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Oct 2018 · 412
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Looking up at the same stars
Some are near and some are far
One green star in their constellations
Beyond their wildest imaginations

Whole worlds spiral in its wake
Following the path it takes
Through the coldest darkest places
Trails a frail pale blue oasis

Here is water, here is air
Do they know what else is there?
Here is lightning, here is thunder
How I wonder how they wonder

Imaging us with precision
Watching us on television
All these living moving beings
Do they know what they are seeing?

Crows and cranes and lions and lizards
Bulls and bears and wolves and wizards
Phoenixes, foxes, and pharaohs
Swans and eagles, harps and arrows

Soaring, singing in the night
Bright blue bird of paradise
Ever under one green star
Do they wonder what we are?
Oct 2018 · 186
I Will Be
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
When I die, will I be like I was before my birth?
I will be the Earth, my love
I will be the Earth
And then what shall I be when Sun and Earth shall become one?
I will be the Sun, my love
I will be the Sun
And what then when the Sun shall lay her veil upon the dark?
I will be the stars, my love
I will be the stars
And what will I become when all the stars no longer shine?
I will be the sky, my love
I will be the sky
Oct 2018 · 188
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
A cloud falls
Makes the trees grow
Makes the flowers bloom

A cloud falls
Dressed in rainbows
Silver as the Moon

The Sun shines
Makes the sea fly
Up into the sky

The Sun shines
Dressed in rainbows
Bringing us her light
Oct 2018 · 192
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
O if I could share my soul
My inner light with you
But I know we share one soul
And this is your light too

O if I could share my stars
And let them shine on you
But we are made of the same stars
And you are shining too
Oct 2018 · 752
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
  infini                     éternel
                 ça gravite                               fusionnelle                 
une orbite                                    arc-en-ciel  
tous les ondes                                    rayonnant        
tous les mondes                               scintillant           
                    éternel                     comme espoir       
dans le ciel sacré-noir
Oct 2018 · 1.0k
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
We all live on a little island
In a vast and endless sea
Our words and wonders warp into
A rippling soliloquy

And when the Sun goes down
We see the other islands all aglow
Like candles in a chandelier
Our little archipelago

The brave ones sailed their ships away
To see what they could see and learn
And some of them brought back strange tales
And some of them did not return

And still we stand upon our island
Singing songs along the quay
All wandering and wondering
And throwing bottles in the sea
Oct 2018 · 130
Moon Dance
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
The way the blossom turns toward the Sun
The way the ocean dances with the Moon
The way that nature bends into the One
This is the way that I am drawn to you
Oct 2018 · 702
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
If we should set the Earth on fire
And build our own funeral pyre
If we should melt the ice and snow
And drown the world
Where will we go?

A firebird on burning wing
The oceans deep no more to sing
The stars to never more be seen
Never more blue
Never more green

No more pandas
No more geckos
No more music
Only echoes
Never more a foal, a calf
Never more a smile, a laugh

There must be something we can do
It's up to me
It's up to you
For we who burn the Earth like churls
Can never buy another world
Oct 2018 · 219
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Where does my mind go
When I sleep
And what company
Does it keep
Down in the deep
Who holds its shape
What creatures haunt
That strange landscape

Follow the shadow
Through the night
Hollow the halo
Only light
And weave my mind up
When I wake
A dark form rising
From a lake
Oct 2018 · 147
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
How can I judge someone else?
I could never know their soul.
And how can I judge myself?
I could never be impartial.
I cannot judge humans
Nor can I judge other animals
And so when all is said and done
I cannot judge anyone
Oct 2018 · 740
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
tick tock tick tock                                 second hand
just another                                       grain of sand
tick tock tick tock                       seconds pass
which grain                                   of sand
will be                                   the last?
spilling                    falling
like a fountain
   into a mountain
  all until  the glass is filled
and there is     nothing left to spill
tick tock tick tock                 seconds pass
like a river                               smooth as glass
tick tock tick tock                             second hand
where the water                                meets the sand
Oct 2018 · 788
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
A dragon deep inside, it's true
I know you are a dragon too
And when we do what dragons do
I feel that savage part of you

All woven up in twisted seam
Waiting in darkness deep, unseen
So civilized, that's how we seem
But we are dragons when we dream
Oct 2018 · 110
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
We shine our own soul on the rainbow
Weave the Moon a painted halo
Faint and pale glow in the night
We write our beauty on the light
Oct 2018 · 854
Bluer than Blue
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Shorter wavelength,
Bluer hue
Shouldn't violet be
Bluer than blue?
We can't see ultraviolet
So instead
We pick up shorter waves
As blue and red
We think of color as a wheel
But color is the way light feels
It looks so real
But in our heads
Bluer than blue is blue and red
Oct 2018 · 96
In a Cloud
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Soft pearl grey
Dark I cannot see the stars
I am in a cloud
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
13 Questions
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Do they wonder
Do they feel
Do they ******
Do they steal
Do they whisper
Do they sing
Do they have eyes
Do they have wings

Are they golden
Are they grey
If they know us
Can they say
Would they understand our questions
Will the search be neverending?
Oct 2018 · 338
Far Away
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
Far away we dream of you
In a sunbeam, in the blue
Far away we seem as one
How deep you dream
Beyond the Sun
Oct 2018 · 107
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
I know who you are
And I think you're wonderful
Soul became a song
Oct 2018 · 117
Inside Out
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
We've become
Strong enough to turn the world
Inside out
Oct 2018 · 234
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
We try to act like we know
Why we do the things we do
The more I watch the way we act
The less I think that's true

We try to act superior
Feel smug, look down our nose
But we are all just animals
With tools and books and clothes

That's not to say there is anything
Wrong with me or you
I think it's quite incredible
What animals can do

But we are little creatures
On a rock made out of stars
Let's not lose our head in the clouds
And forget what we are
Oct 2018 · 609
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
many stars
spilled like seeds across the sky
waiting to become alive
as we are

what am I
staring out into the sky
bright enough to wonder why
only stars
Oct 2018 · 3.1k
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
That little airplane that I see
Is full of people just like me
As I look up do they look down?
Bright patchwork quilt, a candy town
Green squares for lawn and gold for sand
I bet they're glad it's time to land
For pilots, just a break and then
They shall return to fly again
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
Ciel Noir Oct 2018
I’ll tell you, I am not ashamed
I was afraid to get on that plane

I was so young and full of doubt
I think I almost chickened out

And yet within that doubt I found
Understanding, common ground

With someone who showed me the way
I followed
Someone brave
Sep 2018 · 135
The Rain
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
How far away
       God is in the sky
Particles and waves
       God is in the light
Rainbows and rays
       God is in our brains
Circles and serpents
       God is in the rain
Sep 2018 · 495
Starlight Star Bright
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Only sometimes
I wish I could fly
Rush like the weather
And dance on the sky
Ride on the shining night
Where the wind sings
Only sometimes
I wish I had wings
Sep 2018 · 198
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Shaking the monotony
Of soliloquy
Sep 2018 · 152
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
somber grey
rough matte texture of mountain
just another stone
Sep 2018 · 240
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Every time someone forgives me
I forgive someone else
And so on until we
Wash the whole world clean
Sep 2018 · 360
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
♦   ♦  
   ♦ The  ♦    
♦  Hidden ♦
♦  Diamonds  ♦
♦  No one knows  ♦
♦I mixed them in with♦
♦But you can see from♦
♦ Where I stand a  ♦
♦ Constellation♦
    ♦In                ♦  
     ♦The        ♦    
♦   ♦

Sep 2018 · 117
No More
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
One day there will be no more
Sep 2018 · 129
Hope and Fear
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
There is hope and there is fear
Can't have one without the second
If you don't know but you care
Then hope and fear both loudly beckon

There is hope and there is fear
Both of them are always here
One helps you run, one helps you cope
But if you have a choice, choose hope
Sep 2018 · 171
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Some people are happy just to have dinner
Others eat cake and wish they were thinner
Some people are happy with just one love
Others need everyone to lift them up above
Some people are happy just to sleep inside
Others mad at their mansions because of their pride
Some people are so grateful for what they've got
That it makes even a little seem like a lot
Others may seem to have the most
But they always need MORE
Like a hungry ghost
Sep 2018 · 94
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Not long ago did someone see
A golden serpent in a tree
A raven took the snake away
But evermore its shadow stays
Sep 2018 · 976
The Pit
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
this is a pit                                                              ­          and into it
we throw our garbage                                           and our ****
       our grease                                                           ­      and grit    
   our slime                                                            ­and swill
  and all the people                                     that we ****
flotsam and jetsam                           film and oil
compacted into                              fertile soil
beneath the steep         and jagged *****
     there grows         a single flower

Sep 2018 · 94
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
I'd flow right through the table but for
the electrons
in my hand
it's all so
I can't explain
I wish that I could understand
Sep 2018 · 170
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Lily bright
Sparkle with exotic spice
Sweeten the twilight
Sep 2018 · 730
The Dark
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
shades and shadows all around
watching when the Sun goes down
all the darkness of the night
  leads us to  an inner light
                       understanding     who we are                              
            written out      between the stars  
       in the lines     upon our hands
reading patterns in the sand          
  in the crystal            in the yarrow
in the tea leaves             in the Tarot        
   answers in the            form of riddles
      something missing            in the middle              
                         priestesses            and necromancers          
     asking oracles            for answers        
        we believe            we see a spark
  but we are shining in the dark
Sep 2018 · 182
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
we see a face
a solid                          shape
handful                     ­                 of stars
no time         and empty space         no place
              no words             to erase doubt               no way              
without a
Aug 2018 · 1.1k
Rose Tree
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
I dreamed that I was
high up in an oak tree
white flowers like roses
on my left hand side
woven up like a vine
among the branches
I was
so still
peaceful inside
Aug 2018 · 131
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
If there are spirits
What are they made of
Are they really anything
To be afraid of?
Aug 2018 · 497
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
Some say that freedom is
Wild emotion
Animal lust
Running through the forest
With no shoes
No words
Then none who is free
Can say what freedom is

Some say that freedom is
Rising above emotions
On the wings of the mind
Then none who is free
Knows what freedom feels like

I say that freedom is
The ability to choose
Between these states of mind
At will
Or even
To combine them

Only then can we truly understand
Only then will our whole soul be
And know what it feels like to
Aug 2018 · 448
Other star
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
Other star
Bathes me in her eerie light
Casting strange shadows
Aug 2018 · 130
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
Behold the wish to look upon the self
Behold the wish to see what others see
What does the mirror see?
What does the mirror see?

The mirror of the Sun is the Moon
The mirror of the Moon is the sea
What does the mirror see?
You and me
What does the mirror see?
Aug 2018 · 154
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
If you got this far
You can go a little further
Just a little further
Day by day
And day by day
Go further and further
Still a little further
Till you go the whole way
Aug 2018 · 333
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
..                only                                          
­               star fire                          melts              together
       ­   say my only                       say                  forever
       bright    electric                    shining          through
  ­   only              shines                so bright        as you
   opportunity       and                 treasure
  rush and rule and ring               and                record
casting down            their               crowns together
say my                          only                say forever
Aug 2018 · 19.7k
By Any Other Name
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
I took          a trip
I took                a look
That tree could read me
Like                      a book
And                 open me
Like a             library
Cipher      in the
Still deeper
Inside the place
Where           secret
Knowledge         hides
The twin snakes ladder
Necklace              chain
Make life        by any
Other           name
Aug 2018 · 280
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
the way
the                   wave
the                          sphere
God's                   ­       shape
only                         power
God                     has
no face
Aug 2018 · 382
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
I look up
To a soft and smoky sky
Single shining star
Aug 2018 · 564
How Deep
Ciel Noir Aug 2018

a word


a thing

here a feeling
there a scale

here a thought
there a tail

here a whisper
there a wing

O how deep that dragon sings

here a letter
there a number

page by page
it takes shape

in its sleep


from its


Aug 2018 · 327
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
If just for a moment
We could all just stop
And breathe
And let the world go on

If just for a moment
We could all be still
Our silence would
Be like a love song
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