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 Dec 2016
When finally you meet
The darkness of soul
There a shallow heart beats

Alone in your sphere
The echoes implode
Chasms between you
And your dreams

Reluctant and resentful
Life lingers longer
And the heart
Hungers for more

Thankful and mindful
Now you are strong
So get out there
     And stop being a bore...(-:
Traveler Tim
is a place
where strong warriors
display self-control -
by finding their ground
and picking themselves up - collected.

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Dec 2016
Ma Cherie
Endless roads with shattered glasses,
they bur into an aching feet,
looking for some soft green grasses,
or anywhere to take a seat,

Travel on in distant darkness,
looking for a tiny light,
blinded by the endless starkness,
as you go off into the night,


Cherie Nolan © 2016
Metaphors for life ❤
winter bare her soul.

medieval trees reach up

for solstice and better days.

sing in silence and simplicity.

sing for those in  remembrance .

dark winter bares the soul, those

that believe. sing in silence.

one voice breaks.

dark winter.

 Dec 2016
Spirit is a unified field
in a state of perpetual expansion
seamless bliss
beyond the slings and arrows of creations drama
pain and pleasure
disappointment and gratifications
we live
in the
zim zum
A cauldron
hollowed out
of the the self effulgent light
the source
the theater of creation
a dark space of dynamic geometry
of fractious binary forces
a merciless churn
an atrocity for the evolution of individuation
pistons in motion
a cacophonous feng shui
a tangle of webs
a grand illusion
of energetics
kamikaze planets
hideous cruelties and voluptuous pleasures
a swarm of form
hydras in heat
countless lights casting inestimable shadows
a war between heaven
absolute order
and hell
absolute chaos
our lives
a medium
for the gods of struggle
until our heads a stone

the exit door
is pure spirit
breathing made conscious
the big hush
the royal yoga
waiting for the guileless
 Dec 2016
It's a new dawn as the sun kiss the grounds
where wet dew penetrates the green grass
fresh happenings opens like a lotus flower
giving some purity from the murkiest pond

Ohh gentle wind of this pristine winter
embrace me in the song of the unborn day
let the disuse be the productivity that I long
let the grieve be the rebirth of new hope

Ohh gentle warmth of the sun ray stroke
shine the light and guide me in the day
let the vision of my happiness unfold
let the rocky cliffs clear to never return

Ohh gentle rain from above the clouds
wash the stained fuelled thoughts today
let the pride of life don the paradise
let the joy of life exorcise the yesterdays
 Dec 2016
Existence holds
The upper hand
Temporary awareness
Is the big grand plan
Fire, flash back to grey
I pray these thoughts
   Do slip away...
Traveler Tim
 Dec 2016
Nishu Mathur
Today, I am gardening my life,
I'll root out  worrisome weeds,
Those thoughts that trouble me,
Cast them aside, those I'd never need.

I'll cut the grass of discontent
Layer it even, soft, green and sweet,
Smoothen  the furrows,
So I can run content, bare feet.

I'll water seeds planted with love,
Of friends made this year,
Friendships that bloomed,
That make life special, worth living and dear.

I'll welcome  butterflies,
And make homes for nesting birds,
With them, taste sun's ambrosia,
Soar and see the world.

I'll bask in the rainbow of colors,
Of blossoms brilliant bright,
And keep them sheltered,
When they sleep at night.

I'll capture the scented essence,
Of roses, jasmines and lilies
Place them in a jar,
My fragrant memories.

I'll love; rest and spend more time,
Under the shade of the  family tree,
Cherish every moment, every minute,
' Neath its precious canopy.

And I'll buy new saplings,
Sow them all carefully  in a row,
Of hopes, promises to me and mine,
And tend to them, make them grow
 Dec 2016
Keith Wilson
Suddenly  gone  very  quiet  here.
Main  tourists  now  long  gone.

Birds  and  animals  quiet  too.
No  morning  chorus.

Weather  stagnant, mainly  cloudy, no  wind.
And  surprisingly  no  sign  of  rain.

Trees  are  beautiful  though.
Leaves  of  rich  reds,  browns,  and  golds.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.

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