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 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
Grab my hand
Go on take it
Let me take you away from this place
Step away from the edge
Together we can dance under the moon
Dancing in the moonlight
Might take your mind off things
Relieve your teary eyes
Please come with me
And let's go dancing
The way old couples do
Just with a bit more romance
Take my hand
Grab it and never let go
Dance with me in the moonlight
I love you
 Apr 2013
Alice Kay
Steady, things have been going steady,

starting to be someone new and improved

maybe actually be someone that another guy would like.

But then you appear somehow again

dragging me back into my dreary old life and mind
 Apr 2013
Sorry    mother,
Haven't written much.

Too busy putting
    poetry and syllables
into overseas and livables.
 Apr 2013
Mason Kayne Goforth
I'll soon be gone,
Away from the fire that heated my heart,
And the one I loved from the start,
It's hard,
To put you in the back of my mind,
I'm sure I'll routinely hit rewind,
And Reminisce on those times,
That I would look in your eyes,
Or when I held your cold hands, and kissed your old lies,
It was childish to think that I could have such an angel,
A goddess of beauty, a demon of intelligence,
Sometimes I just want to strangle,
Throw you on the floor, and love you some more,
But I'm a creep,
The more I love you, the more your love sleeps,
I've been at a distance my whole life,
So what's five hundred more miles, right?
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
Your lifeless body
So small and limp
Half way buried in the ditch
Of the back road country side in Georgia
Only six years old
And there clear as crystal clear moonlight
Deep within the windows of your soul
Fear thoroughly expressed
In those tiny cerulean blue angel eyes
What menace placed such horror
In such small eyes?
What could strip away the innocence
Replacing it with an undeniable fear?
Your mother crying at the sight of you
Your father holding onto her
Breaking and folding
His only daughter
Daddy's little angel took flight
Thrown from the nest
By a force of pure evil
Unable to flap your wings
You fell into the mud
Drowned in fear
This is incomprehensible
How could this happen?
Why you?
What reason?
Is there no answer?
The fear in the eyes of an angel
Expressed purely in the cerulean blue eyes
Of a six year old beauty
Lifeless and half buried in a ditch
Lost in the pages of an obituary
 Apr 2013
I know that my Mom misses you a lot
And that she loves you both so very much
And I know that I miss you a lot
Because I loved you both so very much
Dearest Cookie, I sometimes see thy face
Floating somewhere in my -yes- memory
Dearest Harold I sometimes see thy face
In my mind when I remember dear you
O! I'd love to hold you on my lap now
And kiss you until my lips feel parched and dry
O, this is not quite a Sonnet, I know
But I still want to write my feelings down
My feelings of

Lovingly dedicated to our two precious cats, Cookie and Harold. They had to be sent away to a no **** humane society and now our hearts are broken! ~</3
© Marian All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2013
Julia Rae Irvine
what if I'm lost?
what if I never want to be found?
what if the world turns me away
and never turns me around?

what if I cry like a child
who by the world is denied?
what if I'm too tired to fend for myself
so I always just step aside?

what if the pages of my heart are blank
like a book that's never been read?
what if I sliced and stabbed and cut
until to my death I bled?

what if I stare into my future
and realize I haven't got much?
and what if I'm taken away by a man
who wants me because I'm soft to the touch?

what if I just want to die?
into the depths be thrown?
what if I want to be in the dark,
venture through the black on my own?

there are many what-ifs that one could ask
as the stars draw their fates in the sky.
and there's many a girl who's been out on her own
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
My dear eternal goddess
I envy your passion of life
I wish I could be at your side
In the night hours of moonlight
I wish I could kiss your lips
Of rose pedal tender ecstasy
I wish I could hold you in my arms
Of Superman steel safety
I want you to know
You are my existence
Without I am nothing
The remnants of my world
Belong to you
I have nothing to offer you
That is even worth your time
But I offer you my love
My world of ashen ghost shadows
My heart of fragile fragments
I wish I could offer you more
But as you can see
Adreishka, You Are My Existence
I love you
Translate that into every language
The meaning is still the same
To my beautiful and caring fiance Adreishka 'Moonlight' Luciano.
 Apr 2013
THE SIGN* arrived, with masking tape,
stuck upon the door.
                                    TRASH BAG WARNING
it yelled
(with smiley face)
                                  ~I cannot see the floor!~

A sigh was heard
- by all the house -
the sign read ALOUD, once more.

                                                soon followed it, as my Batgirl
                                                >slammed< her door!

And maybe,
there was a curse or two;
Beneath her breath   repeated.
life went on,
with nothing wrong &
the pile of stuff depleted!

it took the loudest hour,
'til Batgirl opened her door.
Trash bag tied   with masking tape
& 'the amended sign' re-applied

                                             Holy tidy rooms,
                                             Batgirls' done it!                          
                                             DONE & DUSTED

                ­  Whilst         the P.S. made us both smile...                                                         ­        
                         ­             (Obviously not literally dusted, Mum, 
                                        but even you, The Joker, can get the gist!)"

*For-given the prior scene of teenage devastation... Batgirls' reply had been superhero swift!
True Story...

QUESTION: What to do with One teenage daughter + too much stuff & too much revision
< No time to tidy! =  :'( when we can't find anything?
SOLUTION: Give 24hrs warning of Mum donning full chemical suit & going in to tidy.
(Rule being that anything on the floor goes in the bag)

Remember to add some humour :D

Batgirl also added an illustration, of a duster over a vat of ACID with a cheeky explanation...

"Can our caped crusaders, defeat the devilish deeds of Mummy Linda, and escape in this episode:"

Um, no, sweet child of mine... Mummy has a duster and she knows how to use it... Mwahahahaha x
 Apr 2013
Skye Applebome
A broken heart is like a broken mirror. It's better to leave it broken rather than get hurt trying to fix it.
I found that quote online somewhere.
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