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 Apr 2015
Down goes the night,
somehow I just can tell.
Another day with no sunlight
and I'll spend it in my cell.

I once did a bad deed,
I shooted someone in the head
then I ran, I quickly fleed,
before he dropped dead.

Yes, I had my reasons
for such a hideous crime,
but that doesn't help in prision
where I'm doing my time.

I know I had it coming...
I know justice was served.
but I hate to feel rotting...
Rotting in my cell...
One for J. Cash
 Apr 2015
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
 Apr 2015
Kiss me
As if
you are drowning
And your only
source of oxygen
Is my lips

Kiss me
As if
You want to know
how you taste
On my lips

Kiss me
As if
i am the
Only girl here
For you;
The only one you see

Kiss me
As if
you are a
wilting flower
And i'm the
first drop of rain

Kiss me
As if
my lips
Taste like freedom
And you have been a prisoner
Of the world's ways all your life

Kiss me
Like that is all
You have ever known
As if
You find yourself
Only when you get lost in me

Kiss me
And let the words Flow from
My lips to yours
And weave themselves
into poetry;
a poetry only we can feel

Kiss me
as if you are dying
and your only way
to salvation
is me

*He Kissed me
As if
Trying to tell me
How beautiful He thinks i'm
Without having
To utter A single alphabet
So, on twitter we were given a prompt: kiss me and i came up with these.

Anyway, is there a guy or girl who came in your mind while reading this? For me, it would be lily and james. Their love <3
 Apr 2015
I always thought that we'd be stronger than this.
That we'd be able to make it through anything.

We always said we could handle these storms.
That we'd love each other through anything.

And suddenly, when the storm begins,
You're ready to leave, and let us end.

Just like that, with absolutely no warning,
You told me "I just don't wanna be in a relationship right now."

Do you even know how broken I became
When you said that that day?

After a year and six months
It's no longer me that you want?
But I loved you so much it hurts..
Never mistreated you once.
I poured my heart out to you
Let down my guard, swear to God..
I'll blow my brains in your lap.
Lay here and die in your arms..
Drop to my knees and I'm pleading
I'm trying to stop you from leaving..
You won't even listen, so **** it.

You said you wanted to be friends
You asked me not to block you out

"I still want you. I still love you.
We'll get back together soon."

Well, sir, I'm not your safety net.
If you leave, I won't be here when you finally want me.

Even if we make it through this
I'll never feel the same

I used to be so comfortable
Now all that was in vain

Because now I know
I can't let my imperfections show

If I'm not perfectly perfect
You'll think I'm not worth  it

It's tearing me apart
I gave you all of my heart

I've never given so much
Just to be left in the dust

I love everything about you
So much that I'd rather hate you

I could never be your friend
That's why I don't want this to end
 Apr 2015

Down this pathway lush and green
Along a winding brook
Dragonflies on cattails play
Come on, let’s take a look

I heard it’s just around the bend
Take my hand, we’ll see
The place where fairies sing at night
Beneath an old oak tree

Sometimes I wonder,
When the wee fairies blink
Do they twinkle like stars
What do you think?

There! Do you see?!
Upon the pad of a lily
A fraggle of fairies
All acting silly!

I see, I see, right over there
With wings of precious gold
Dancing now the sun has set
I guess the truth was told

How many are there, can you see?
It looks to me like eight
I wonder when they’ll start to sing
It’s getting kind of late

I hear the sound of wind chimes
The song is about to start
There upon her lily stage
A fairy opens her heart

The sound of sweet enchantment
A love charm and a spell
I think this song is meant for us
I don't know how, but I can tell

You’re right, I hear her singing
A precious fairy tune
I feel the same way you do
Out here beneath the moon

You must know what this means
It's time I had that kiss
Under stars and moon, in forest Green
*Magic and love, abundant bliss
This is a collaboration with the girl who stole my heart. The one I write my love poetry for. Her verses are in italics.  :)
 Apr 2015
Please don't take
this feeling
I have found at last
This Feeling // Alabama Shakes
 Apr 2015
Lovin' so deeply, I'm in over my head
Over My Head // Alabama Shakes

"God, do I."

 Apr 2015
"We human beings spend our whole lives chasing after love. So when you find yourself in the extraordinarily rare position of being passionately loved in return by your beloved, please do not waste precious time worrying about whether their genitals are the right shape."
 Apr 2015
I realize now
that you never deserved
my heart.
For an old friend

 Apr 2015
I like you
because you don't need to search
the inseam of my blue jeans
to find my beating, pleading heart.
jesus ****, what is he doing to me?

 Apr 2015
The taste of your skin lingers
on my tongue
and I cannot get enough
 Apr 2015
You didn't love me, you just loved the thought of someone loving you
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