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 Aug 2016
George Stark
Say it plainly!
Say it quick!
I dare not move nor miss
those tender words
that pleasant kiss.

Say it now!
Say it please.
I’ve worshiped for years,
my eyes weary,
filled with tears.

I do not know
how long I wait,
within my grave,
I hold to faith.

Whisper these words
In my ear,
Say it soon!
Say it here!
I dare not move
always fearing -
never gleaning
Your plainest words of love.
 Aug 2016
George Stark
The Clock strikes nine;
Breakfast time for The Family –
They join at the table,
Talking, laughing, feeling divine.

Once finished outside they go,
to share their happiness with the world,
ever smiling,
without care nor woe.

The Clock strikes noon,
The Family joins at the table and
smile lopsided, empty,
Hesitant chuckling and a love lost too soon.

The rest of the day
Is spent together
walking a few more paces
away from eachother.

The Clock strikes six,
for dinner, to the table they arrive-
No voices, no giggling, no smiles,
all with the knowledge their family can’t be fixed

Now parents retreat to separate beds,
and children flee upstairs,
ever present is the feeling:
The Family is Dead
Feedback is appreciated
 Aug 2016
George Stark
Everyday I wish to disappear,
away from You,
away from here.

It too is true
there is no better,
than a certain You
Who shall hold My heart forever.

If you were here
for just a while
                   or a few,
that feeling ne’er could disappear.

But until that day
My heart stays buried,
                   boxed away,
in My own unruly cemetery.
 Aug 2016
George Stark
Ragged dove of golden locks,
kept hidden from the world,
when caged away
how can you say
you prefer your freedom withhold?

I offer you my open hand
to free you from this prison,
knowing all too well
you've chosen this hell
for as long as your years tick on.

Run away those years did,
giving me much time to think
of why you've chosen
to stay beholden
under a heavy, metal lid.

I fear, to my dismay
after believing you a fool -
I have discovered
          You are better kept away.
Feedback always welcome

— The End —