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 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
The moon tonight shines from the eastern sky
Through the trees crooked and barren limb
And as I look upon this mysterious beauty
I can only think of him

He who placed the moon so high
So that all human eyes might see
Is the same who changed the seasons
That in turn changed the tree

He who gives the moon
It's bright and brilliant light
Is the same who holds the stars
Above the darkened night

He holds in perfect place
Each shining light under heavens floor
With an unseen and a mighty hand
To you be praise forevermore .

 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
A canopy of gray covers all that lies below,
The trees are leafless and barren,
I can hear the bitter cold raindrops
As they crash into the leaves,
That lie dead upon the muddy ground,
I see colors of only dark gray and brown and black,
As I look into the woods beyond my window,
It is a peaceful scene,
Yet,mysterious and ancient ,
For some unknown reason,
I am taken back to another time,
A much harder time in mankinds life,
But a much simpler time for his soul,
A time when it was more quiet,
Man was more thoughtful ,
The world more serene,
Man more connected to nature,
Nature in all her forms,
Reveals to us such beauty,
Such overpowering serenity ,
If we will acknowledge it,
This scene that at this moment my eyes behold,
May be cold and gray and portray despair,
But it is as beautiful as a sunny mountain meadow in the spring,
For just as the meadow is,
This scene is a picture painted,
By the master of all nature,
In the beginning God...........

 Jan 2015
Robert Blankenship
From out of the ashes of the old
A new year has arrived
Out of the many downs and lows
By grace we have survived

This day begins the start
Of a slate that is brand new
A chance to strive for what is right
A chance to renew

A time to let others know
That by you they are loved
A time to forgive a wrong
A new hope for peace and love

Out of the ashes of the old
We have been given another year
Go forth in faith and courage
Leave behind all doubt and fear .
 Dec 2014
Robert Blankenship
I wear the blue of the Union
You wear the Confederate gray
But there are no colors that separate us
On this peaceful day

The cannons bow in silence
The rifles restrain their danger
We soldiers bow our heads
In honor of the baby in the manger

The battlefield rest silently
No sounds of death are heard
Only the sound of angels singing
As they proclaim the written word

"O come let us adore him"!
I hear a soldier say
With a reply of "Christ Our Lord"!
One wears blue the other gray

They come out in reverent peace
To meet upon the field
With only empty hands
No weapon do they wield

Today there will be no fighting
Today no man will die
All are looking to see his star
Shining brightly in the sky

The day will pass too quickly
Then the guns will sound again
But for now let us rejoice with one another
For this gift of the hope of men.

Dec 2014
 Dec 2014
Mike Hauser
What went through your mind, oh Wondrous Creator
When as baby Jesus you let out your first cry
Did you know at that moment you were the Savior
Of this fallen world and all of mankind

Did you recognize your mother Mary
And see her as Your special child
Only you God at such tender a moment
Could give us your all at such tender a time

Did your first sight at creation astound you
As you looked through the blur of finite
From the beginning you'd always seen clearly
In the presence of your Fathers light

Did the warmth of God's Spirit surround you
As the December chill settled over the land
Were you holding the hand of the Father
In the transition from Son of God to son of man

When you heard the first bleat of the lambs
Were your thoughts on being the shepherd of man
That would lead all those gone astray
Did you already know of that day

These are questions that I tend to ponder
On the greatest gift the world's ever known
I will praise you for all of the wonder
The first Christmas that your love, my Savior was born
 Dec 2014
Robert Blankenship
Christmas time is here again
I can hardly believe
This year has passed so quickly
Soon it will be Christmas Eve

Time to bring out the decorations
Hang the lights and mistletoe
Hope I can find my coat
For it looks like it might snow

I better build me up a fire
In the old fireplace
So I can warm my hands
And Santa can warm his face

I anticipate the arrival soon
Of loved ones at my door
It's going to be one happy Christmas
With their feet upon my floor

We will spend our time together
Making memories that we will cherish
Talking and laughing with one another
As one by one the moments perish

I can tell its Christmas time
For the air smells of sweets
Sugar cookies ,cakes and pies
And numerous tasty treats

Not much time to get the gifts all wrapped
And set beneath the tree
Gifts to give to those I love
Look! I spy a gift for me

Time to take some time
To think upon and remember
The reason we celebrate
The baby in the manger

As I put another log
Upon a fire that now burns low
Within the glowing embers I see
Visions from long ago

Though I am  separated
By the many years now gone
My memories of those precious days
Within my heart live on

O, just one more time Lord
If all those I love were able
How great a Christmas it would be
To have them each gathered around my table

But I know it cannot be
Those scenes that were so long ago
I count these memories as treasure
Valued much more than gold

Listening I can hear the music
Made by trumpet bell and horn
And it tells the wonderful story
Of the morning Christ was born

All is beautiful at Christmas time
The feelings the sounds the sights
The peace within our hearts
His star that shines so bright

I wish the joy could remain
And within our hearts be always near
This joy of Christmas time
That comes to us once a year

December 2014
 Dec 2014
Robert Blankenship

Born is THE King .......
Glory to God in the highest!!
 Dec 2014
Robert Blankenship
What happens to our clocks each year
At Christmastime or near it?
Do they get to much Christmas cheer
Or just the Christmas spirit?

The clocks that were the whole year through,
dependable and steady
Tick hours off like mad when you
Have Christmas to get ready.
Yet, strange to say, those very clocks
Delight in hesitating;
They go to sleep between their ticks
When you are young and waiting.

Ruth Van Gorder
Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
Christmas Ideals Magazine
 Dec 2014
Robert Blankenship
Sometimes I ask the question
Why did God give man a tounge
Because most of what man says
When he is speaking comes out wrong

Does man ever think about
The words he is about to say
The damage his words may cause
As they travel on their way

Why do men let emotion
Dictate the words which they speak
A few may overcome this temptation
But most resign themselves to defeat

An unkind word spoken in response
To a really unimportant statement
Only angers the two people involved
And leaves two hearts in lament

We would all be better off
And fewer friendships would be broken
If man could control his tounge
And hold back words not yet spoken
 Nov 2014
Robert Blankenship
The day proclaimed as Thanksgiving
Comes to us each November
A day to count our blessings
A day to recall and remember

All that God to us has given
The great and the small
The things we take for granted
God has given to us them all

Too God above I am thankful
For all I have received
When I begin to count my blessings
I simply cannot believe

My beautiful loving wife
A helpmate always by my side
Our warm and simple home
Where we safely within abide

My two little sisters
My precious loving daughter
Memories of my mother
The presence of my father

A bounty of food upon my table
Work for my hands
The freedoms I enjoy
The beauty of this great land

The love of family
Mans most treasured possession
The truth of Gods word
The promise of a resurrection

So much to be thankful for
Though thanks I do not oft enough say
Shouldent everyday we are given
Be Thanksgiving Day?
 Oct 2014
Robert Blankenship
It is in the stillness and the silence
That the saviours voice is heard
If we will only quiet ourselves
We will hear his voiced word

Can we learn to turn?
From the things that draw us away
Could we set aside some moments?
To listen to Christ each day

Is it possible for us as men
To from our busyness turn?
And listen to Jesus speak
Or do his voice we spurn?

There is so much audible confusion
That into our mind is leaking
O, if we could learn to be still in silence
We would find the voice of our saviour is speaking.
 Sep 2014
Robert Blankenship
The kind of words I love to read
Are words that inspire
Words that spark an ember
That flashes into a fire

Words that encourage
And words that edify
Are easy on the mind
And pleasing to the eye

Words that are motivating
Within their ebb and flow
Can be to someone transformative
As they forward go

A word of optimisim
Can bring forth a clearer view
And be so very refreshing
When you think it could be true

We should always guard our mind
Against negative word intrusion
Allowing only what builds up
To have in our mind inclusion

Every word we read affects our life
In the context of its composition
For all words read hold the power
For mind and thought transition
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