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 Mar 2015
Mike Hauser
I lose my way so easily
If I'm not focused on the Cross
From the moment that I wake up
To the end of daylight lost

With life's many distractions
Bidding for my time
With its attitudes and worries
Always on my mind

If I don't keep my eyes and heart
From straying side to side
Instead of on the glory of
The Cross of Jesus Christ

Which he bids me carry daily
I need only pick it up
And proclaim in Jesus name
The power of its Love

So I pray that in my daily walk
I'll not drift from side to side
But stay focused on in front of me
The Cross of Jesus Christ
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
Gazing out the window
On this beautiful winters morn
Under sky's of gray
Where the flakes of snow are born

It is a peaceful scene
Snow silently crashing to the ground
All that was so dark
Is covered in white all around

The branches of the trees
Glimmer with a diamond coating
As from above up higher
The white keeps downward floating

So peaceful, beautiful, serene
Is this morning to my sight
As I watch God slowly paint
The earth in purest white

 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
Is it the "not knowing" that restrains us
Fear and what we precieve as failure or rejection
We know we should not harbor such goods
But still we carry the heavy cargo

We would like to push it all overboard
Watch fear sink till it fades from our sight
Knowing in our heart it is gone
Forever laid to death in the darkness of the deep

We tell ourselves
Trust and take that first step
We will never know what can be
Until we walk across the unseen bridge of faith

I know I carry this burden unnecesarily
In my heart is the knowledge I am held in Gods embrace
But fear causes my eyes to refuse to see
That great things wait at the other end of the bridge.
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
I've always been one to stand and wave goodbye
When a loved one leaves my home
Stand and wave and watch till they are out of sight
It's just something I've always done

Like when mom and dad came to visit
I think it was in the spring
When the temperature was starting to warm
And the birds were beginning to sing

We would gather around the supper table
I'd get my Moma to laughing at me
Then she'd look outside and say "It's getting dark"
Then tell dad it's time to leave

I'd walk them both out to their car
Moma always had a few last words to say
I'd hug and kiss her tender cheek
Then I'd stand and wave as they drove away

I'd stand there and wave goodbye
Till mom and dad were out of sight
I only wish I could remember though
The date that marked that night

Moma always waved right back
Till in the distance behind she could no longer see
I waved goodbye see you soon
And Moma waved the same to me

That day I never thought that never again
Would Moma visit my home on a spring time day
I never knew that would be the last time I waved
Goodbye as they drove away

Moma if you can hear look down from heaven
See me as I wave
It's not a wave goodbye but see you soon
For I to am on my way.


Recalling the last time my mother came to my house to visit.
Someday we will never again wave goodbye.
Love you Moma .
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
A cross alone would not bear
The weight of mankinds sorrows
The pain the grief the tears
That fill all men's tomorrows

It could not hold upon its limbs
Hate and lust and strife
Not bear one dark misery
That steals so much of life

The cross alone has no strength
To hold sins true weight
Under this crushing load
The cross was bound to break

Until God sent us his only son
His purpose to mend the broken beam
Nails driven through his hands and feet
He sealed the broken seam

The cross is now made whole
No more a broken limb
Because of the blood of Christ
The cross is made whole through him

 Feb 2015
Carl Joseph Roberts
There Is No Going Back

It's funny how you see things
Much different later on
See things in a different light
Long after someone's gone

It may be only after time
When you get to stop and think
That then you realize what you said
Was not exactly what you mean

You may look back on your words
And know they were not kind
The pain you caused with what you said
Weighs heavy on your mind

There is no way to take it back
Once the damage has been done
No way for you to change the past
So you can hold your tongue

So don't let the anger rule you
You must let emotions pass
Be careful with the words you say
For there is no going back

Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share with a few collections.
 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
The little thigs of life
Are to most of no great affair
Such as the warmth of the sunshines rays
Or the coolness of the evening air

The little things of life
Are so often unaccounted
But if we would stop and take notice
We would stand astounded

The little things of life
For such we have no time
The colorful leaves of fall
Or a ringing church bells chime

The little things of life
Come to us each passing hour
A thorny bush of roses
Or a welcomed springtime shower

The little things of life
Fill up life's empty spaces
Let's us know that God loves us
And reveal his many graces

The little things of life
Seem to be missed by our eyes
A trees limb bending in the wind
Or the beautiful azure sky

The little things of life
Quickly appear then they are gone
Such as a smile on a strangers face
Or a lonely sparrows song

The little things of life
Are given to us free
The sound of a gently flowing stream
Or the shade of an old oak tree

The little things of life
Like a word so kindly spoken
Can ease a wearied mind
Or help mend a heart that's broken

A thousand little things
Unnoticed by our eyes or ears
Is a thousand little blessings
Missed throughout our years.

My daughter and I came up with the idea to challenge each other . We agreed that each of us would come up with a title and we would each write a poem under that title to see what different ideas we would write for that title. Little Things was my idea.
If you enjoyed please go to my daughters page,Crystal  Sacco, and read her poem of the same title.
Our next duel is one of her making,
We will each be writing a poem under the title "Things I Have Seen"
Hope you have enjoyed our writes.
 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
Heavy on my mind
Is the thought of what might have been
As I look back on the days
The days of what could have been

At this moment I am breathing
Breaths of what I wish had been
Pondering the thoughts I have
Of what I had hoped would have been

These images plaque my mind
Of what If what I desired had been
What might my life be today
If what I desired had truly been

But what I had hoped is not
I realize now it has never been
And as I have grown much older
I know it never will;
Have been.
I'm going through a rough time at my place of employment of 33 years, after getting word that my 33 year employer has stated to a 3 year employee that he, my employer ,thinks I am going to quit ,but that he dosent care. What a statement to make about a man who has given you 33 of his best working years, filled with honesty, dedication, integrity and hope .
Got to figure out what to do.
Prayers appreciated.
 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
Excuse me, may I ask,
Have you seen yesterday?
It was here just a moment ago,
But seems to have quietly slipped away,

It looked very much like today,
In its length and span,
It was filled with familiar faces,
And was once held within my hand,

The only difference when compared to today,
Is that yesterday held loved ones dear,
How sad it is that there they remain,
O how I wish yesterday would reappear,

I miss yesterday's cherished moments,
Inside ,my heart knows I shall never find,
Yesterday in tomorrow's hours,
For tomorrow to must be left behind.

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