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 Jul 2020
Timothy Meli
I lay under this starry night
Wishing you were here with me
But I know you're no longer mine.
My tears have dried,
The scars still hurt
I loved you but you chose him
I hope he will love you as I did
I hope he'll treat you as my former self did
Am faded and jaded
A shadowy remain of my former self
It hurts to see the one you love,love another
 Jul 2020
Timothy Meli
We were the rocking stars
Only us in the night
There she goes taking her light away
Breaking my heart to pieces
And now we are no longer the rocking stars
I am a lonely star
 Jul 2020
Timothy Meli
My blood keeps flowing,a cut deeply rooted in a promise unkept,a dream,perhaps wallowing in mere oblivion of a fake reality
A flared rage of a lost self,I tender the flickering embers of a broken me sheltered with the grace of a nonchalant society
Am sick of the blues

*Cry of a lost soul
 Jul 2020
Timothy Meli
My heart ached for her while hers for another
I felt a soothe in the void within
Holding on to a lost hope
An incentive that one day I'mma hear 'I love you'
Our stars aligned  in different nights
It broke my heart,a misery untold
The gods were never merciful to grant a reality
Blessed with inner beauty
Nature gripped my heart
And couldn't let go
But for the sake of peace
I gotta  let it fleet
And break free of hold
Wipe the tears away,
The pain consuming thy soul and fight for the strong

~Timothy Meli~
There is this girl I had a crush on,she told me she was taken and couldn't love me

— The End —