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 Sep 2014
I am heart & soul
I am nobody special
I don't claim to be
I write what I know
I write when Im mad
I write when I'm blue
I write about everything
I write just for you
I write about love
Though I know not
I'm just writing each line
with all of my heart
 Sep 2014
the little blucat
surfaces from
the pile of
cat's rugs
old towels
shakes his head
and stretches
his creaking old bones
before going to sit beside
his food dish and scolds
the day for being so long
and bitterly cold and wet.
his age is starting to catch up
with him.....and he has always hated the wet...
it has poured all day....and the wind bitter...
he has this belief...we have
control over this and make
the day like this, purely to **** him off...
and acts accordingly....
and all the cat owners nod
 Sep 2014
surrounded by silence
only the slowblink
of the blucat eyes
in the stgyian gloom
of the overcast night
sleep eludes, sleep eludes

small smiles on the sleeping
godboys face
slack relaxed exhuastion
from the father, man mountain, hibernating bear.

single sips of chamomile
tisane....sit in silence
no gain in scrapping against
insomnia.. better to succumb
to calm evening solitude
sleep will come, sleep will
freeflow....little to know punctuation or format....
just the release of thoughts
on the evening tide...
 Aug 2014
jeffrey robin
///  O  ///
~~~      (      #     •      )     ~~~


Magic the boy

Magic        The sound

The ocean song

The mother and child

Oh we know

Oh we feel

Oh we      Understand

What's    Comin down


Dance   YE lovely


YE  ( the living )

Is         Now

Decency flees toward the hills



Magic    The boy

Magical    Sound

Mother and child

The oceans are cryin aloud

Six small words, that's all.

Six. Small. Words. 

Yet they sit mute on my tongue, held tightly by fear of the destruction they will cause. 

Seven syllables.
Swirling around my brain, screaming through my consciousness everytime we talk, begging to be spoken, consuming my every panicked thought.

Twenty two letters.
A small amount, though enough to tear two worlds into shreds and cast friendship into darkness everlasting.

They're only words, right?

If that were true, I would scream them across the sea, my truth drowning out the roar of the tide..... but these words would take you from me, so I bite down on them, imprison them within, where they churn and spit with fury at my cowardice.

Six small words I'll always mean but never say, seven syllables that would send you reeling, running, betrayed.  Twenty two letters that I could only ever follow with "I'm sorry" as I watch you walk away.
Just needed to get it out.
 Aug 2014
Paula Lee
I only have one question
******* YOU WHY?
She  Just Died
 Aug 2014
Paula Lee
If you need another Angel from my family....
                           Take ME!
Friends Please say a Prayer for my neice who is fighting for her life right now, I can honestly say that I can't understand why god would take my neice  while i'm still grieving for my mom?
Oh won't you play a little game?
Your life will never be the same
Please roll the dice and stoke my flame
I'll scar your back, you'll howl my name.

Let's not let rules get in the way
It's such an easy game to play
and baby, once it's underway
I'll lead your pretty heart astray.

I am temptation, wicked sin,
suggestion dripping from my skin,
dark secrets writhing deep within
my name a whisper on the wind.

I've torn so many souls to shreds
while hearts decayed and tears were shed,
delight would fill me as they bled
once exiled from my harlots bed.

So heed my warning, hold it true
then cast it ever far from view.
Take your turn, then when you're through
let me be the death of you.
 Aug 2014
Same Thing
Spacing Out
*Thinking thoughts you're Not Aware of
Inspired by a conversation I had with my Mother this morning. I was trying to explain how I can't recall some details of a particular movie due to "spacing out", she retorts " honey you were just thinking thoughts you aren't aware of..."
And I was kinda like stunned in a moment of scratching my head, going huhh...
♡♡♡ I do Love my Mom!
What a Trip ♡♡♡
 Aug 2014

Take my hand, I’ll lead the way
Through oatmeal frosted cookie fields
The two of us will run and play
Enjoying all this vision yields
Candy coated pebble lanes
Lined with chocolate butter creams
Fence line melted sugar cane
Here among our wildest dreams
So much love I have for you
As we stroll this paradise
Whipped cream sea foam as our view
And your beauty, very nice
Hold me close as now we lay
Neath strawberry pudding skies
Kiss me once more on this day
As I gaze into your eyes
Spearmint gumdrop pines they sing
Melodies we love to hear
Through red velvet clouds to bring
All we see so crystal clear
Marshmallow whips and jelly beans
Lemon drops from up above
Life is more than what it seems
*When it’s shared with one you love
Wonderful poet, beautiful friend...I just love writing with her
 Aug 2014
Linda alexander
Life is too long for sure as we all know
We never die or get old as per nature's law
The joy and abundance is for others only
I can not be nice to the man in mirror

I will cherish insatiable greed of world
No way I can say no to none other than to self
I will consider all gibberish talked about me
Why I write this way as I am built in opposite way
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