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 Nov 2016
you close your eyes but what flashes before you is not a stream of dreams. you are not presented with unlikely circumstances, instead, you watch your worst nightmares unfold. you feel every touch just as you had felt it that dark and cold winter night you feel every emotion as if it had happened hours ago, not weeks, and you want to sleep but every time you do you cant help but remember how much it hurt and how disgusted you felt with yourself and with the world for allowing something so unbelievably degrading to happen to you this should have been prevented and all anyone can say is I should have been there to protect you but you were not even there to protect yourself. alcohol let your guard down and every idea sounded like a good one; if someone had told you to blow out your brains that night you probably would have and sometimes you think that's a better outcome because afterwards you do not have to reflect and wonder was it my fault? when you know you would say no if it were someone else in your position but it's not, it's you, and you are you but you are someone else and you have joined a community you never wanted to have to join and all you want to do is sleep
 Nov 2016
oh boy, where do i start?
the subtext to every movement in the game of life:
"you were in my dream last night" and "deja vu"
as hard as i try to forget you appear in my dreams and
i wonder if i dreamt you up to begin with
and then i wonder if someone dreamt me up to begin with
and someone dreamt them up to begin with
no one mention that ******* leonardo dicaprio movie

what about when a dream turns into a nightmare?
dreams so realistic, you wake up feeling as if you haven't slept at all
dreams that you've dreamt before
i dream while i'm awake

supposedly when you dream of someone, they miss you
do you miss me like my dreams swear you do?

am i dreaming right now?
blink once for yes blink twice for no
 Oct 2016
"you know, the past
should be kept in the past."

there's a thunderstorm in the window behind me and I've been checking in on some people I used to know; would you call them friends or lovers, I don't know. my fingers can't type as fast as my mind works; or doesn't; do you know what it's like to get shot in the head? there aren't any tears; you're not a debby downer, you're the life of the party; you're smiling and cracking jokes but inside you wish you were dead; you shoot deer but you think about turning that gun around and shooting yourself; gunshots can't be as loud as your mind; to disrupt the neighbourhood would be the least of your selfish concerns; would anyone remember you if you died?; has anyone noticed you left or have they all just moved on without you?; old habits die hard and you just want to feel something, I just want to feel something; who are we?; no one but strangers who once kissed so hard their lips bled; oh how raw and passionate; i can't seem to be able to distinguish the difference between pain, pleasure and passion; but in my dreams I feel more alive than when I'm awake; when can I crawl into bed next?; I don't want to sleep, you are too far but you are too close; perhaps this was all an impulsive mistake, don't you worry about the inbetweens and the afters; worry about now and yesterday; I am forever haunted by my past; your karma follows you and so do I; don't you dare point that gun in my direction again; I'd rather be set on fire; douse me in gasoline in our bed; turn everything you loved into ashes; I will survive because you never really loved me; everyone is moving on and like the sun I am staying still; revolve around me but don't get too close; you can't even look at me without going blind; the sun is not as beautiful as we romanticize her to be; thunder so loud it shakes your room; you shake me to the core; the lightning will strike again; do you know what it feels like to be shot in the head?
 Oct 2016
i can hear the movement of my eyes as they flicker across suburban houses at the crack of dawn and spot faces that aren't there, the clouds caress the tops of trees and rooftops as they move slowly through the sky and i wonder how much time has passed since the last time i was here, moving through the grass and feeling morning frost on my feet instead of just going through the motions and feeling nothing at all

— The End —