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 Dec 2016
You know what I mean
that person who seems
to you in your dreams
a bit more than lust
but just shy of love
who can drive you mad
with only one glance
and I'm not talking about
getting into those pants
no, what I mean is
something beyond desire
more than a fire
but not quite the one
that would leave you broken
hearted and alone if she danced
with every man in the room
but, man, I sure do like the way
those butterflies in her *******
make me feel like a lepidopterist
rather than an archaeologist.
 Dec 2016
If by chance
your prayers be answered
ever, could I trouble you;

whilst your palms
be pressed together
and fair is fortune's mood;

could I trouble you to pray
there some time soon will come a day
your need of prayer is gone away,

without appearing rude?
 Dec 2016
connections filamentary tendrilled
spiderey web tied to umbilical cords
never severed, snot faced dripping back of hand wiping
sniffing, ***** training failures/
can't find me mouth eating habits and a bunch of whining;
like time goes
in a circle, or a series of concentric circles
once expanding
now contracting
back to where futures bounty is unknown
and unexpected, diapers and caretakers
slobbering and gibberish,
**** how soon it happens.
We seem to grow back to where we came.
 Dec 2016
phil roberts
A simple man is what I am
I went to no university
Or college of theology
And no doubt that's why I'm confused

It occurs to me, when we see
Leaders and generals of all countries and creeds
Celebrate their victories with smiling pride
Shouldn't they be weeping with shame
For all the innocents who've died?

They all believe that their god is on their side
And quite often, the same god at that
All down the ages, our venerable sages
Have killed, tortured and oppressed each other
In the name of the wishes of god

Now I'm just an ignorant sinner
So can someone please explain
What kind of god do these people believe in
That needs the destruction of his own creations
And all in his holy name?

                                                          ­­  By Phil Roberts
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
          Where choices begin;
          Some are quick to find its end.
          Wise keep journeying.

          The heavy traffic
          An ocean's slow ebbing tide
          Our patience drowns in.

          Friday night space-lights
          As we caress the hours
          Streaks across the sky.

          Broken pieces shapes
          The Cathedral of one's soul.
          Stained light still shines true.

          Dawn's ceremony
          Wet grass tickling bare feet.
          Wave away the night.

           Jonesy punctures black
          Points in caves, Great Mother weeps
          Wells of poison rain.

          So divine his grace
          Words not made to embody
          Ballet when God speaks.

         Skin so Downey white,
         Like a cold glass of fresh milk.
         Unwrapping Christmas.

          Such buttery lips
          Silken creams,  wrapping our tongues.
          Sweet patisserie.

          Gang signs, ink, and blood.
          ****** in a low Beamer.
          Cool kissing his gun.

          Madre genuflects
          In brown countries of her hands
          Old beads, sweat, and faith.

          Romance thru sunroofs
          Hallelujah honeymoons
          Marriage number two.

          A light Summer breeze
          Cools cacophonous bodies
          like hot stars at night.

          Doomsday Soothsayer.
          His visions doth entertain
          Medieval profits.

          Man's golden lotus.
          A wealth of divine knowledge.
          Heavenly on Earth.

           Our toast to Heaven.
           Chrysanthemums igniting
           The night's colbalt sky.

           The creases of us
           Tales of dragons and white ships.
           Neatly folded sheets.

           Like wide sails that cup
           The high winds of this marriage,
           I'm at love's mercy...

          Blossoms in spring time.
          Bursts of Japanese kisses.
          How to love haiku.

           Ultrasound preform
           Whose quickened heart is my own:
           A mandragora.

12 STEPS**
           Most Alcoholics
           Who drown in their own thirst know
           How deep "empty" hurts.
 Dec 2016
Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?
Do you want to hold me
as much as I want to hold you?
Do you want to kiss me
as much as I want to kiss you?

Do you want to stay alone
as much as I don't?

Are you coming closer
or are you running away?

Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?

I could feel love
coming along
as soon as I gave it up

Unexpected plans

I wonder what you're doing
and does it mean a thing

I know I'm trying to deliver
what ever it is you need

Do you want this as much
as I want to give it to you?

Is this your desire?

Or is this the creepy
part of the show?

I'm innocent
my feelings are genuine
I don't ever want to intrude

But you're sending me
mixed messages
I'm trying to figure it out

So I thought I'd ask you

Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?
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