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I see the sky slowly melt before my eyes
As I sit upon this wall, contemplating it all,
contemplating it all

The moon arrives slowly through the fog
A sweet smile appears, only she's not
smiling at all.
Contemplating it all, contemplating it all.

The shadows appear taller as darkness falls
Contemplating if the stars align for cause
or just because.

Contemplating it all, contemplating it all

Little night lights appear as sunlight begins
to fall

The world stays beautiful through it all,
through it all.

The ugliness doesn't disappear, but the
pain fades little by little
through it all.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
All my life I've searched for love-
It is only in the recent years I have
ceased searching and continued working
on myself that I have had many
opportunities surpass me by.

I am not a slave to the love I give
nor am I slave to the love that
is given.

I will not succumb to a perpetuating
misogynistic fool that only wants me
because I want what he thinks is real

I am not a follower of faith, nor a lover
or guided by "Gods" misguided ways

You may be offended by this statement
but please remember we are all
individuals and different.

Practicing spirituality in several
different ways.

Each of us with our own opinions
Never forgetting the rhythm of
our heart beats

No opinion nor religion can surmount
the fact that consequentially-
we are HUMAN.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
Life slips by so quickly
in an instant you've
lost your way

My voice echos
on into infinity

Forever guiding you home
Where I'll always be

My heart; a loving place
you can forever call home
© 2014 Christina Jackson
My only inspiration has been lost in a sea of wires and network cables. Forever gone....
You have always been
my second mother
Like the second coming
of Christ.
Always with a burning
passion, controlling what I do.
I had not realized what you
truly were to me-
Until quite recently

It was not the admirer I had
looked up to for 20 something years.
You were my greatest downfall I
had ever stumbled upon.

With those baby blues and
perfect blonde hair-
You were everything they wanted
and I was the one to spare.

In passing, I realized I was not
the child you foresaw me to be
Yet, the undying rebel lived so
graciously inside of me.

You grew stricter with age
and embellished the love
you gave away.

I had not noticed your prudent
ways until I saw you calm-
Cold and ungrateful for what I
had become.

You never wanted me.
I was always a living fantasy

A child you conjured up
in your head.
I hadn't peaked your breed
of the living dead.

It was never enough for you-
Always put off by who I
aspired to be.

It's okay- I've been found
guilty of everything you
never wanted me to be.

You don't have to like one another
to love one another.

And I don't love you like
the womb that bore me into this

I am just as good as you, yet you're
the symbolic definition of perfection.

I'll never live up to your unrealistic
I was a fool to think you'd ever want
me for who I'm truly to be.
In my dying days-
You are not welcome

You'd promise so much
and leave me with
such an unloving welcome.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
A drop of solitude-
takes me away

Passes the fortitude
of my dying days

The elixir of pain-
Draws away my
suffering breath

Curses my youthful ways

A drop of solitude-
Is much to little to

A glass of oak barreled
brown deliciousness

Expects nothing but-
My lying ways

Heaven held in a bottle
is where I'll comfortably stay
© 2014 Christina Jackson
It was by night I pondered the day
In between the hours of wake and sleep
My mind wandered far, far and away…
© 2014 Christina Jackson
I'd tremble at the thought of your touch

That ever awakening blissful feeling
when your hands moved up and
down my spine

Sensually daunting thoughts enter my mind-

A shock of pain quivered through every
lonely bone of mine

I don't own the skin I'm living in,
I shed like a snake leaving leftover
moments of borrowed time.

Those moments gone now, slipping
slowly through the looking glass
of my eyes

All that you are and ever will be
Is just a fading memory
Lost in between the cracks and
crevices of time.

She is yours, and sadly I've been left behind.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
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