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 Jun 2014
I may cry
when you pass.
don't be fooled
it's not for you.

It's for the father
I should have had,
the father I deserved.
That's what I'll grieve
not you.

Never you.

What's there to miss?
I can do without you
making me feel awkward,
an inconvenience.

Can you understand my view?

There were no cuddles
for me,
no tenderness
or tender words.

I did not even want you
to 'give me away'
on your only daughters
wedding day.
Escaping abroad
escaping feeling ignored.
You lost all rights
to hand me over
to another man
that would protect me.

You never got that right
did you?
Couldn't even protect me
from yourself.

So I sometimes think
about your health,
you, drinking yourself
                  ­      a

Not sure how much more
your old and bitter body can take

and I wait* ......
this was a real rant written a while ago, unfortunately it still applies today!!  Sorry it's a bit morbid but he's not a nice person.
 Jun 2014
David Barr
Equations of creepiness exist beyond the surface of interplanetary suckers or tendrils.
So, tell me, how horizontal are your expressions?
As girls are not dissimilar to counting backwards on a scale of oratory genius, then
how far do you deviate from what is considered to be the norm?
Although foliage may display her open and ontological beauty at this uncertain period of nothingness,
I unravel myself from this Egyptian tomb of aborted eloquence.
Just be yourself, please.
 Jun 2014
Paula Lee
Lost in the swirling winds of time
moments spent in the dark abyss
I no longer remember your sweet love
memeries lost, not there to miss

My mind magically forbids thoughts
of all the sorrow and the pain
Like the echoes of wind when songs end
causing tears,rivelets cascading like rain

Seasons to come, Seasons that have passed
none matters to me, they're all the same
You're gone, swept away by linear tides
my mind no longer remembers your name

Solid foot walls standing sentinel
protecting me, from long ago
when you left, no choice of yours
with angel wings glistening like snow

Alas! against my will, your echo unfreezes
one moment in time, permitted to pass by
that day of horror when i buried love
Angels sing to me a Six feet Under Lullaby!
Too much time to think!
 Jun 2014
What's been Done, is Done, lest you hit Rewind.
The Default button is Play, Now, and Now, and Now, Everyday.
Some can find Fast~forward, that takes a forward kinda Mind, with Vision that looks a Mile down the Freeway, not just up ahead at the beat up Chevy on the Street right in front of You.
If You  like to press that button a lot, you get to knowing what's coming. You're still in the present but the Future's in Your Sight. It can save You from Trouble, move a few lanes over, miss the pile up a mile up ahead. And that's just staying with the positive end of that Spectrum.  
Now, Pause gets tricky, sticky, usually interesting, but certainly dangerous.
I suggest You only press that One when you have to use the bathroom or get a soda from the fridge.
In the case you've played the fast~forward game so long, that you've found yourself too far up ahead,
You can always press the Pause button, knowing you'll have lots of time to fill, and If you tend to have self destructive or addictive traits or just tend to self isolate, this Pause can Cause Pure Chaos and it will all fall down on You, in your Head, in your Mind, with no one there to save You from Yourself.
Remember, you're still so far ahead, and completely Alone.
So, If you survive Yourself long enough for someone to finally catch up, they probably won't understand You or how You got in your Situation.
Hopefully, they'll have a care for your strange affair and help You to Un~pause, get You Unstuck and moving again with the rest of Them. That's a Blessing, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
Run along and Live in the Now, oh, and stay away from the Stop. That One must be respected and Solely reserved for God.
I'm an Engineer, I like to See how **** Works or Doesn't
 Jun 2014
My Irony is Rusted Dusted, powdered Poison, Brittle Carcass, Cracking Structure, Morbid Reminder, Decay, diseased, Dismantled, Weather Worn, Imperfect.

My Body is Toxic, Sieve of seeping Radicals, free Militia, Marching Madness, Freely Feeding, expelled in Sewage, draining, Septic Seraphim, Godly Sequester, What have We Done?

I'm not Done yet Son, Daughter come, Drink from my River, You are Young, just begun your trek to Eternity, knocking on Doors, Breaking them in, finding your Heart, hidden within, Walls left to scale, True Heart prevails, Do not Fear, your Instinct is Clear, Concise, Ruthless, You Fight for it all to come Down...
Everything Must Come Down
Decimate Foundations that are Outdated, Misused, Faded
Bring to Rubble the Cracked and Broken
Let it Die, rejoin the Earth, recycled and Dead

Come together, Bring yourselves, your Truth, your Tools, your Dignity

Let us All Rebuild the World We Want To Live In.
No More the Voice of Treason
No More Must We Comply
It's Time for Renovation
Renewal is in the Tough of our Skin
The Rough of our Hands
The Strength of our Heart and Will
Let it Begin
 Jun 2014
Joe Cole
His life was in the city spent
But 'twas into the hills he went
In his pocket lighter and small knife
He never knew they could save his life
Alas he knew not what to do
And perished in icy mountain dew
With a knife he could have a shelter built
Of branches twigs and mountain grass
A lighter is the soul of life
The ultimate giver of life and fire
So as they lowered him to the grave
They learned the harsh lesson of the day
If you wish to the mountains go
Then learn thd lesson of what to do
Every year people die in the mountains and forests due to a lack of knowledge
 Jun 2014
found a heartstone,
while walking yesterday.
cloudywhite, quartz,
with a streak of granite gray. it was, a sad little stone.


taken from the mountain,
to which it had  belonged. cast away,
having to find somewhere, else to be,
cold to touch.
slightly, assymetrical
plump in depth.

in it's own way,
it has a beauty.

found a lonely,
little heartstone,
put in in my pocket,
to give it some love
and warmth.
perhaps, if i am lucky,
it will want to stay.
 Jun 2014
I’ve lifted the mask of the blind man now seeing
Pulled on the feathers of long disbelief
Sang in a chorus of tinsel town preachers
Cried on the steps running sadness and grief

Fortunes now hang from the branch at eleven
Filling the fist of a fighter at ease
Using a voice that will tell us no reason
Wandering off if you happen to please

Drink from the fountain of youth in the city
Run down the street shouting heaven is near
Fueling the feast as your system is dreaming
Laughing your hardest while facing your fear

Stuffing your pockets with brand new adventures
Settling down on the porch in the swing
Floating so gently my arms now around you
In my desires the storm it shall bring

Words now concocted to alter their meaning
So you may peer in my heart up above
Verses now sent from the edge of tomorrow
Only to whisper forever my love

Clinging to hope that your soul it is knowing
All that I am shall be yours now to keep
Juggling forth and now back my decision
All on a course but to find some relief
 Jun 2014

I tried to write a poem
explaining how I feel
Something very special,
emotions oh so real
Verses penned with love,
open hearts to sing
Dragonflies and moonbeams
and every little thing
But as I sit here writing,
something is amiss
I find the words I’m looking for,
it seems they don’t exist
So how then can I tell you
just what you mean to me
How you make me smile
and set my spirit free
You ignore my every fault
to only see the good
Stand by me when I am down,
when not another would
Always sending friendly words
to brighten up my day
Nothing ever is too much,
I don’t know how to say
That I adore your friendship,
I love that you are near
Without you I would fade away,
I want to make it clear
You are very special Sye
I hope these words have shown
If not then I’ll keep looking
or invent some of my own
 Jun 2014
You offer me so much
but you're not sure what I want
I try so hard to explain
maybe I need to change the font

Always the same conversation
each and every time
but those all important words
seem to be lost or left behind

Acknowledgements are made
improvements last for a while
I can see you trying to hard
fighting to maintain the smile

I know you honestly love me
you always try your best
I feel I'm asking enough of you
my needs should be much less

The loneliness creeps back in
I feel myself withdraw
You don't seem to see it though
we just carry on as before

I then can't bring myself to ask
for you to spend time with me
I wish you'd notice the divide
and for you too, to feel the need

You tell me just to 'speak'
and let you know how I feel
but why don't you want it too
it's always my appeal

This is not your issue I know
my sighing heart is not whole
I'm faulty and permanently broken
and none of it's your fault
This was written a while ago but it suits my mood right now.
 Jun 2014
SG Holter
I woke up from
(Nearly failed)
Open heart surgery, craving

In the bed to my left,
Another patient was already
Old as stones, and as deaf as
A bucket of dirt.

Nurses all raised their voices,
Straining and struggling
To communicate.
Only every fifth word
Went through.

After a while his adult daughter
Came for a worried visit.
I only just made out their
Shapes in the post-surgery
Half-darkness and my
Morphine haze. She
Spoke to him in a soft voice; a
Hummed whisper,
Barely audible to others.

He answered in the same tone,
Not missing a syllable.
Today weighed down with heavy heart
I walked through sunny streets
and came upon the mission
where you and I would meet.

Though years have passed
and paths have crossed
with others of our kind
there is one thing you told me
that lingers in my mind.

You said that you were happy
though you lived a roamers life
no roof, no cash, no shelter yours,
but with riches you were rife.
The park it was your garden
and friendly hearts your home,
a solitary street soldier
but you never felt alone.

I walked on past the mission
stinging tears mine eyes did burn
while on my lips there played a smile
and a promise to return.
Reality check complete.
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