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 Aug 2014
Poetic T
Life is numbers ,were born to them
We Live through them
And when we pass,
07.07 2005,
Are numbers are on our gravestone,
"Life and death"*
Just numbers that pass us all by.
 Aug 2014
Happy Birthday Petal Pie
a special day for you
Hope your face does wear a smile
and all your dreams come true

Time is moving oh so fast
another year goes by
Seek the future, not the past
our perfect Petal Pie
Happy Birthday my sweet friend.
 Aug 2014
SG Holter
By Paula Lee and Sverre G. Holter

Today I grieve for a love gone,
No reason why, No goodbyes....
Now here I stand on the precipice,
Tears in my eyes,

I find I lay my hand on
My own heartside.
You did that once, I remember;
I slept so silently
You had to
Tears in my eyes.
I know why.

I would give all I own
To feel your love once more,
To hold in my hands, your gift,
The heart I have always adored
On bended knees,
Tears in my eyes,

I wish I could tell you why,
But The Question is my lover;
The Answer, my ex.
There's an absence the size and
Shape of a heart by your side.
I hear hands gone knocking on
Doors that never closed; the
Sound of love against

*You have left me, with no hope,
No heart to hold, no love to share,
You had my heart, so full and pure
Giving yours away to an ex, not there!
You pushed me over the edge
I lay broken at the bottom,
Tears in my eyes...
No More!
 Aug 2014
it's the middle of
the afternoon
on one of those warm
winter days,
that hold the promise
of summer inthe brightness
of the sun..

and we three are at the park
having swung to the sky
on the swings, gone up and slid down the slippery dip
a dozen times
and made ourselves dizzy
on the merrygoround
we now sit quietly, watching
pelicans and ducks
icecream, soft serves melt
in hands and on toungue.

when we are down here
we will go down to the jetty
and throw our bread upon
the water for ducks and pelicans to squabble over

and then home to play
in the garden....
before dinner.......
there is a simplicity
to this.....yet it deserves
to be written... for it is too beautiful an afternoon
to be forgotten
 Jul 2014

“Pristine your pose, exposed artistic allure”

Canvas on easel waits patiently
Naked in formless thought
Inviting rapture’s brush strokes

“White on white destined pleadings”

Visions engulf watercolor yearnings
Blending passion’s tints…
Seductive bristled breaths fall

“Soft curves fill unframed desires”

Olive skin seeps semi-gloss wishes
Hues of fire fed glazing
Smooth along tender tan lines

“Valleys of bliss penetrate oiled needs”

Mahogany eyes captivate
Pearl’d glints shimmer silently
Beckoning in secretive glances

“Portal’d palettes draw on my sight”

Crimson lips in whimper’d pout
Satin pillow’d arching designs
Whisper me my dreams

“Their touch breaks my will”

As I paint you, I linger in lust
Overwhelmed by your beauty
Falling helplessly into this masterpiece

“And we become one via art”

Saturated in drop cloth drippings
Sighs of fevered temptations rise
Releasing abstract movements

“Acrylic serenity, vibrant achings”

Melting in chromatic motion
Collapsing among overspray imagination  
Embracing iridescent ending

“Lost forever in a portrait of love”
 Jul 2014

Is it really all that hard
to say thank you?
This in no way is directed at anyone on this site. This was written based on a personal situation, but I guess it is good to remember to thank those who are nice to us.
 Jul 2014
Elizabeth Squires
the military industrial complex
are making a killing
the arms trade
is a profitable business
billions are harvested
by the grey suited men
the war machine
supplies deadly payloads
collateral damage
always yields such a tidy sum
why interrupt or put paid
to a great earner
the balance sheet
must be in the black
production lines
busy filling orders
each day
the bullet
the bomb
the drone
sold to effectively obliterate
and take lives away
in corporate offices
the arms dealers
rub their hands
with glee
as they amass a bounty
from their lethal armories
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
When we are
The colours
May fade
But inside we
Still bleed
For a moment, for a whole lifetime that comes to pass
 Jul 2014
god, ya gotta
love the honesty
of children

from the backseat

"your mum is fat"

"yeah but it's ok
she's  mostly happy
and i love her"
i am the fat, mostly happy mum....but i prefer to be called
 Jul 2014
Paula Lee
I just found out, the 'GOVERNMENT"Has given every Pharmacy in all the USA a "Quota", they get a certain amount of Painpills at the begining of the Month and that has to be enough til the Next month;  A "Quota"

Well its the end of the month,

My Pharmacist said she could'nt even borrow from another Pharmacy because they didn't have any either,
HOW Many are out here hurting?
Her advice was to have my Doctor call them in at the begining of each month, she was also mad that she still had to give out painspills to first come, first serve, that she still had to give out painpills to someone she knew was abusing them and then had to deny a cancer patient.
This does Not Solve the problem you idiots!
and causes undo Pain unto  the honest, hard working, the hurting ones.
End of the month, there are no more to give out.
So here we sit in pain so bad you want to scream!
I'm a Law abiding Citizen, pay taxes and here i sit hurting
How Much Are we going to take from the "GOVERNMENT"
True Story!
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