He used to watch her dancing in the courtyard on summer morns
she would sing with the birdsong in such sweet harmony
her voice was made of sapphire skies,
and with such wondrous words golden and true
She had always lived in solitude
and did stand out from the crowd
she was chaste by men, yet did not care for them
most women looked at her with slime green wicked envy
Then one night whilst he laid in his bed reading
he saw touch lights reflected on his ceiling
so jumping out of bed he put on his gown
and by the window he saw a jeering crowd
Women were hissing cursing and laughing
men were jeering and shouting
he watched the little song bird be dragged
beaten and frog marched to the court house
With heart beating in his throat
he put on his slippers and overcoat
what was this outrageous hullabaloo
why hurt such a creature so golden and true
Outside the courthouse there was a mighty throng
the judgement they deemed on her did not take long
fighting hard he nudge through the maddened mob
has the town gone mad, he cried skyward to God
Then the crowds did part as armed guards flanked the door
as the pale and frightened woman was dragged to prison
people were screaming at her calling her a witch and *****
they kicked and spat on her and did vile unthinkable mores
That evening he consigned himself to her fate
he just hoped that all was not too late
walking up the the prison gates in the rain
he bribed with silver the door keeper to let him in
Down he was escorted to the darkest the deepest cells
hands from behind bars pleaded for help in this living hell
then down this long corridor he spied his end
then down an iron ladder he did descend
A lone cell here did he spy in the dim light
he clutched at his hand till his knuckles turned white
facing the guard he asked him to ascend
with a few more he left in the end
He could hear her crying bitterly in her cold damp cell
he sneaked slowly on tiptoes to the iron reinforced wooden door
through the open shutter he saw her crumpled body in the comer
as the witch finder had claimed that she was the devils daughter
In the morning she was to be burnt in public,in their courtyard
the same courtyard that she had danced and sweetly sung in
he whispered her name through the bars with tears in his eyes
he so wanted to tell her that he loved her, before she would die
He was powerless to help her, he knew that
she crossed the cell floor and he took off his
through the bars he stroked her delicate pale wrists
she leaned forward and gave him her last tearful kiss
Telling her that he had always loved her from afar
as she was his joyful angel and his brightest star
he cried how can they do this to you
one of such beauty golden and true
By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris
© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)