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 May 2013
You're the air
that fills my lungs

every kiss.
 May 2013
I feel like I'm your shepherd
Fighting off the wolf with a staff
But you
Oh you, silly sheep
Keep following the wolf
His claw curled in summoning
His howls soft and comforting
Yet they send shivers up my spine
And my blood to boil with anger
I beat the wolf round the head
Tearing his fur
I'll make him wish he were dead
For seducing my sheep with his hungry eyes
His honey gaze
His bitter glaze
I'll rip out his fur before her gets to you, my sheep
But the sheep doesn't understand me
I scream until my throat bleeds
But still
My dearest sheep tilts her head
And saunters off into the forest
Where the wolf it waiting with wet lips
Jaw twitching in anticipation
Maybe I should let you be eaten, little sheep
I could scream all I want
Show you my dead flock
But you won't listen
Maybe I'll just let you get eaten
I'm tired of saving your life
 May 2013
China doll why do you weep
your tears of porcelain
is it because your eyes of glass
reflect your life of pain
 May 2013
Mike Hauser
Everywhere I go
My rear is there for me
It gives comfort when I sit
Should I decided to bend the knee

With strong advice from my wife
I need to keep my cheeks pinched tight
So everywhere I go
My brains don't spill out on the floor
 May 2013
The world Is your playground
The moon's smiling at you
Life is tremendously short
You are an imperfect creature
Politicians are stilling from you
Terrorists want to **** you
There is no Heaven only dirt
There is some song that says dance until the world ends. I thought it is pretty naive if not stupid to say the world is ending dance, like dancing cures all.
 May 2013
"I hope you find happiness"
Are you saying I'm not happy?
I'm angry
But I hope that is what you're saying
Because it would mean someone is paying attention
Someone notices
 May 2013
Let's exchange our pillows...

to share
in one anothers

 May 2013
Buried in 'maybe'
A throbbing heart toils for a throbbing mind,
Heart beating on its cage of rib -
It's only a matter of time

Ready to bust out of that joint
Make a run for it and

Worked like a slave,
Your blood-pumping knave
Tired, shifty-eyed & opaque

Make no mistake:
It'll burst straight thru your chest
Go running off right before your dead eyes
And you'll never see it again.
A warning from weary hearts. Don't cross them.
 May 2013
Nizar Qabbani
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
 May 2013
Nizar Qabbani
In the summer
I stretch out on the shore
And think of you
Had I told the sea
What I felt for you,
It would have left its shores,
Its shells,
Its fish,
And followed me
 May 2013
Nizar Qabbani
Light is more important than the lantern,
The poem more important than the notebook,
And the kiss more important than the lips.
My letters to you
Are greater and more important than both of us.
The are the only documents
Where people will discover
Your beauty
And my madness.
 May 2013
When I'm dreaming,
all I feel is the stage beneath my toes as I pirrouette into the spotlight,
and all I want is to leap forever
because I'm crying out there,
putting all of my panic into my palms as I slam them into the ground
again and again
this is all of my frustration
finally letting out
and I can feel your lips here
on the edge of my fingertips.
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