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 Apr 2016
Sia Jane
For hours, I tried to sleep.
The rain drums down on the tin roof;
the demons are knocking.
I see their tears stream down the window;
a cleverly designed artifice to distract
from their true intent.
I ignore their subtle attacks, but they always
find a way back in.
I watch their shadows drift in through
the windows;
morphing from one shape into another,
hovering around me,
their whispered breaths cloud the air –
there is barely a space unfilled by their presence.
I can’t seem to chase them away, and I’m
wrapped up into their world.
Empty, cold and alone,
my reality remains stranger than any dream.

© Sia Jane
 Apr 2016
I just heard, that Maple Syrup
Will stimulate your brain
It’s those Tau Peptides
That you will then retain

Even though, I have Diabetes
I just can’t wait to start
All that sugar, is bound to **** me
But at least, I should die smart
 Apr 2016
one more cast
one more line
one more level
one more time

I promise

One more time

No more parking lot walks
No more broke night talks
No more looking into mirrors
"What the ****?"

No more
after burners
the price to pay
sixteen  eighteen
every day

Still saying

One more time

I promise

One more  time
 Apr 2016
Deep breaths become chokes and gasps...
As the air seem to get thinner.
I had promised that I shall not fall today
for people to see.
But I had just realised...
That my eyes have already betrayed me.

So here I sit, out in the clear.
Out in the rain.
Face partially drenched from the spray.
Head turned away from passing umbrellas.
I thank god for the rain,
for even if they notice me.
They wouldn't be able to tell droplets from tears.
 Apr 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
******. I'm confused. You act like we're    together, then you act like I'm being used. When you write your poetry it strikes a chord in me, but you won't say and I'm too afraid to ask you see.  I think that we might be exclusive but it's hard to know.  Bring a toothbrush and bring some clothes. Is it the fact that I'm still legally bound? Or is it when you're drunk is the only time you want me around? You let me come over one night and just gave me your shoulder. That was the first time we just slept together. No ***, no attempts, just slept in pure innocence. We've had times since, just laying there. Holding eachother till dreams commence. Thing is, I need to know. What are we, where do you want this to go? One day I feel I am ready, take on a new journey, the next I'm scared and I don't want to be your hunny. I'm sure it's just because I don't know. Please tell me so I can go on with my show...
Just fyi, I'm legally separated and the divorce will be final in May.
 Apr 2016
lluvia de abril
After you left
                         I moved to a bigger house
as if I needed more space for my thoughts of you
as if I had the strength to
remember you

I measured the size of each room
and touched every corner
                of that tremendous place
                trying to guess how many moments
                how many of our early mornings
                                                       in embrace
                                                       it would take
                      to repel the shadows of emptiness
                      to turn the color and shade of my contempt

I opened each window
and closed my eyes, shutting out the
                wailing of a so tired heart
                holding the silence
                                              in all its weight
That day, I listened for the sound of your steps -in case you remembered to return what was once everything to me.
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