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 Aug 2018
Abby Reynolds
I've gone truly mad
I've lost the girl everyone so dearly loved (boo-hoo)
but is it so bad
to be the rock instead of the window?
the villian instead of the **** damsel?
is it so evil
for a woman
to be sick and tired of being the paper girl?
i'm exausted
Aren't you?
I'm tired from the boys with heavy fingers
speaking to me
whenever they want to play with fire
so what?
maybe my doll face won't be called baby anymore.
I suppose I just got bored of being toyed with
 Aug 2018
Abby Reynolds
Its hard for me to accept that some people have no goodness
within them
some people don't need a sad story to make them evil
some villians eat love for breakfast
some demons were never gods angels
everytime I took a trip down your rabbit hole I ended up with scraped knees and madness in my veins
I drove myself crazy trying to find a light through the tunnel
I searched every dark corner only to uncover more darkness
Truth is there is no explanation for why your hands are so cold
I burned through every candle of my own trying to light your fire
Yet I still woke up alone
and freezing
I never did find the light I was looking for
Instead, I lost my own
 Aug 2018
Another week is done and little has been accomplished
It seems lately I only exist to eat, I’ve barely left the house
Sleepless nights filled with scrambled egg thoughts of a time which doesn’t exist any longer, served up on a plate come breakfast time
My new home although filled with animals, holds no resemblance to what we had built together
The home I finally deserved left desiccated come springtime’s-battle with mental health
The cats although great company do not replace the steady hum of your computer fans
The rhythm of your breathing knowing you were somewhere close in proximity
Weekends brought a time when we felt whole
6 am memories releasing silent fountains of tears do not bring us back together
Hours passing can’t erase the 4 months it’s been since you left me
Or the wintertime when everything had been perfectly comfortable
No, our love left me with a void of blankness impossible to just shake away
Entirely unforgiving feelings, grieving for every kind word you ever said
Id be lying if I didn’t miss you.
 Aug 2018
I stopped writing love poetry when I met you
It seemed a farce, writing something for years I thought unobtainable yet there you stood
Despite all odds I went against personal judgement and we made small talk for a few hours
You drove, introducing me to Brian Fallon songs I’d grow to attribute to our relationship
My thoughts had become consumed with your image yet nothing I could do would eventually prevent you from leaving
Time had been nothing but a blimp, we lived years through the minuscule moments we occupied the same space together
A lifetime of love crammed into a solid year and a half.
Love is undoubtedly heartbreaking when it leaves you,
Silence envelopes to be mailed out at will
You were my greatest love poem, but my words never did our magic justice.
 Aug 2018
Kelly Weaver
I didn't think anything of the ringing in my ears until you told me that silence shouldn't be so loud
You had that same problem.
Too many concerts that were far too loud
Too many nights driving with the windows down
Blasting our favorite songs and screaming our hearts out
I wouldn't take a single second back given the chance
And I'd hope for the same of you.
I think of you whenever it rains because you loved it so much
As did I.
I think of sitting in your car while the raindrops on the window shone onto my thigh
That's when I learned to find beauty in the smallest of things
Like the way your laugh was rough and sweet
And how your eyes glimmered when they met mine.
The other day there was a firefly outside of my bedroom window
I had been crying over the empty feeling that tends to settle in my chest when I am alone
And when I saw its tiny flickering on my windowsill
I managed a smile.
Because I thought of the day we met
And how the cranberry bog hosted as many as I had ever seen in one place
You walked behind as I chased them in my bright yellow shoes
And you held me as I sobbed over their tiny significance.
When I can feel past unwelcome hands on my skin and in my bones
I think of the night you saw me scared shitless, sobbing next to you in bed
I covered my mouth to muffle the sound of my fear as hot tears fell onto my cheeks.
You held my shaking palm in your own
And then held me in your arms, which I have grown accustomed to call my home.
If I had one wish, it would be to posses the ability to evoke the feeling of your arms around me at will.
When you'd ask if I have ever been in love I'd find myself lost
Because in all of the past relationships I've taken part in
I have never felt nearly as happy and alive as I did when you were by my side.
So I guess, though current,
The answer to your question
Is yes.
i've slept a lot lately because my dreams are the only time i get to see you anymore
 Aug 2018
Rainey Birthwright
Take this flesh,
Make me unreal,
Let voice expose,
Solidify, delusions,
Let body rule most
In this make up set,
Your beauty shine out
Like light blinding eyes,
Interrogate my soul as it
Vibrates within cell made lit
Like fire caught in cauldrons.
 Aug 2018
Edmund black
As the sun rose
The darkness slithered abroad
Aspiration claims it’s lawful residence within,
Jouissance comes out to entertain
Snigger echoed in the sweet gust
As the cyclone whispered
You are free , free of burdens carried
Far too long
Free from sadness that startled your soul
Grasp now the light I sent your way
feel it from within
shine bright like the stars
from this day on
 Aug 2018
nico papayiannis
Your lament
Is my love spent
Dreams like jigsaws
My actions , no applause
Anger vented
Reality fragmented
No more to worry
No more to frown
For all that once was
Has already left town
Never again
Shall paths cross
As we reel
Into our own loss
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