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 Mar 2017
Francie Lynch
'Tis true what they say,
May your glass be half-full,
I discovered the same
In a quaint Irish pub.

On leaving that evening
I pulled on my mac,
The wind was wet
And pushing my back.

Pushing's surely
An understatement,
It drove so hard
My face met the pavement.
And I could hear Molly singing:
And the road rose up to meet him.

There was no sun
To blame for my face,
The burn on my skin
Was a shameless disgrace.

The road home that night
Was all downhill,
But with the hard rain,
All seemed uphill.

There's plenty
Of work
For this man's hands,
For the luck of the Irish
Is a tourism scam.

As for being in heaven
A half hour ahead
Of Ole Lucifer knowing
That I'm ten minutes dead;
I'm sure he'll be keening
At the foot of my bed.

Dad always said
Being Irish was grand,
If you're in North America
And not Ireland.
Repost: Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Tiny fragments
of me
now exist
within you,

They reside
in your memories;
we've made
more than a few.

Tiny fragments
of you
now exist
within me,

They remain
in my heart
in my soul infinitely.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Jasmine dances
Jasmine laughs
Jasmine will die
In plain blue jasmine will die

یاسمن می رقصد
یاسمن می خندد
یاسمن خواهد مرد
یاسمن در دشت های آبی خواهد مرد
 Mar 2017
Two boat pass.
Crossing the
sparkling Thames
choppy water
pushes each vessel apart.
Still, both horns sound
as travelers watch
their opposite
float away.
They will never meet
but they will always have
these moments
on the friendships.
We are being held hostage
by our fears,

We are fighting so hard
not to unleash our tears.

We are sinking
into the ground,
as we walk into the bellies
of many a horrific
and catastrophic storm,

We are trying
to hold our hearts together
because they are in pieces -
they were heartlessly broken to bits
and torn.

We are lost in a maze,
and we are completely out of breath,

We are staring into a ******* hole -
our pending final resting place,
upon our lonely death.

We are spinning out of control,
We are scared of falling
into the dark void - that intimidating
black hole.

We are all alone in a world
that is unfamiliar to our minds,
and to our shattered souls,
in every way,

We are in survival-mode
every single mentally overwhelming,
challenging, but blessed, new day.

By Lady R.F ©2017
A bad run
Doesn't mean a bad life!
Everyday is a blessing.
Life can be cruel, but the blessing is in each new sunrise, each moment with our loved ones, and each forward step we take.

The sun will shine in due time,
We have to take the good with the bad.

We are warriors!
We are grateful!
We are blessed!
 Mar 2017
Angela Okoduwa
Did you notice?
That sensual touches differ?
There are some people you just don't get over
No matter how much you try.

That even while making love with someone else,
All you have in your head
Is their passionate memories and images.
Worry not!
You aren't crazy.

It only means two things
Either only he/she understood your body better
Or you still just love them
Despite their flaws.
I never got to love the girl
she spreads wide her rainbow net
where the sky plunges on crystal river
tides swell to hide her shame
ebb to fill her bag of catch

I never got to love the girl
her hairs in the wind
my dreams spawn
a flower rising from the riverbed
she grants a love in my head
spreads wide her rainbow net
thru the long night of blue moonshine
her frock fills up with sparkling life

I never got to love the girl
could no way be the right match.
Fishing girl, the River, Feb 10, 2017, 7 pm.
 Mar 2017
Amanda F
What passes as chaos from dawn till dusk,
Alters into the most fascinating aray of lights at night.
An abundance of lit buildings showcasing a skyline of a once town now a luminescent anomaly.
A neon horizon upon a city of life,
Movement, that never sleeps*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
 Mar 2017
Amanda F
She paints her world
According to her pure intention.
Pure in her own figure,
Not in someone else's.
She doesn't speak,
Of words in complex.
Her mouth but translates
Her minds complexity into simplicity.
She doesn't need to speak but rare.
You've read her words,
You've witnessed the paradox
Of her pen-to-paper.
You understand her terminology
Of no bad cause.
She wordlessly preaches her rootless existence
Through the essence of her eyes,
As she hides behind the smoke of her cigarette
Extraordinary, in disguise

Amanda. F (c) 2017
Dedicated to my dear Mother - Lady R.F
With all my love
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