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 Oct 2015
Sia Jane
I put my heart to bed.
I kissed the hole in my chest
a lingering good night-

My lips stealing a few
more hours of our final night.

I forgot about the noise
filling spaces in my mind,
held myself to the promise
of never letting go
without a final goodbye.

I let tears fill hollowed eyes,
falling as perfect droplets
tattooing my cheeks

As I exhale the remains of
all I’ve lost,
I choke.

An inflated balloon
is blocking my airway,
my fingers part my lips
and with another deep breath
my heart – severed but intact –
is in my hands once again.

I put my heart to bed
I kissed the hole in my chest
a lingering goodnight –

My heart didn't want to sleep,
instead it stayed awake
tacked itself to my sleeve
and walked me into a new day.

© Sia Jane
 Oct 2015
You made me feel as though I was wrong
For needing air in my lungs
Love in my heart and
Reassurance somewhere inbetween.
 Oct 2015
Joe Cole
Old bent and broken
Like some worn out shoe
Why!! Where did I go wrong, what did I do?
I served my country, paid all my dues
Now all I have left is this worn threadbare suit
For the next few hours I'll just wander the streets
Find an empty doorway, have a few hours sleep
Food! Well at my age a littles enough
A few discarded chips or a hard stale crust
I think of my comrades who gave up their lives
Now I wish I'd died with them
Beside them to lie
Its not my fault that I've grown tired and old
But who's going to mourn me
As my body grows cold
This is an edited version of something I wrote a long time ago and is written for all the ex servicemen who will be spending this Christmas hungry and cold in a shop doorway

Reposted for Steve  Reimer, Mark Cleavenger and all who have seen the bitter truth
 Oct 2015
SG Holter
In the vault of my innermost,
Shelves shelf letters.
Some rhyme.

I'll never send you an email.
I'd rather cry into a rust red leaf
Held before your face to

Not kiss.
Winter is coming; Death approaching,
Carrying Life in

Her arms like a

So we didn't ****
Ourselves this time
 Oct 2015
C Davis
You've done it again, little girl,
Made yourself sick with
Skin ******
And bruised bits.
Were you testing the water to see if it was still
Do your insides churn
At the same slow pace?
You were never taught chess
As a child,
Is this why you've chosen to play
As the pawn?
What a waste, they'll say.
What a waste of a pretty face,
To have your lip bitten
And your conscience stained.
Dry your eyes.
Your hot tears supply no solace
And their trails attract no sympathy.
You've made your bed
Time and time
And you cannot lay in it
When you're dragging it around like that.
Someday, someday
Your chain will break
And you will never have to apologize
To yourself
Calm your aching heart, little girl,
This will not be the last time you cry.
 Oct 2015
Anastasia Anderson
There is a hole in my story
Filled with empty space
This endless Galaxy
Burning straight through my brain
How can I be empty
But everlastingly vast
These brilliant stars set me aflame as they pass
And as my skin turns to ash
My soul begins to freeze
And, instantly, in a flash
I am staring into a mirror
That doesn't reflect me
I am nothing but a void in this slot of time
Just substance taking up space
just existing, never alive.
 Oct 2015
Dark n Beautiful
Band- aid  doesn't fix bullet holes
people **** each other.

People reached for the weapon
and pulled the trigger
people **** each other.  Why?
 Oct 2015
Raphael Uzor
From sweet talking for hours
Their friendship slowly turned sour
And with each passing night
Their talks gave way to fights

Her voice was once music to him
And when she spoke, he heard la, la, la
But arguments defiled her hymn
Now all he hears is bla, bla, bla...

She had nothing but good intentions
And dreamed of a life of bliss
But he dwelled on her imperfections
All because he'd lost his peace

Spontaneous, wild and free
She was everything he was not
He stood firm, rigid as a tree
And all she dreamed came to naught!

© Raphael Uzor
 Oct 2015
You don't know my life,
You don't know the struggles I've been through,
You don't know the things I dealt with,
or the people who have hurt me,
and broken me down.
I let people use me like a doormat,
You don't know the betrayal I've encountered,
You don't know how I feel inside,
You only see the act I put on,
on the outside.
Afraid to stand up for myself,
Afraid to show the real me,
Afraid to be hurt even more,
Afraid to speak up,
Afraid to want something.
Emotionally I'm done,
Mentally I'm drained,
Spiritually I feel dead inside,
but yet somehow,
Physically I smile.
But, no...
You do not know me...
because if you did,
You wouldn't use me like a doormat,
Or treat me like trash.
You wouldn't beat me down,
you'd help me up...
If you knew me, you wouldn't treat me like I'm worthless,
You'd know life is hard enough,
without being kicked while already down.
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