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 Dec 2016
devante moore
Did you think I'd fall apart
Thought you'd break my heart
Baby please
You'd never be as cold as me
This is a game you definitely won't win
Especially if your opponent is me
I'll break you
All the way down to your foundations
Set fire to your plantations
What you to good to say sorry
Well it wouldn't be enough
You started a war
And these bullet holes are going to fill you up
You could never hurt me
Cause I'm stronger then you'll ever be
 Dec 2016
Mike Adam
Only the moon
Defines our day
With orbit

Only sunshine
Allows our life

Only our ***
Creates our people

Only your love
Made me whole

Now moon drifts away
3.87 centimetres
Each year

The night shall stretch
And die

You left
All at once

Only I cry
I cry
I cry
 Dec 2016
devante moore
You said you love me
But you're a liar
Wrote the three words on a blank piece of paper
Then set it on fire
I gave you everything I had
Put my heart in your hand
All I ever ask was for your love
And in return
I'd give you all mine
Said I would never love you
But I change my mind
I'd do anything for you
But you wouldn't do the same
If I was on fire
You'd pour gasoline on the flames
If I had a gun in my mouth
You'd pull the trigger
Blowing out my brains
If I was drowning
You wouldn't reach out
To grab my hand
But I'd take that bullet for you
If we were in a crashing plane
Here you take the parachute
I'd step in the way of a stabbing knife
Give you my coat in a freezing night
Push you out the way
Of a car running a red light
I'd die for you
But I'm not sure if you would do the same
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Kick me
Slap me
Punch me
Bite me
Throw salt on my ****** wounds
Stab me with a knife
Poke me in the eye
Scratch me on the face
Beat me till I'm numb
Until I'm black and blue
Covered in bruises
And can't move my arms
Be mean I can take it
What you don't understand
Is I'll go through all this pain
So you don't have
 Dec 2016
devante moore
You're going to appreciate me when I'm gone
Who else is going to drive to your house
In the middle of the night
For a midnight talk
Who else is going to blow up your phone
When you disappear
Hoping nothing went wrong
Who's going to send you long *** texts
Every night
Hoping they start your day off right
As the sun rises
Out shining the moon light
Who's going to take you back
After you snuck off
And spent time with your ex
Bet you don't remember me wanting to take you "niece" to chuck e cheese
Before I knew she was more then just a niece
Who else would happily step up
And take care of the baby
Who else is going to stay awake
All night long
Trying to figure out what went wrong
I give and you just take
But you've made a mistake
If you don't think I notice how you treat me
I'm still here
But for how long
You're going to appreciate me when I'm gone
 Dec 2016
devante moore
If I needed you
Right this second
I've been shot
Hit by a reckless driver in a cab
It's an emergency
My life isn't just on the line
I feel myself dying
Bodies becoming cold like the pavement
My heartbeat
Is starting to fade
I'm fighting to stay conscious
But everything seems to be in a daze
And there's only one person I can think of
You said you'd miss me when I'm gone
Is that really true ?
Because I'm calling
Because I'm dying
And all I wanted to say
Is I love you
But as usual
I can never get through
"I'm sorry the person you have called has not set up there voicemail, goodbye"
**** oh well
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Her kisses where so passionate
That she use to bite my lips
And wherever her hands would lay
She would tighten her grip
The love she felt
Burned in her eyes
And I could see it on her face
There was no mistake
I was the one she loved
Past tense
Now when we kiss
It's like I'm kissing a ghost
One peck
And that's it
The word passionate wouldn't even come close
When we hugged
The way she held me
And how she buried her head in my arms
Made me never want to let go
I miss them
And in a way I'm still holding on
Hugging her
Even though she's not really there
Somewhere along the way
Something went wrong
And it affected the way
We hug and kiss
 Dec 2016
devante moore
This is Devante's mom
He's laid up in a hospital bed
He's on life support
Doctors say he's not doing to good
And by this time tomorrow he might be dead
He can't say much
He just blinks and nods his head
He told me to call
And to let you know he loves you

What would you do
If you got that call
From my mom
That I'm dying
As she tries to explain what happened
But she can't stop crying
Lying in a hospital bed
Head bruised
Arms crushed
Barley able to move my legs
Would you rush to be by my side
Even if you were instructed not to
Would you come to my aid
Stand outside my room door
If I didn't want you to come in
Would I be in your thoughts
Would you pray
And keep your fingers crossed
Hoping I'd pull through
If I died
How would you feel

I'm sorry
His heart has stopped beating
We were able to bring him back once
But the second time we lost him
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Look at me
What do you see
Am I a man to you
Do you even still claim me
Am I even your boyfriend
Look at me
Do you even love me
You look at me as if I'm ugly
Or unworthy to be in your presence
Look at me
Do you even realize how you treat me
You're royalty to me
But in your eyes
I must look like a peasant
Who can't afford to buy you a decent present
Look at me
All I ever did was love you
But you spat in my face
Smacked me back ant forth
Kicked the heart I handed you
And said you wanted nothing more then space
I want you to look at me
But I can see you just looking past me
Because if you did
You wouldn't liked the look on my face
 Dec 2016
devante moore
You said you loved me
But you let me go
Didn't stop me as I stormed out
And slammed the front door
I waited outside
Hoping to see my baby chasing me
But you never showed
And it killed me
Broke my heart
As I sat outside
Not knowing what to do
Should I yell or cry
Go for a Sunday night drive
You said you loved me
But you let me slip from your grip
And crack a smile
As you let me go
 Nov 2016
even though i don't understand,
i've watched him love you hard.

i've felt Olympus shake and i've
created supernovas on his behalf,
steadied my arrows and called out to my galaxies-
but, consistently, he quells me quiet and it's always then that i see it-
the warrior he is demands he doesn't give up on a battle
and Ares has been chasing Aphrodite too long to set a better example and i
hate to say it
but it's alarmingly beautiful.

father may have made a star,
but that lionheart made you a sun.

i have long preached that perfection takes time,
that my mother has a love so pure and perfect set aside for her,
but her heart caught on you.

war is love and love is war -
she has weathered battles in your name and each time i try to end the fight,
lay the final blow
she quiets my furies
with a hand on my chest and music in my ears.

Apollo has been chasing dawn too long to teach the lesson of patience,
but you were her dawn and mornings aren't the same, anymore.

she sings songs of you at daybreak
and i hum songs of war.
she pretends she isn't missing her star.
i try not to miss the sun.

Apollo told us from cribs that music heals over even the stormiest of skies,
Ares taught us as children to use our right hooks against any of the earth's discontent,
Aphrodite promised us as teens that one day we'll find her beauty and love triumphs all,

but, as adults, Erebus has blinded us and
Eros seems to have us ****** up.


Another collab with the extremely talented jayson m.
Check out his poetry, if you aren't already acquainted with him, because he's definitely my favorite poet.
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