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 Apr 2013
I will love you like a flower loves rain in the summer and the summer loves the river.
I will want you like a believer wants a god and a god wants belief.
I will need you like a candle needs fire and that fire needs wind to calm it down.
I will hold you like a mother holds her newborn baby, and as her baby will someday hold the hand of a man, half as magnificent as you.
I will stay with you like your scar from a lighter and like the light that shows you the way.
I will love you like a flower loves rain in the summer and the summer loves the river.
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
I'm your father
I want you to read this very carefully
I want you to understand something
I love you
I will always be proud of you
I'm 17 years old now
You are just a thought
You do not exist yet
But I want to tell you this now
Just in case I never come home again
I love you
I want you to know
I wish I could be there for your birthday
Wrap the presents on Christmas
Give you the keys to the car
When you're on your first date
I want to give you the money
So you can buy whatever you want
But if circumstances arise and conflict that
Know my dear son
I love you
I will be watching over you
You are a Guerrero
A warrior
So bear through the obstacles
Stay in school
Get good grades
Don't make the mistakes I have made
Love ever minute of your life
It's fragile and still young
I want to watch you get married
Become the man I never was
Son I love you
You have made me proud
And you haven't even been born yet
Nor have I even consummated with your mother
But I want you to know
I am a part of you
I want you know nothing of me
Just know I am your father
That I love you
That I am proud of you
Son you have a bright future
Just never let anybody say you are worthless
Don't fight with your mother
She loves you
She had to adjust to taking care of you
I wish you never have to read this
Because if you do
Then that means I am deceased and gone
But know I love you
I wish I could be there to give you the things
I was never blessed with
I want you to know
I have been through a lot
And my biggest mistake I will make
Is not being there for you
When you come out of your mother
I want to cry when I see you
I want to hold you
I want to tell you I love you
Look into your eyes
And say "You're a better man than I"
Son I  love you
Never stop moving
Go forward and turn the world upside down
You made me proud
Long before you were born
Because you are my son
And I know you will go farther than me
Because you know I love you
Son Ti amo
Ask your mom what that means
You're not alone
I'm in your veins
I'm every breath you take
I'm you because you are me
You're my son
So son, go far
When it feels like a dream
That's when it is real

                                                 Sincerely, Your Father,
                                                              Robert L. Guerrero

P.S. I love you
Good night
Sweet dreams
Tell your mom I love her
Tell her good night for me
 Apr 2013
if you left,
to the icy cold waters,
or to the air, to just lay there limp,
or to the numbness,
or to the sinking away emotions, that will never return,
to the edge of the knife,
to the tip of the gun,
i would miss you.
i would care.
i would feel as if i missed out on an amazing chance to meet someone who i wish knew that did i care.
i would run after you.
i would run for you.
i would live for you.
i would try for you.
i would write for you.
i would.
i would.
i would.
mysterious stranger,
give me the honor to read your work,
give me the chance to learn,
to crack open your brain,
give me the chance to help.
let me try to understand
let me care
let the world see you
your amazing,
and something to be proud of.
because you inspire me.
because of you,
i opened my eyes.
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
Do you hear them?
There on the wind
Can you feel your blood curling?
Can you feel the chills crawl like spiders?
Can you taste the blood?
Can you taste the bitterness of horror?
Can you smell the decaying corpses?
Can you smell the fear present?
The screams of horror
Mutilation of the weak
The cries of help
Desecration of purity
Listen to them
Answer them
Because they are your own
Coming deep from within
 Apr 2013
I was told that the people you love
turn to ghosts inside of you
and like this, they survive.

But no one's ever told
how it feels to become the ghosts
that loathe being kept alive.
I've been gone, feedback is very welcome.
 Apr 2013
For Connar:**

I linger long for you
in the desolate wasteland
that is
my speechless silence.

Lusting for replies
to my love
that demands
and scorns.

Why would the rose
of fields so fertile
dare to touch
this trodden ground
and weathered?

Who am I
to claim
your ****** toes?

By: Devon Artis-White (4/28/13)
I own nothing, I just desperately wanted to share.
For more by this incredibly talented man visit
 Apr 2013
Look at this, I made for you,
with lungs and fingertips

I've painted the whole of me,
but you've always seen less.

I must have been afraid.
See how my knuckles trembled
to create something so large,
a human soul could fill it?

Don't look at it,
I'm bare.
See my face
in every stroke?

I'd rather turn from you
and quit this sick indulgence
but you must have always known
you'd claim this ruptured soul.

So I have given this nothing reason,

as I gave your darkness color,

and I have given this paint a purpose,

as I gave myself to you.
 Apr 2013
Julia Rae Irvine
Full of hate
Full of anger
Full of sadness
Full of broken pieces
Of broken parts
Of broken hearts

An ended life
A lifeless body
A bodiless soul

Hanging in the air

Full of blackness
Full of blankness
Full of emptiness


Full of confusion
Full of shame
Full of blame
Full of torture
Full of hurt

Full of regret
Full of fallenness
Full of worry
Full of worthlessness
Full of exhaustion

Full in death
 Apr 2013
Julia Rae Irvine
I want to hide away and cry
But it seems my eyes have both run dry

A bright spot in this haze of black
Would give me nothing but a heart attack

A heart attack might wake me up
But I'd just drink from your poisoned cup

Then I could go back to sleep
And be within the angels' keep

"The angels' keep, or the demons'?" you say
It matters not to me either way

As long as I don't have to wake
And I shall be all yours, for the take
 Apr 2013
Scot Powers
Standing, on the other side of lonely
looking in
waiting,like a becalmed sailor
for the wind
looking , for a reason not to shed
another tear
feeling like a paper doll tossed
by the wind

But those long goodbyes
are taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
strain our two lives
desperately , clutching the years

Talking,to help myself remember
who I am
Journeys a thousand miles out and back
I've been
discovering, what a loss and what a fool
I've been
hoping, for redemption and another
invite in

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears               x2
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately, clutching the years        

Seeing, you standing in my doorway
once again
knowing, that this is exactly where
you should have been
touching, softly kissing the one that
I've missed
loving,for forever it's always
where we've been

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately clutching the years      X2
a new one for the upcoming album.
 Apr 2013
Seán Mac Falls
I came to a courtyard of my own making,
To a cottage by the sea at the worlds edge.
I furnished it with my left over life, complete,
Barren and colorless and I wrote the newest
Book of psalms out of tinder and flame, a tome
Of grey and useless poems, unheard of songs
And reams of flesh.  There in the lightest dark,
By the Druid stone that was placed just for me,
I planted a creeping yew tree.  And the moon
Sang in celebration and silence like a fallen
                    Under the covering hazel trees,
That sprung to life after the longest winter,
Which taught me to forget my name, I now
Struggle with light and my body, warring, torn
Is fading slow, like the always arriving, down
Turning solstice, the climates of the mind,
Where it is digging the never ending shallow
Hole only the spreading eternal yew, that I
Planted, will ever know and only the Lazarus
Moon shall ever rise above.

I came to a courtyard of my own making,
Was it dream that led me there or my eyes?
 Apr 2013
Bentley Webb
Let your worst nightmares come true
As you remember this is all because of you
Let you burn in the pain you have given me
Just as I used too
Let you mourn over your true love
That you pushed away
As I reign in victory
Let your words be forgotten
Just as mine have
Let you drown in the tears I have cried
Just as I do
Let your days be long and weary
Just as mine had grown
As I reign in victory
Forever I though
For me and you
But forever just ended to soon
The sun didn't shine for awhile
But now you'll see my smile
You'll be sorry I know
For letting me go
I tried so hard to make you see
You were the only one for me
But now out story
Is ending fast
Is this it?
I'm starting to believe its true
But I know I'll never find anyone like you
But above all these things
I have wished for you
I hope you fall in love
And they leave you cold
Just a you did me
But my darkness hours are through
For now
As I reign in victory
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