I might find rest
then freefall back down to despair.
 Nov 2010
Paul Mackenzie
We live,
We die,
And between we merely survive.
 Oct 2010
George Krokos
There was a calm felt before the storm
and also some uneasiness in every form
a hushed anticipation of what was soon to be
perhaps a fateful outcome of each one’s destiny.

During this time it became very dark and foreboding
that everything around lost all its charm and standing.
Suddenly there were flashes of lightning and clashes of thunder,
which rolled from the clouds, seen and heard by all there under.

Then a strong wind blew and a heavy rain began to fall
lashing onto everything around as it turned into a squall.
As the tempest raged on in a crescendo and reached its peak;
turning day into night and night into day, all seemed so bleak.

There many creatures all scampered and sought the safety of shelter,
out of the maelstrom unleashed by nature, in a state of helter-skelter.
They all knew their places when it came to that threat of danger;
out of harms reach they tried to flee even if it was with a stranger.

After the storm had spent all its fury and slowly subsided
a calm settled in again which had lately just been divided.
And all appeared to have been molested and somewhat shaken
as light broke through the clouds to make that day re-awaken.

While the storm in its wake seemed to have wreaked much devastation
the forces which had come into play reminded one of the act of creation,
when those seeds of life were implanted ages ago at the very beginning,
causing all things to gradually spring into existence with some meaning.

Private Collection - written in 2002
 Oct 2010
D Conors
is what she is meant to be,
she is the sensuality
of her femininity,
seeks beauty in all
she sees,
her essence is complex simplicity,
is contradictory,
she is all
that's satisfactory,
in her days
and in her dreams,
is lovely,
loving me,
is everything,
a precious, priceless,
part of
that is
27 oct. 10
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